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How To Unplug To Reconnect

Sara El Haouari, founder of Healing OM Spiritual Coaching, is a spiritual coach, energy healer, and somatic alignment facilitator. Shaped by a tumultuous childhood and personal adversity, Sara has learned to harness the power of self-discovery for inner healing.

Executive Contributor Sara El Haouari

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you simply switched off your phone for two days? In today’s hyper-connected world, we are always one swipe away from distraction. But what if true freedom wasn’t being plugged in, but being disconnected? I recently went completely off-grid for a weekend, and what I discovered about myself will surprise you. Here’s what happened—and how you can do it too.

Happy woman sitting on a pier and getting inspired by the beautiful nature

The experiment: Going off-grid

In today’s fast-paced, always-online society, our phones have become extensions of ourselves. We wake up, check notifications, scroll endlessly, and go to bed with our phones nearby. For years, I convinced myself that being available 24/7 was non-negotiable. Until one day, I did something radical: I switched off my phone for an entire weekend—can you believe it? Two full days of no notifications, no texts, no social media, nothing.

This wasn’t just about disconnecting from the digital world; it was about giving myself the freedom to just be—something I hadn’t experienced since I got my first phone 19 years ago!

What I discovered: A flood of free time

Time is a curious thing. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet when my phone was off, it felt like I gained extra hours. The simple act of not reaching for my phone every few minutes opened up space for other activities. I found myself with an unexpected amount of time to think, reflect, and act.

But you might be wondering, were there any noticeable changes? Absolutely!

  • Ideas flowed freely: Without constant distractions, my mind became fertile ground for new ideas. I wasn’t consuming other people’s thoughts—I was creating my own.

  • Increased productivity: It felt like I achieved more in two days than I had in weeks. Without the temptation to procrastinate, I focused entirely on tasks that had been lingering on my to-do list.

  • Deepened self-connection: I reconnected with my sense of adventure, fun, and creativity. I danced, I created art, and—believe it or not—I got bored. That boredom allowed space for deeper introspection.

  • Emotional surfacing: With no distractions, long-buried emotions began to bubble to the surface. I had to confront feelings I had been avoiding, which turned out to be liberating rather than frightening.

The hidden costs of phone addiction

Our phones have become a source of instant gratification—a quick dopamine hit every time we check a notification. But beneath that convenience lies a darker reality: we are slowly becoming disconnected from ourselves.

Here’s why:

  • Constant distraction: Phones steal our attention and make it difficult to stay focused on any one task for long. Studies show that, on average, people check their phones 96 times a day—that's once every 10 minutes!

  • Procrastination enabler: How often have you delayed a task because you were scrolling through social media? A study by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz found that 63% of adults admit they procrastinate due to digital distractions.

  • Emotional avoidance: Many of us use our phones to distract ourselves from uncomfortable emotions, avoiding the self-reflection we truly need.

How to do your own digital detox

Let me introduce you to the power of switching off and rediscovering your freedom. Here’s how you can experience your own digital detox for a weekend or longer:

  1. Prepare ahead: Let people know you will be offline and set an automatic response to manage expectations. This takes away the element of worry!

  2. Plan activities: Fill your time with things you enjoy or have been putting off—read, create art, go for a hike, or simply rest and do nothing.

  3. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, emotions, and observations during your phone-free time.

  4. Create boundaries: Use this opportunity to rethink your relationship with your phone. Set rules for how and when you will use it once the detox is over.

  5. Embrace boredom: Let yourself feel the discomfort of doing nothing. It’s where deeper thoughts and emotions emerge.

  6. Celebrate your accomplishment: Reflect on the experience and acknowledge the clarity and peace it brought you.

The result: Reconnecting with yourself

After two days without my phone, I felt more in tune with myself than I had in years. There was a newfound sense of mental clarity, profound awareness, and emotional depth. Without the constant noise and pressure of being connected, I noticed a shift in my perception. The mundane started to feel magical again—the quiet moments became opportunities for gratitude.

I became more mindful of how much energy I had been giving away to distractions, and I realised how much more powerful and centred I felt when my focus was solely on the present. This experience was a reminder that, sometimes, the greatest gift we can give ourselves is a break from the world. I felt a deep appreciation for this small act of disconnecting, which had such a profound impact on my well-being.

The beginning of a more intentional life

The time has come to break free from the distractions that are holding you back—what do you think? If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, or stuck in habits and emotional patterns that no longer serve you, I am here to help.

I know, taking that first step towards intentional living is the hardest, but it leads to lasting, powerful change.

Get in touch today, not tomorrow. Today you are ready—trust me! Let’s work together to clear away the noise, reconnect with your true self, and create a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Sara El Haouari


Sara El Haouari, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer & Somatic Alignment Facilitator

Shaped by a tumultuous childhood and personal adversity, Sara has learned to harness the power of self-discovery for inner healing. Through her own transformative journey, she has discovered her purpose: assisting others in navigating past pain, transcending limitations, unlocking the courage to manifest their best lives, and discovering true freedom.



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