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How To Unmute Your Visionary Voice

Written by: William Rees, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We may have never met, but one thing I know for sure about you is that You Are A Visionary. You may be instantly fired-up and flattered to be described in this way. Or perhaps you feel intimidated being characterized with that term. You may have already sent your brain back into your past to scan for any ideas or endeavors that you might now dare to describe as remotely visionary.

It’s most definitely a big, bold word – Visionary. A word typically attached to inventors of automobiles, iPods and Magic Kingdoms. A word reserved for rebels, rockstars and world changers.

You, like I, probably do not fit into most of those above categories. But there are a few that we all definitely do.

First off, each and every one of us are Inventors – continually conjuring and creating our own unique lives from scratch. And we are all World Changers too – equipped and intelligent enough to continually impact the people and places we interact with in our day-to-day lives.

What exactly we do (or do not) impact and invent, and how we do (or do not) change our world all traces back to the Visionary Voice within each of us. Unfortunately, recognizing and respecting the Visionary Voice we each possess inside us isn’t always a clear-cut or convenient interaction. (More on that later.)

Here are 3 simple steps to unmute and fine-tune your own Visionary Voice in order to reveal a pitch-perfect future that amplifies your natural ability to create and innovate.

Step 1: DIAL IN

Your heart, mind, and soul are continually sending and receiving signals from one another. Together they’re a keen and clever communication network sharing crucial data as to who you authentically are, what you’re most in need of, and which paths can propel you further into a full and fulfilling life.

Your Visionary Voice resides within all these messages and sources, and the first step in honoring this Voice is simply to dial down the nagging noise of the outside world and dial in delicately to the meaningful messages being relayed inside you. Messages about your thriving or declining relationships, your job satisfaction, your haziest hopes and most vivid daydreams about how you could expand your current and future gifts.

A few times a week, practice scanning for and dialing into these inner messages – your ebbing and flowing feelings of inspiration, longing, discomfort, boredom, or peace – then simply experiment with recognizing these unspoken signals as wishful whispers from your Visionary Voice.

Notice what it feels like to tune into yourself in this respectful, reverent way, and to regard yourself as a recipient of Visionary messages.

Step 2: DECODE

Now, instantly release yourself from the expectation that building a Visionary Life is based solely on flashy bolts of epic inspiration.

Those are one type of super-charged message our inner selves send to us, but our Visionary Voice speaks to us in many other, less booming ways as well.

We’re often being ushered by more muted messages inside itchier feelings – feelings like boredom, frustration, disconnection, or emptiness. Understandably, we tend to interpret these mopey messages as signals that we don’t know what we’re doing or that whatever weak and jumbled Visionary Voice we may have had inside us at some point has now suddenly gone radio silent.

Free yourself from the unrealistic pressure to be feeling and following an endless barrage of exciting lightning bolts, and broaden your definition and recognition of Visionary signals to include a wider and less flashy array of feelings.

When a clear or recurring feeling of dissatisfaction or disconnection shows up in your day job, or your dinner dates with your bestie, or your weekend routine – Decode the invitation inside those messages. Decipher what it is that your ever-evolving soul might want to alter or elevate in your life to make your career, your relationships, and your one and only life adventure a richer and more rewarding one.

We are all recipients of Visionary messages, but we can’t honor or amplify the messages if we don’t carve out the time and courage to decode and decipher the invitations and opportunities inside these messages.

Step 3: SYNC-UP

Having honed your ability to identify and interpret the voice of your inner Visionary, you have now set yourself up to successfully live in sync with the wisdom and rhythms of the messages within you.

We often, unfortunately, tend to disregard and dispute the Visionary brilliance inside of us. It can seem the protective and practical thing to do at times.

“If I don’t try, then I can’t truly fail,” is just one of the ways we’ll try to ignore our Visionary Voice’s call.

But the intuitive and enterprising spirit of our Visionary Voice is strong and steady and can not be silenced. Sooner or later, constructing a life significantly out of sync with the Visionary Voice inside us will only send us further into dispiriting dead-ends.

As a Certified Life + Mindset Coach, I’m partnering regularly with clients who built their careers around a fallback Plan B and have slowly realized they need and deserve a Plan A path for their future. Clients who set aside creative gifts and goals in the name of leading cushier but colorless lives. Clients who boxed themselves into identities the outside world persuaded them to take on rather than the unique individuals they sensed they were inside.

It’s not always easy to live in sync with the Visionary Voice inside us. It involves vulnerability, courage, stamina, and high-stakes stumbles.

But I’ve seen that it’s much harder to live continually out of sync with the Visionary Voice inside us. That atonal, arrhythmic kind of existence breeds ever-growing bitterness, stress, envy, and irritation inside us.

And why wouldn’t it? The Visionary wit and wisdom inside of you can not and will not be found anywhere else in the world – ever. It longs to be used, to be useful. To invent extraordinary experiences and relationships and change the world for the better.

What would it look like to sync up with this noble, needed voice inside you? Tonight? This week?

What one step could you take in the days ahead to live in tune with the Visionary Voice you’ve been gifted with in order to invent a better, brighter world?

Wanting to sharpen your Visionary Voice and dial down insecurity and self-doubt?

Download THE KEYLIGHT SOURCEBOOK: 7 Brilliant Tools to Unlock an Inspired Life from award-winning Coach and Life Strategist William Rees.

Follow William on Instagram and visit his website for more info!


William Rees, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

William Rees is a leading Career and Wellbeing Coach and the founder of Keylight, the top-tier coaching practice renowned for empowering individuals and duos to cast their endeavors in vibrant and visionary light. Drawing upon his two decades as an award-winning filmmaker, Rees instills a cinematic sense of adventure and wonder into the personal and professional pursuits of his diverse roster of clients. Honoring the idea that The Greatest Art Form is Life Itself, Keylight’s poetic and powerful approach to self-development quickly unlocks clarity and creativity for uniquely inspired living.

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