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How To Unleash Your True Self – 3 Paths To Overcome Fear And Doubt

Anna Choi is an Energy Master, Qigong Tai Chi Instructor, and Taekwondo Black Belt. After burning out from her wealth management and event consulting business, she hit rock bottom. She met her two enlightened energy masters transforming her life into a singer songwriter performance artist, 2x TEDx speaker, & Amazon No.1 International Best Selling Author as Founder of SolJoy with Anna Choi SPC.

Executive Contributor Anna Choi

Unlocking your true potential starts with overcoming the fears and doubts that hold you back. In this article, we explore three powerful paths to help you break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace your authentic self.

Martial arts competition, young man kick wooden board

What are your biggest blocks to unleashing your truest self?

To unlock your true self overcoming doubt and fears, you must penetrate those layers to the true self with your awareness.

Imagine concentric circles with your True Self or Soul at the center. To embody your Soul, your awareness needs to penetrate each layer of your.

Thoughts > emotions > beliefs > preconceptions > doubts > fears

Interestingly enough, these layers correspond to the layers of your brain from the outer prefrontal cortex, into the limbic system of your emotions, down to the brain stem firing the amygdala designed to survive.

Your awareness has to be strong enough to stay centered amid all the noise of your programming. This includes your ego, upbringing, societal expectations, media and news, and inner triggers and reactions from survival mode.

Image photo of Anna Choi

The more consistently centered you are, the more your soul power takes over the ego’s programming of what is possible for you or not.

How do you cultivate stronger awareness to penetrate your preconceptions and grow your soul power?

Here are 3 paths to grow your soul power over ego power

1. Grant more space and silence in your life

To force your ego to face the noise within. This can be done as a silent retreat at home or traveling to a retreat center with a community. A practice I continue since the pandemic are silent periods. I let my 12 year old son and husband know I’m going into silence, then only talk to them with a whiteboard during those periods. I find that my anger melts and bliss blossoms.

2. Face fears intentionally than wait when they arise

Constantly be clear on what fear you’re going after. As a black belt in Taekwondo–I’m constantly facing fears on the mat, whether sparring, testing or many other things I have no idea how to do working out 3x/week alongside 12-14-year-olds in their prime. Here’s my last belt test from last Saturday, where I showcased new forms and weapons. We meditated all together right before starting the belt promotion test. In doing so, I was able to calm the nerves, as did my peers, and right before sparring with someone 3x my weight, I had an out-of-body transcendent experience. I kid you not, time slowed down or stopped, noise from outside became muted, and it was as if I could see what was about to happen being 100% present in this moment. No thoughts, no emotions, just the “zero point” or void it’s sometimes called.

It felt so nourishing, like sitting at the bottom of a deep ocean of peace. Never have I experienced this during taekwondo, conditioning, and surely not a belt test. Fear disappeared and I was home. I was able to then relax and enjoy the rest of the 2-hour test.

Imagine living life from this space of nothing or zero point. What could be possible?

3. Trust “the how” will unfold itself and take action anyway

This requires developing your will over your analytical thinking of figuring out how to meet your goal.

I’ve discovered over 20 years that when I force an outcome it rarely goes to plan. Now I imagine specific outcomes and milestones, take actions, and allow my Soul to partner with me in co-creating the outcomes. Especially post-pandemic, a super-defined plan where all the variables and assumptions will change became a waste of energy.

But the biggest energy suck is over-strategizing how to meet your goal, and instead focus all energy on being the feeling you will feel after the goal is met to attract higher vibing people and opportunities.

I used to be like a terrier who will keep moving forward with the plan no matter what to perform and be my word (often to my wellbeing’s detriment). While that approach has its merits and can be used in specific situations, using that approach every time was exhausting.

Now, I take action in the face of doubt and fear, confront the feelings I’m scared will happen if I fail, let them flow through, and focus on the feeling I want if the outcome is met. You’re only focused on what you want or don’t want at any moment.

I find another way that helps me become centered and confront my feelings is through Somatic Mindful Exercises. This is a great way to move your body, connect with your emotions and allow you to become more centered and focused.

Why not focus just on what you want? What you don’t want naturally melts away. Then trust the next step will reveal itself. As simple as this sounds, many clients when asked, “What do you want?” have a hard time with specifics. Typically it’s all very similar: I want to travel, have more freedom, have a stronger marriage or quality relationship, and make lots of money. But when asked, “then what?” They draw a blank. It gets vague real fast.

The funny part is that they don’t really want the goal. They want the feeling the goal gives them. You can generate that feeling of the goal met now. Then see what arises.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Anna Choi


Anna Choi, Energy Master

Anna Choi is an Energy Master, Qigong Tai Chi Instructor, and Taekwondo Black Belt. After burning out from her wealth management and event consulting business, she hit rock bottom. She met her two enlightened energy masters transforming her life into a singer songwriter performance artist, 2x TEDx speaker, & Amazon No.1 International Best Selling Author as Founder of SolJoy with Anna Choi SPC.

SolJoy serves high-achieving, impact-driven, mindful community leaders, entrepreneurs and executives to shift from burnout to brilliance, unleashing their soul's joy. Serving thousands of students, SolJoy specializes in somatic mindfulness, moving meditations, and healing martial arts to tap into boundless energy for more health, happiness, and peace.



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