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How To Transform Your Life With Love – The Power Of Daily Loving Actions

Colinda Latour, acclaimed author, and self-love coach, is a beacon of love in action, guiding individuals to transform their lives through the profound practice of love. Shaped by a childhood of instability and a perpetual quest for unattainable perfection, Latour grappled with feelings of being unlovable and unworthy.

Executive Contributor Colinda Latour

In a world where stress, fear, and negativity often take centre stage, discovering how to embed love into every aspect of your life can be a game-changer. This article explores the transformative power of putting love into action and offers practical guidance on how to create a life filled with joy, faith, and ease. 

photo of Colinda Latour

What happens when you live in love?

Imagine living in a world where love isn’t just a fleeting feeling but a lifestyle. A world where people consciously and deliberately put love into action every day. These individuals understand that doing love isn’t just an occasional gesture; it’s a way of life that has the power to transform not just their lives but the entire world. 

This is what I want to create. In my book, Living in Love: How to Create a Lifestyle of Love, Faith, Bliss, and Crazy-Ass Manifesting (All in Thirty-One Days), I call these people Global Love Generators (GLGs) and in my community and coaching, I refer to this as living in love.

The birth of the full-on love challenge

In 2020, amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic, I felt a deep desire to embody love in every aspect of my life. I wanted to operate from a place where my actions, reactions, and thoughts were rooted in love—I wanted to become love, but I didn’t know how. 

The answer came to me one day while I was enjoying a quiet moment in my garden, pondering how I could do this and it came to me: you must do love to be love

This epiphany led to the creation of the Full-On Love Challenge—a 31-day journey where I committed to performing 10 deliberate acts of love each day. These "Love Actions" were categorised into three areas: love towards myself, love towards others, and actions to raise my vibration and awareness of love. 

The results were nothing short of life-changing.

The transformative power of love actions

As I dove into the challenge and the thirty-one days continued, I noticed a profound shift in my life. Some of the most remarkable outcomes or “love side-effects” included:

  • Sustained periods of bliss

  • Complete faith in myself and the Universe

  • Rapid and continual manifestation of serendipitous events and colossal dreams

  • A deep sense of connection and oneness with everything

  • Enhanced intuition and trust in my inner guidance, and

  • The beautiful knowledge that the loving energy created by simple acts of love has the power to heal humanity and ourselves.

These benefits weren’t just passing moments; they were lasting changes that reshaped my life. Another notable difference is that when you immerse yourself with so much love, you have a strong desire to spread that glorious feeling far and wide and you begin to understand that simply by doing love you are spreading it. Love is part of our energy field and by doing loving things throughout your day, you broadcast love to the world in your daily interactions. 

This alone has the power to change the world, I believe. All we need are the numbers and the commitment to adding loving actions to your day—every day.

The challenge and the commitment

While living in love sounds idyllic, it’s important to remember that it’s not about being blissful 100% of the time. Life has its ups and downs, and emotions fluctuate. However, knowing that love is always available to you—even in your darkest moments—can help lift you out of negativity. The key is to commit to the practice of love, even when it’s difficult.

Send love to others 

A guaranteed method for making you and others feel better is to send love. This is because, with love, when you send it out, you get it back. So, if you had a crappy day and are feeling miserable, pick up your phone and send five loving messages to friends and family and watch the love that pour back to you. It can instantly lift your mood.

Loving yourself

There’s another essential aspect I want to touch on, and that is self-love. Making a deliberate effort to do loving things toward myself daily was challenging, even though I was already well into my self-love journey—or so I thought. This challenge revealed many things, one of them being an important indicator of how uncomfortable I still felt prioritising my needs over others'. 

One of the "Love Actions" I embraced was incorporating Luscious Luxurious Love Moments (LLLMs) into my day—those little luxuries that make you pause and think, “Mmmmm, this is luscious.” For me, it was enjoying extra-long hot showers or spending five more minutes cuddling with my dog in the morning. Maybe for you, it’s an extended cuddle with your kids or partner, a fresh juice with your favourite breakfast, or a luxurious bubble bath.

The challenge was to indulge in three LLLMs daily, and while I completed them, I quickly noticed how difficult it was. By the third day, a pattern emerged—I wasn’t getting to my LLLMs until the evening when I had little energy or time left to fully enjoy them. This made me pause and ask myself, “Why?”

Why did I prioritise Love Actions geared towards others over these moments of self-care? Why did I feel uneasy about putting extra time and love into myself?

It became clear that I struggled with feeling selfish when I put loving myself first. This was one of the most valuable insights I gained from the challenge and am grateful that when it brought my patterns and paradigms to light, I was able to address them with compassion. From that day forward, I made it a point to complete at least two of my LLLMs in the morning. This taught me that it’s not only okay but necessary to prioritise myself.

Can I still make a difference and have time for me?

Having been an overachiever who pushed herself relentlessly giving to others and straining to achieve all her goals while leading a life of stress, I want to help other women like me. I have felt the pains of burnout and scorn from my inner critic because it was easier to insult than celebrate my wins, and I don’t wish that for anyone. 

It wasn’t until I started to love myself and change my life by putting love into action, that I stopped pressuring myself to the point of exhaustion and I stopped beating myself up for not completing the 20 things on my to-do list. Instead, now I live in ease and joy, and always have energy to give. I hope through my experience, knowledge, and coaching, that I can help other women create a life of peace where they are smashing their goals, but always from a place of love.

And one of the best things about doing this work on ourselves, is we can change the world without any extra effort. All we need to do is live in love.

All love begins with ourselves, and when we fill our hearts with so much love through putting it into action, there is no room left for fear, hate, or anger and we can watch our world transform as love becomes the ruling emotion in society. 

My goal is to empower as many people as possible to put love into action so we can make this happen, and I would love for you to join me.

Want to live in love?

If you are interested in joining a group of women who are on this same path, email me at, and I’ll sign you up for our community, Living in Love: The place for high-achieving women to stop burnout and create a life of ease and joy—whilst still giving back to the world!

If you’re interested in my new signature programme, Living in Love: Your 16-week Escape to Ease for the overworked and overwhelmed high-performing woman who wants to keep achieving her goals and making a difference, but from a place of peace, fulfilment, and love, you can book a complimentary 60-minute call with me to start creating a life you absolutely love, or to read more about my signature programme.

Together, we can create a life of love, faith, and bliss.

Follow me oon Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Colinda Latour, Self-Love Coach – Author

Colinda Latour, acclaimed author, and self-love coach, is a beacon of love in action, guiding individuals to transform their lives through the profound practice of love. Shaped by a childhood of instability and a perpetual quest for unattainable perfection, Latour grappled with feelings of being unlovable and unworthy. Years of seeking love in futile places propelled her to create the 31-Day Full-On Love Challenge, chronicled in her book, Living in Love. Awed by the challenge's impact, Latour passionately shares its lessons. Her mission: empower high-achieving women to break free from internal pressures and external validation, guiding them to achieve the ultimate goal of loving themselves unconditionally.

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