Lauren West is an international entrepreneur who is based in Florida. She is a master manifestor and is passionate about helping her clients find inner peace and balance in their lives. Lauren has lived and traveled all over the world from a young age. As a multi-skilled and passionate entrepreneur, she offers branding and website design, spiritual business coaching, holistic life coaching, energy healing, and more. She’s your one-stop shop for upleveling and upgrading your soul and business on all levels.
Fun Fact: She’s been canceled 30x while sharing her story and exploring the ethics and existence of Freedom of Speech on Social Media.

Lauren West, Branding Designer & Holistic Coach
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Hello, my name is Lauren West, and I’ve lived an unbelievable life. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and was adopted at 8 months. I arrived in Portland, OR, and was greeted by my new adoptive, white, midwestern, catholic parents and my gay great-uncles. My adoptive dad has one kidney and had many birth issues. My adoptive mom is a “by-the-book Catholic” and now has dementia.
From there, we moved to Delaware, and I got a new adopted baby brother, also from Korea. We moved to Snellville, Georgia where I attended catholic school from k-8 before moving to Zurich, Switzerland for my high school years. As a child, I was intuitive, collected crystals, and was always different despite having many friends, playing sports, and excelling in school. My first dip into entrepreneurship also occurred in childhood in a special program called Enrichment for special and gifted children. We learned many different things, but our final project was an entrepreneurship assignment. No one wanted to be my partner, so I invented a beauty kit,
I’ve also overcome racism, sexual abuse, bullying, and eating disorders before the age of 13. It just got worse from then, to be honest. In Switzerland, everything changed. My adoptive mom lost her mind, and I had to be her mom while excelling at school, sports, and popularity. My adoptive dad had been traveling internationally to Asia for quarters at a time since middle school, so I was always the parent who had to look after my brother and mom.
I’ve dealt with emotional, mental, and physical abuse in the setting of luxury and idyllic landscapes. In college, I also excelled academically and socially while drinking, doing drugs, and being the center of the party and music scene. I graduated a year early from DePaul University in Chicago with a B.A. in English Creative Writing with honors, Cum Laude, and my healing journey began.
When I was 22, I began experiencing dreams, visions, and miracles. I completed my Holistic Health Coach Certification program at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition and began healing myself, my friends, and my exes. At that time, I began tarot and oracle divination and started working with Angels and Ascended masters. My visions and dreams from that period have since come to fruition and to pass.
I manifested a move back to Chicago and worked many odd jobs ranging from social media, community events manager, sales positions, private chef and nanny, and food service. I decided I wanted to pursue Graphic Design, so I enrolled in the Chicago Portfolio School and completed the Graphic Design track. From there, I hustled and worked in all industries of design, media, and advertising from – digital consultancies, branding studios, freelance gigs, and digital publishers. At The Onion, I rapidly rose from Sales Presentation to Product Designer on the UX/UI team and traveled to NYC and Budapest during a huge merger.
At that job, the second leg of my Spiritual Awakening journey began. I had been listening to everyone else and trying to fit in their mold of who they thought I should be, what I should do, how I should do it, and so forth. Gabby Bernstein somehow made it into my inbox, and I began to learn consciously about manifesting healing, and personal development. I was ravenous for this type of information. I began my Reiki certifications where I had angel encounters, deepened my yoga practice from high school, took a Transcendental Meditation program, and got certified in New Paradigm MDT healing. I moved out of my high-rise apartment, was dumped by my cool boyfriend, and began to shed my old friends who had grown apart. I began a radical transformation journey of redesigning my life from the inside out. Instead of listening to my ego, I began to listen to the whispers of my soul.
As I began to do this, the spark of entrepreneurship was rekindled within me, and I hired coaches, healers, and other professionals to help me build a Branding, Coaching, and Healing business to help others create a life and business they loved in alignment with their authentic selves. I’ve worked with famous coaches in the industry, millionaires, and billionaires have also helped my clients and loved ones gain fame, recognition, promotions, family healing, and more. While doing this, I’ve traveled the world to work on my business, personal development, and healing. I’ve traveled to Iquitos, Peru for a week of ayahuasca ceremonies in the Amazon and saw pink dolphins, a blue butterfly, monkeys, parrots, and more. I also traveled to Vancouver for a business VIP retreat where I met the girls in my group coaching program and networked. I worked with many of them on their branding, business development, and healing as well. In Bali, I explored for about a month and lived with my coach during the VIP Mastermind Retreat. I also healed her, coached her, and worked with a famous influencer. We partied and had fun as well. Balance.
I moved from Chicago to Florida before Covid. The environment changes everything. Now, I am passionate about helping the youth, and animals, and expanding consciousness around technology, human trafficking, human rights, and women’s rights. I’ve been canceled over 30x on all platforms and am now known or famous without numbers. Impact is my goal. My influence is intentionally invisible. I tell people not to follow me. I’m like the Banksy of the internet. Locally, I am famous or known. I’ve also been engaged twice and made one of them famous. The other one was already famous and had a fall from grace. He was a billionaire’s son.
Throughout my Ascension journey, I was stripped of all of my negative ego during my Saturn Return. I also had a failed twin flame union and learned how to step into Empress and Star energy. I’ve had to radically heal myself on all levels while being attacked and while people have wanted to hurt, destroy, and end my life and career. I am not grateful to say that I am an Ascended Master, and I am here to usher in and lead a new generation of healers and heart-based entrepreneurs.
In my personal life, I love going to the beach, my rescue dog Cali, crystals, art, and music.
Can you provide an overview of Lauren West Coaching LLC and its primary objectives or mission?
I am your one-woman show and one-stop shop for all things life and business. From healing to branding to website design to marketing to spiritual awakening, I offer it all. I’ve had to learn and do it for myself. I believe in teaching what I know to be true and to test everything on myself before I teach or offer that wisdom, knowledge, and guidance, to others.
My primary objective is to help clients open their minds and hearts to their soul purpose and to build businesses and digital presences that reflect who they are so that they can attract their ideal clients or communities based on authenticity. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Energy doesn’t lie.
My mission is to bring impactful healing and transformational shifts to the lives of those who interact with my digital presence but especially to my clients. I want to help people create, build, and manifest lives, brands, and businesses, filled with purpose, love, and joy.
What inspired the creation of Lauren West Coaching LLC, and how has the business evolved since its inception?
I was inspired to create my business as a culmination point of my career and all of my education – traditional and alternative. I was inspired to follow my passion for helping others and pair that with my multiple areas of expertise and experience.
When I first started working with other coaches, they all said the same thing – you can’t offer that many things. You have to pick a niche and just do that. Well, I’m a disruptor and trailblazer. With my background in Holistic Health Coaching, I see the invisible connections and interdisciplinary ties between wellness, branding, and business.
I always teach my clients the basic principles of manifestation and give them the tools and resources to practice and create daily rituals that fuel their growth, raise their vibration, and redesign their mindset so they are prepared for success. To me, mindset and business building go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. Your brand is an extension or external embodiment that visually communicates your personal story and aesthetic that speaks to your clients on a subconscious level.
To be attractive, you must be authentic, metaphysically speaking. Since the inception of my business, it has completely evolved to new levels that I didn’t know existed initially. My initial goal was to be able to work with heart-based entrepreneurs, work from home, have a dog, and be able to work on projects that I was passionate about while supporting myself.
Now the vision and reach have exponentially expanded. I am passionate about technology and the implications it has on world psychology, behavioral patterns, culture, and politics. At heart, I am a humanitarian and I am passionate about raising consciousness and highlighting what is important when it comes to social media:
Freedom of Speech Cambridge Analytica
Skewed and Predatory Algorithms Data Farms
Phishing Cyber Security
Mental Health in Teens Child Safety
What sets Lauren West Coaching LLC apart from other companies in the same industry, and what unique products or services do you offer?
I am a multi-passionate and multi-dimensional entrepreneur, meaning I see the whole or the big picture and the synergistic inner workings between 3D, 4D, and 5D realities concerning the individual and collective. On a 3D level or physical reality, you have phones, tablets, and computers. In a 4D reality, you have designers, users, and engineers. In a 5D reality, you have infinite possibilities and potentials in who sees and interacts with your content and digital presence.
Bringing harmony to all of those realities and designing your life and business with those factors in mind is unchartered territory in modern times. I am a pioneer in this space of conscious and subconscious exploration. I have changed how I use technology and how I live my life, and I am passionate about helping others bring balance and fluidity to theirs.
Can you share any notable achievements or success stories associated with Lauren West Coaching LLC?
I have many success stories on my testimonial page, but my notable achievements are more on a personal level. As an adopted Korean woman, I have activated my generational gifts and cleared my generational curses and trauma on both sides of my bloodline and my adopted family’s bloodlines. When I was going through my Saturn Return, I had Azrael and Anubis come to me in the astral, meditative state. I was guided to do a life review and had to clear all of my ancestral karma and rebirth myself. A few years prior, a tarot reader told me that she had a vision of me giving birth to a baby alone. It was gruesome. In my yoga teacher training, I had a vision during deep meditation of an Egyptian goddess taking a charred baby from my hands and was given a new one. I interpreted that as my old inner child being taken and a new inner child being gifted from all of my healing work.
After traveling and living in Korea, Bali, and Peru, I did the necessary purging and cleansing work in Fire Ceremonies and ayahuasca. In Korea, I went to a mass at an orphanage for mentally and physically disabled kids. My friend’s dad was the pastor. I had to make peace with my adoption, my ancestry, and my scattered soul.
I also used social media to tell my story. To show the good, bad, and ugly of real healing in real-time while channeling a new system of Inner Family Systems healing. No one understood that at the moment, but they do now. From that, I discovered the limits of freedom of speech and expression while sharing my own stories of abuse, gang stalking, and slander.
From there, I created my digital influencer status by being invisible and numberless. I’ve never been one to seek attention, show off, or desire fame. What I have wanted is for my work to be known, reputable, and worldwide to help all of those who need guidance and support. I desire to be the leader that I never had. Numbers and stats are only a mask. The impact is knowing the right people. Influence is a silent and invisible power.
In what ways does Lauren West Coaching LLC stay innovative and adapt to changes in the market or industry trends?
I am an influencer and an innovator. With my background in UX/UI and branding, I understand technology and psychology on a different level than the user. I am a designer and experience maker. To adapt to changes in the market, I create the trends and am passionate about standing out from the crowd by being authentic and doing things my way from branding, marketing, business strategy, and manifesting.
I see branding, social media, and personal identity as a trinity. As a coach, it is my job to help bring harmony, dynamism, and synergy to those three pillars of your business. I don’t believe in a template approach to working with clients. Each client is unique with different personal goals, visions, and dreams. I cater my approach and tailor my recommendations on a case-by-case business. I deeply care about the clients who trust me to bring their visions to life and guide their manifestations to success.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
I would change the entire system of the coaching industry. The Western mindset is that if it’s bigger it’s better. That’s not necessarily always true. Some coaches want to focus on quality and only want to have an intimate amount of clients. Some entrepreneurs want to be huge.
The marketing system for most entrepreneurs relies heavily on programmatic advertising, which in my mind is akin to psychological warfare and manipulation. Someone needs to see something 7x before they buy. Then they’re entered into a marketing funnel where time is used as a scarcity weapon.
I also see a lot of coaches steal and copy other coaches which isn’t in alignment with integrity in my mind.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
When everything fell and crumbled, I had no option but to solely face God and trust in the Universe. I lost everything – my friends, my family, my relationships, my reputation, my business as it was, etc. That was a huge, pivotal turning moment for me. I was being attacked from all angles by everyone who claimed to be “on my side” and “wanted the best for me”. I had to rebuild alone and am in the process of rising from the ashes of what once was to what I want it to be like a phoenix.
To learn more about Lauren West or connect with her, please visit here.
Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!