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How To Tap Into Your Inner Power And Ability To Create

Written by: Rebecca Rosas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Being a creative person my whole life, I’ve often been challenged in my creativity. When I was young, I was such a playful kid. So many ideas! I was always exploring and using my imagination. Along the way, my ideas were dimmed down by others. There were more rules and obstacles in my way of fully embracing myself and my ability to create.

We all have times when someone may have dismissed our ideas. Maybe one of our ideas did not turn out well. We lost the belief in ourselves and our ability to create whatever we wanted. Unfortunately, those memories have a way of sticking with us because of the shame, guilt, fear, pain, sadness, disappointment, or trauma they may have caused. Any negative experiences from our past can cause a seed of doubt in our abilities—the pain of not feeling enough. Whether it is from a teacher, a parent, a friend, or a boss, this pain happens to most of us. We give away a little of our power to others whenever our ideas are cast aside, and we believe that our creations are not good enough.

Here are a few tips to take your power back and believe in your ability to create.

1. Face Your Fears & Get to the Root of Your Creative Block - Reflect on what emotions are coming up for you. Journal out your thoughts. For instance, is there fear in your ability to create a new project? Is there some concern you may cause disappointment to others? Next, try to connect to the root of your block. Where else in your life did you have a similar fear? Did you experience disappointment or lack of support from others? When we bring awareness of our past experiences holding us back, we can acknowledge and release those emotions.

2. Be Intentional - Once you acknowledge your emotions and get to the root of your block, be intentional in releasing those emotions and thoughts that no longer serve you. Visualize those thoughts and emotions lifting off of you and disappearing into the air. Call your power back from all the times you gave it away to others in your past. Next, practice positive self-talk. Tell yourself, “maybe one of my past ideas or projects didn’t work as well as I had hoped, but my thoughts and ideas are limitless! I believe in myself and my ability to create.”

3. Tap Into Your Inner Child & Shift Your Perspective - Take some time to connect to your inner child. The part of you that played and had fun when you were little. Connect to that inner child and ask them what they would do. If your past ideas didn’t work, try a different approach. Look at things from a different perspective: brainstorm new ideas and ways of creating and thinking outside the box.

4. Visualize What Your Inner Power Looks Like - What does it look like to be in your power? How do you move? How do you dress? What sort of things do you say to yourself? Visualize yourself as this strong, powerful person. Give yourself the self-love and validation that you are worthy of creating and receiving all you desire. Speak your truth and embody an unwavering belief in yourself as the creator of your life.

We strengthen our ability to create by releasing and acknowledging our emotions and creative blocks, connecting to our inner child, practicing self-love, and embodying our inner power.

Step into your power and start creating today! All the answers are within you.

You can learn more about Rebecca at @illuminatewithbecky on Instagram or Facebook or email me here.


Rebecca Rosas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rebecca Rosas is a Divine Feminine Empowerment & Creativity Coach as well as an Abstract Artist, Creative Entrepreneur and Energy Healer.

She empowers women to use the healing power of creativity to express their emotions, heal their heart, connect to their feminine energy, deepen their self love and raise their vibration. Her approach helps women tap into their unlimited potential and align to their true soul essence.

She is certified as an Usui/Holy Fire®III World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master and Creatively Fit™ Art Coach and trained as a Soul Coach. As a creative entrepreneur she has a background in marketing & advertising.



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