Written by: Sarah Gibbons, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What’s the biggest goal on your mind right now? For me last year, it was living in Costa Rica and this January that became a reality for my husband, three boys (10, 11 and 14) and I – despite having full-on careers.

“How did you actually pull that off?” you may be wondering. And you wouldn’t be the only one. I’ve been asked by countless people and I’ve been so excited about the interest – as it reflects that so many people crave growth, adventure and fun!
Let’s break down how these dreams went from just that to reality – and how you can use them in your own life.
*DISCLAIMER: I can’t talk about the HOW without talking about who we’re BEING as humans. Because that’s where we have the most influence and leverage in making big dreams and desires happen.
1. Get crystal clear on your core values
I value connection, experience, growth, adventure, fun and faith. If you aren’t crystal clear on your own values, you’ll default to living by expectations, which almost always leads to disappointment.
2. Lead and live from those values
When you lead, decide, choose, and experience your values, you send a message to the Universe, who meets you at a point of action. When you believe in your values, you show up so much more open, which creates an ability to actually receive the Universe’s opportunities.
When you aren’t aligned with your values, there’s a closing and opportunities flutter by like clouds in the sky. In my case, because I was committed to leading and living from growth, connection, adventure and fun, when my husband came to me with the opportunity to move to Costa Rica, my leadership was curious and open to the possibility fully.
3. Work backwards from the big goal
Every goal has a heavy lifting and lots of details. One of the biggest details we had to sort out was school for our boys. The school that is most aligned with our values and educational principles started on January 9th. That gave us our end date as to when we absolutely had to be in Costa Rica, and from there I worked backwards to fill in the 20K foot milestone. I like to work in months, and then as I tackle the first milestone, I let those steps and results inform the next milestone. It’s akin to a project plan – but one for your goals.
4. Invest time, energy and planning into your goal
I’ve invested in myself over the past 10 years with a rich ancestry of incredible coaches and last year, created scaffolding that supported this CR vision. This work also supported my inner parts, so when I got wobbly, I had the support I needed to stay the course. This looked like joining a group of mature, female entrepreneurs committed to cultivating a life of their dreams from a place of calm and joy. If it weren’t for those women and my coach (and my incredibly committed husband), I’m not sure I would have been able to pull this off.

The world is full of lack and nay-sayer attitude – but you do not have to buy into it. The truth is, the Universe is benevolent and there is limitless possibility if you choose into it.
This is what I bring to my clients and why people join my program, The Board. They want to live in possibility AND want to make their biggest desires happen. They’re clear that in order to do so, they’re worthy of receiving support so they can get out of their own way.
If you’re feeling like you never have time for yourself, yet desire to feel more fulfilled and impactful at work, and have a goal that you can’t seem to make happen. I’d encourage you to consider my 9-month leadership coaching group called the Board. This year’s doors are about to close – reach out immediately if you are interested in taking the final spot.
You are so worthy of your desires and investing in yourself. You are the beneficiary of your own stretch.

Sarah Gibbons, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sarah Gibbons is a renowned executive Success Coach based in LA who’s worked with incredible leaders like the LA Clippers, the Weitz Foundation, the teams at award-winning Creative Agency Hey Wonderful, The Talent LA, Executives at Google, Chiat, and more and she’s become known as the “LA Creative Whisperer” for her tough, but the real, effective and graceful approach to leadership coaching. In addition to running The Mother Board, she runs The Board, The Father Board and coaches corporations, organizations, and individual leaders. She’s also a wife, mother of three young boys, a philanthropist, published author, and inspirational speaker.