Written by: Samantha Curbelo & Austin Nichols, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
But also, a little concerning because on average people can gain up to 15 pounds during the holidays.
Being around family and loved ones can make this such an uplifting time!
Especially if the pandemic ruined your plans last year…

It’s a time of indulgence for most and this can knock many off track when it comes to their goals.
There is no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to celebrate with your family, but for those of us working towards reaching a certain fitness goal, we have to enjoy it in moderation.
Don't let all of your hard work go to waste, causing you to fall off track, and landing you back at square one after the holiday season. You’ve worked so hard to get here. That being said, here are some tips that my clients are using to make sure they stay on track this holiday season: 1. Keep your goals clear, attainable and realistic. With it being the busiest time of year, many people take time off to spend with their families. But again, this still isn’t a time to slack off. Motivation can be low so it’s important to focus on why you are on this journey.
Consider making a vision board or journaling about your goal. Think about what it is you want to achieve.
What does it look like? How do you feel?
What are you excited to do once you hit these goals?
Use these visuals to remind yourself why you started this journey and why you do not want to quit. 2. Pay attention to portion sizes While it is encouraged to absolutely take the time to enjoy yourself at gatherings this year, piling on the potatoes could leave you consuming more calories than expected.
To lose weight it’s important to be in a calorie deficit (Check out our previous article on this although many other factors contribute to weight loss, this is very important).
Paying attention to how much you are consuming is a great way to make sure you are staying in that caloric deficit and still seeing progress.
Here are some visuals you can use to keep an eye on how much you are actually consuming:
One serving size of turkey is 3 ounces, which amounts to about the size of a deck of cards.
A serving of stuffing is ½ a cup, amounting to the size of a standard scoop of ice cream.
For potatoes, a serving would be ½ of a cup or the size of a tennis ball cut in half.
You can search on google to find other comparisons that could help you understand what a serving size typically looks like.
Again, there are ways to enjoy yourself this holiday season and still stay on track.
3. Be conscious of how much you are snacking while cooking
At family get-togethers, at least at my house, are loaded with snacks before the main meal. I’m personally not a huge fan of thanksgiving food (I know, sue me lol) so I can definitely get in the habit of snacking more than expected.
When catching up with family and friends, it's easy to graze while you’re talking. And then, next thing you know you've finished half the cheese and crackers board all by yourself!
Instead of talking near the appetizers, add a few things to a plate and take it elsewhere to enjoy your conversation. This will make it less tempting to stick your hand in the chip bowl. And since you picked out your snacks in advance, you won't have to worry about keeping track of how much you are consuming while catching up with family.
4. Consider consumption of liquid calories
This is applicable for everyday, but most definitely applies to the holidays. Water is the best thing you can drink to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. Although you should treat yourself, watch the sodas, of course, you would be surprised how fast these calories add up. Also, with drinks, it is very easy to forget about calories since you’re not “eating” them. It's sort of an out of sight, out of mind type of thing. Since you aren't eating food directly, it’s easy to forget about the calories a sugary drink contains.
Another huge factor to think about is alcohol.
A glass of wine sits around 120 calories, give or take depending on what kind of course.
A beer is about the same, thoughMichelob Ultra is only 95 calories per bottle
A margarita is 310 calories and a Martini is 210calories
Anyways you get the picture, these add up quick! Drinking is a social norm and many like to enjoy a drink on occasion. Consider switching out a higher calorie drink for a lower one. Some options include tequila or vodka, these being two of the spirits with the lowest caloric content. Add some seltzer water and fruit, such as limes, oranges, lemon, etc. My cousin loves to make this drink called a “fruit salad”, her own creation. It is an ounce and a half of tequila, fill the cup with ice and seltzer water, and then add all the fruits you have to the drink!
You do not have to let this time of year get the better of you.
All the progress and positive change you have made is fantastic, and you should not throw that all away for a few meals.
It’s all about being conscious about what you are putting in your body and how that is going to affect your well-being.
Diets should be sustainable and even though you are “dieting”, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy life along the way. Your goals should work IN TO your lifestyle… you shouldn’t have to feel restricted along the way.
Implement these tips into your holiday season this year and you’ll be able to tell a noticeable difference in the way you feel.
You got this!!
Happy Holidays from all of us at AS Fitness.

Samantha Curbelo & Austin Nichole, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Samantha Curbelo and Austin Nichols are leaders in the fitness and health industry. They are certified Fitness and Mindset Coaches who show motivated individuals how to build a physique they love while becoming their most confident self, all without restrictions. After both of them had overcome childhood bullying, being overweight, and severely insecure starting from a young age, Curbelo and Nichols quickly fell in love with fitness and health as a strategy to develop a physique they are proud of, better their mindsets, and perform at their most optimal versions of themselves. They believe that fitness is more than "looks." It is a way to express emotion, create better habits, and live a long and healthy life with those you love. Their expertise allows them to have various clients looking to achieve results from losing weight, gaining muscle mass, overcoming eating disorders, and much more. Their passion for the industry makes it easy for Curbelo and Nichols to help their clients and others around them to create a massive impact in each and every individual.