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How To Stop Conflict In Your Relationships And Develop Healthy Boundaries

Written by: Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jacqueline Neuwirth

Are you struggling with conflicts in your relationships? Whether it's with your partner, family, friends, or colleagues, good communication is the foundation of healthy communication. By learning how to express your needs and feelings, and actively listen to the other person, you can avoid misunderstandings, refrain from unhealthy boundaries, and find common ground. 

Couple sitting on sofa after fight

What Does Conflict Arise?

Conflicts arise when people have different perspectives, values, or beliefs. They can happen in any setting, whether it's in your personal relationships, or at work. 

Each person has their own unique perspective, and it's crucial to understand that everyone's viewpoint is valid. When you can see things from someone else's perspective, you can empathize with them and understand why they feel the way they do. This helps to reduce stress, avoiding mental health challenges and prevent conflicts from escalating.

Setting healthy boundaries is a big component of understanding how to resolve a conflict in a relationship.

Boundaries in Relationships

What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy boundaries? We know that healthy boundaries are supposed to develop mutual respect and create a sense of comfort and safety. Unhealthy boundaries do the opposite — they are often actually a lack of boundaries.

These boundaries aim to control the other person and manipulate them into doing things they don't hand, setting boundaries, particularly when it comes to job duties, can lead to a greater sense of empowerment. Learning how to set and maintain boundaries can change many aspects of your life, ranging from work to family relations to dating. 

Healthy relationship boundaries start with:

  • Paying attention to body language and of the other person.

  • Respecting personal space and being aware of your own physical boundaries.

  • Understanding know your needs.

  • Understanding your own feelings.

  • Notice when you feel uncomfortable.

  • Being aware of your own thoughts.

  • Remember to practice self-care.

  • Creating an environment of mutual respect.

Boundary setting is a sign of a very important skills called emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your emotions and the emotions of others

When you are emotionally intelligent, you can communicate effectively, empathize with others, and manage stress. This includes with your romantic partner, intimate relationships, with family members and at work.

Creating healthy boundaries and implementing them is your number one way to prevent conflict in relationships and have healthy relationships. Signs of emotional intelligence and healthy boundaries includes:

Strategies for Healthy Relationship Boundaries

When conflicts arise, it can be challenging to navigate them in a way that leads to positive outcomes. However, there are several strategies you can use to resolve conflicts without causing harm. In this section, we'll explore some effective techniques for resolving conflicts in a way that strengthens bonds.

1. Effective Communication Techniques

One of the most important strategies for resolving conflicts is effective communication. When you communicate effectively, you can express your needs and concerns clearly and respectfully. This can help prevent misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of conflicts escalating. A great resource for effective communication is Nonviolent Communication or Compassionate Communication.

Some effective communication techniques include active listening, using "I" statements, and avoiding blame and criticism. Active listening involves paying attention to what the other person is saying and responding in a way that shows you understand their perspective.

Using "I" statements can help you express your feelings without blaming or attacking the other person. And avoiding blame and criticism can help prevent conflicts from becoming more heated. You can also download my free PDF guide "How to Improve Communication in a Relationship"with tools and scripts to help in you communicate more effectively.

2. The Role of Compromise

Compromise means finding a middle ground where both parties can feel satisfied with the outcome. When you are willing to compromise, you can find solutions that work for everyone involved. This can help prevent conflicts from becoming more serious and can strengthen relationships.

It's not about giving up your needs or values, but rather finding a solution that takes into account everyone's perspective. When you learn how to compromise, you not only resolve the immediate conflict but also build trust and understanding with the other person.

To find a compromise, it's important to

  • Identify the underlying needs and interests of each person involved. This can help you identify solutions that meet everyone's needs.

  • Be flexible and open to new ideas. Sometimes, the best solution is one that no one has thought of yet.

3. Negotiation and Mediation

Negotiation and mediation are two other strategies for resolving conflicts. Negotiation involves finding a solution through discussion and compromise. Mediation involves bringing in a neutral third party to help facilitate the discussion and find a solution.

Both negotiation and mediation can be effective strategies for resolving conflicts. They can help ensure that everyone's needs and concerns are heard and can lead to solutions that work for everyone involved. If you're having trouble resolving a conflict on your own, consider seeking the help of a mediator or a trained negotiation expert.

Resolving conflicts without causing harm is a crucial skill for healthy relationships.

  • Using effective communication techniques

  • Being willing to compromise

  • Seek the help of a life coach or negotiation expert when necessary so you can navigate disagreements in a way that strengthens bonds and leads to positive outcomes.

4. Building Trust

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy relationship is building trust. Trust is built over time through consistent positive interactions. When conflict arises, it can be an opportunity to strengthen trust by handling the situation in a way that is respectful, honest, and collaborative.

To build trust through conflict resolution, it's important to be aware of your biases and reactions. Everyone has biases and emotional reactions that can cloud their judgment and prevent them from seeing the situation clearly. By being aware of your biases and reactions, you can take steps to manage them and approach the situation with a clear head.

Another way to build trust through conflict resolution is to be creative in your approach. Rather than reacting in a predictable way, try to think outside the box and come up with a solution that meets everyone's needs. This requires a willingness to be flexible and open-minded, but it can lead to a more positive outcome and a stronger bond between you and the other person.

5. Be Proactive in Your Communication

Don't wait for issues to escalate before addressing them. Instead, be assertive in expressing your needs and concerns, and encourage the other person to do the same. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are on the same page.

6. Try Not to Take Things Personally

Another best practice for resolving conflicts in the workplace is to focus on the problem, not the person. This means separating the issue from the individual and addressing the problem directly and not taking the issue personally. By doing so, you can work together to find a solution that benefits everyone involved and avoid negative patterns. Check out my blog “4 Ways Stop Taking Things So Personally (and Reduce Anxiety)”

Let's Talk

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but it doesn't have to be destructive. In fact, conflict can be an opportunity to strengthen your bond with someone, provided you handle it in a healthy way. 


Remember... people need to feel appreciated, feel fulfilled, and if they feel pressured, the conversation might escalate. Everyone has different forms of communicating. But, the only way people fail is by not trying.

As a Certified Life Coach and Master Neurolinguistic Progamming Specialist and a mental health professional, I can provide you support to navigate communication challenges and build healthy boundaries.

To schedule a free chat to talk about how I can support you, visit my website and click on the Book a free chat button.

Jacqueline Neuwirth Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth is an experienced Certified Life and Relationship Coach, CPP and Master Certified Neurolinguistic Programming Expert, MNLP. She supports clients in the full spectrum of love and relationship coaching including dating and finding love, healing from a breakup or heartache, navigating an existing relationship or deciding to stay or leave. Jacqueline is helps her clients foster confidence, self-esteem, and build communication skills which assist clients in all aspects of life, including family, career and friendships. Combining a holistic and strategic approach, Jacqueline helps people transform fear, confusion and anxiety into love, freedom, and success.

Her coaching incorporates a lifelong study of both Eastern and Western philosophy plus her ten year journey of working one-on-one with a Zen monk. To assist her clients, she incorporates Attachment Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Non-Violent Communication, Shamanic Studies and the Law of Attraction Principles. In addition, she brings in knowledge from a host of amazing teachers including Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Thich Nhat Hahn, Brené Brown, Esther Perel, Michael Singer, John Gottman, Helen Fisher and many more.

Jacqueline draws on her history as an award-winning entrepreneur, and previous owner of a 25-year career as a designer and art director working for Fortune 500 companies, along with a successful career as an exhibiting fine art oil painter with gallery representation across the US. She is also a mom, friend, sister, and inspired by all things related to personal development and finding joy, easy and flow in life!

If you are ready to make lasting change, visit her website and sign up for a free consultation at

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