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How To Stop Aging Successfully

Nicky brings her drive and force to the fore in Functional wellness coach programmes. Specializing in recovery support for specific conditions of ME (CFS), Fibromyalgia & long covid. Her supporting work covers bereaved clients trying to find freedom to move on.

Executive Contributor Nicky Abell-Francis

If you've ever caught yourself staring at a wrinkle in the mirror wondering, "Wasn't that just a smile line yesterday?” Well let’s look at some modern tech that is worth trying for building or regenerating those skin cells. Base scaffolding below the surface is key. Let's dive into the timeless secrets of halting the aging process. Aesthetics can offer some fabulous options nowadays.

Two sides of one face showing a young woman and an old woman

Eternal youth is one thing we all crave to some extent. How to stop aging successfully is the conundrum. Either physically or facially with high social media scrutiny we are come under. Who isn’t anxious to turn back those years and be that ever youthful person on the mirror. As we live longer, we now want to stay fresher faced well into our older years. If we live to 100 eventually, which is becoming possible. We need to be using the latest tech for anti-aging to remain wrinkle free well into our 70's.

Radio frequency facials — modern tech for anti-aging

Course 6 -10 weekly to create strong, firm base then monthly maintenance, Reasonable priced treatments due to regularity required. Uses face & neck, insides of thighs, upper arms, stomach, Light tightening with improved glow.

This skin tightening tech is a non-invasive anti-aging treatment. It can help you stop aging successfully and simply. But on a more superficial level. Heat from the radio waves have a profound effect on the collagen and elastin of the skin. Shrinking the fibres and stimulating new growth of these which form the structure of the skin.

Fab for reducing pore size and sterilising skin when spots prevail. The warmth level destroying microbes and tightening the collagen fibres thus shrinking the pore size.

How it works 

Bipolar radio frequency is used being 2 or more electrodes in the same hand piece, manoeuvred over the skin via a serum known as slip. This allows gliding of the electrode, heating the skin to 42°c to create a healing effect. Applying a saline gel patch to the applicator, an alteration to the current can become unipolar (mono & bipolar) for a deeper & more comfortable treatment.

Just one Radio frequency session a noticeable difference can be seen. For longer lasting tightening a course of 6-10 treatments one a week to see best results are required. Maintenance of monthly sessions are needed to maintain results.

Akin to relaxing on the beach giving a fantastic glow to the skin surface, its known as the red-carpet facial. Many celebrities would boost their skin prior to an event so camera ready, looking healthy and smoother skinned for make-up. Radio frequency produces a taut skin that is noticeably plumped and smoother. Click here to learn more.

High intensity ultrasound — multi use tech one best non-surgical facelift for jowls

Deeper 3 levels down to the SMAS layer, (connective tissue layer around muscles. One session, maintenance generally 18 months to 2 yrs later. 3 to 6 months build up wait time to see results. Stronger deeper tightening. Price can be expensive dependent on machine make and area of salon.

This gem of tech creates heat at 3 depths in the skin. A great way for how to stop aging successfully. A pulse of high intensity ultrasound causes minute wounds in each three layers of skin. Stimulating a healing response, creating new collagen & elastin. It beams to the deepest layer the SMAS, (The connective tissue that surrounds our muscles and forms the bed our skin sits on) Temperatures of 65-75°C are produced, but no surface sensation is felt or seen if the applicator is kept moving and against the skin surface with sufficient ultra sound gel.

This is one of the few best non-surgical facelifts for jowls. Building over 6 months. No downtime is required after treatment. The skin gradually thickens from the inside out akin to refilling a mattress. Tightening and pulling back the skin under the jawline and neck. Effects can vary dependent on age, slackness of skin and general health. Finer lines around the eyes can be targeted, lifting of the brow and upper lid skin as well as the nose to mouth lines we dread. If contraindicated to have the treatment, other options may need to be tried. We all age continuously and if we look after our skin internally and externally results will last longer.

After a treatment we normally can see some tightening & softening of any existing facial lines as well as improvement in colour tone. The ultimate final results take place over 3 – 6 months, as your body starts to regenerate & repair with new fresh collagen & elastin. Patience is required. Non-surgical is not instant generally. Click here to read more.

Other options to how to stop aging successfully

Chemical peels - superficial home or in salon, deep professional use only

Chemical facial peels can be one easy way be to affect the appearance and texture of our skin. Peel masks of yesterday were exfoliants or deep cleansers of excess sebum or a moisturising treat. Now peels are higher tech with chemical solutions, containing acids such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or trichloroacetic acid. These ingredients exfoliate the skin, allowing layers to peel away, revealing smoother, healthier skin beneath. Generally safe for home use.

Level 2 are professional chemical peels these treat many skin concerns from acne scarring, hyperpigmentation to fine wrinkles and sun damage. Intensity levels vary with professional in salon applications. With longer recovery downtime needed. Meaning visible redness and healing required to superficial home peels. By stimulating collagen production once again and promoting new fresh cell turnover, chemical peels help rejuvenate the skin. One great option to stop aging successfully and produce a fresher, youthful complexion.

Photo rejuvenation

More expensive than some peels and treats special conditions, some downtime needed, several sessions required. Some discomfort if IPL used but new tech may change that.

This uses light technology on various problems sun damaged skin, acne, rosacea and hyperpigmentation. It can be utilised on any part of the body. Being non-invasive, recovery time generally is low, dependant on what is being treated. The process involves this time using intense-pulsed light IPL. A wide range of wave lengths are used. Professionals use them to remove dark spots, scarring, dark hair removal, fine lines and port wine skin marks.

Light-emitting diode LED technology. Simply different coloured lights (LED) treat different conditions. Led green light breaks down pigments in the skin similar to the ILP light. Reducing brown age spots. Blue for less sebum, infra-red for healing, yellow for photo-aging. Several more are utilised.

Natural ways

We all know eating good organic veg full of antioxidants is essential. They fight our ever-damaging free radicals neutralising them. Sun protection is always key. With climate change and higher temperatures in all continents, even cooler climates of the UK will need high protection application every day not just in summer.

Exercise is not just for body health, the excess blood pumped around is vital for toxin removal and fresh nutrients supplied to the skin. If you cannot run around the block, then at least massage your facial creams in for a good length of time each day. Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid within skin care are the great basic all-rounders for good skin care. A healthy body does give a glow and lift to the skin.

Our mental health is vitally important too. If our mood or immunity is down our skin can look pale, drawn or haggard in appearance. Tackle your sleep. We repair our skin cells and body during rest. Avoid the addiction cycle of sugar this can age the body in many ways. Alcohol moderate. Dehydration not a good thing for any component of the body. Smoking of course is the one skin ager next to the sun. Being the worst thing to do to appear older.

There are many more to look out for in skincare, from fruit acids to peptides, stem cells to ceramides. Q10, green tea. The list is extensive. But a good professional skin care cream will pay off in the long run. Moisturising is always key. If we can replenish and stimulate repair and healthy functioning, the wrinkles and how to stop aging successfully will be closer than you think. Starting early is needed. It way harder to reverse aging than prevention in the first place.


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Nicky Abell-Francis, Functional Wellness Coach & Bodyworker

Nicky brings her drive and force to the fore in Functional wellness coach programmes. Specializing in recovery support for specific conditions of ME (CFS), Fibromyalgia & long covid. Her supporting work covers bereaved clients trying to find freedom to move on. Helping to ignite the spark to progress forward once again. Having lost her own husband suddenly, their daughter within months crashed into developing ME(CFS). Nicky went on to train with the Chrysalis Effect programme. Seeing how burnt out & highly stressed clients can tip into crash phase. Developing chronic fatigue and numerous widespread health problems. Over the past ten years Nicky set up her multi therapy clinic.

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