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How To Start Shadow Work

Bryonni is well known for shadow work counseling and teaching emotional intelligence to the neurodivergents.

Executive Contributor Bryonni Roseman

Have you been feeling stuck and stagnant in life? Then, you should start Shadow work counseling. Shadow work is healing from your inner child to connect to your higher self to live a life that fulfills your soul's purpose. In this article, I'll share tips to aid you in discovering the person you want to be instead of the person society has molded you to be.

Woman walking with shadow

What is shadow work?

The term shadow work started with Carl Jung his goal was to help others accept themselves through understanding the mind and how it shapes our identity. I would say shadow work is healing from the traumas you experience and choosing to go back and heal from them. Therefore, you no longer are held back by the unconscious patterns that occur in your life to create a reality that you enjoy.


What are some ways you can start shadow work?

First, take accountability for your actions because we all are responsible for the obligations we create for ourselves. Then, I have my clients create a list of things that they don't like about their lives, so we can create actionable goals to see life-changing results. The key to knowing you finished a shadow work session is that you have a better response to said topic/trigger.

Is it hard to do shadow work?

Not at all. I have been doing shadow work for over three years now, the key part to shadow work is asking others for help. There are plenty of journals on the market with tips and tricks. Those journals are great for having topics to start your shadow work, but it is more than just journaling. I have plenty of clients who start with a journal and have said they're confused and feel better for a while until the trigger shows up again in their lives because the journal didn't help them complete a session of shadow work. 

How do you know you finished shadow work?

Shadow work is never completed as human beings, we're are learning life lessons that we signed up for in the void before we were born. You know a session of shadow work is complete once your inner child feels at peace and you have a higher sense of knowledge on the subject.

What are the benefits of shadow work?

Shadow works for any topic because you're gaining higher knowledge with each session that you complete. You'll notice your reality shift and change, receive manifestations faster, improve your love life, and boost in your morale. The biggest reward you'll receive from shadow work is being able to live in your truth no matter who is watching.


Transform your life into a complete 180

Are you ready to live authentically as yourself? Are you ready to find your purpose in life? Heal from devastating losses? As your dedicated personal development coach, I'm here to equip you with the tools to promote emotional, mental, and spiritual growth. Let's start your transformation today and create a personalized step-by-step guide to recast your life one step at a time. My expertise in alternative healing and life coaching will help you become the co-creator of your reality. Contact me today to start the healing of your soul!


Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Bryonni Roseman


Bryonni Roseman, Personal Development Coach

Bryonni Roseman is a leader in building emotional intelligence, trauma counseling, and shadow work. The isolation that came with COVID-19 left her with finding strategies to heal on her own, which blossomed into her shadow work program that she shares with others today to heal and connect with their higher selves. She has since dedicated her life to sharing the techniques that come with healing the soul.



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