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How To Spark Motivation

Michael Doyle is an expert in peak performance and human potential. He has a passion for self mastery with a focus on consciousness, flow state, and harnessing the quantum field. He believes when businesses can create a collective flow, they become unstoppable.

Executive Contributor Michael Doyle

“Motivation is great and can get us started, but only habits can sustain our momentum.”

A woman practicing yoga

I love the topic of motivation as I am fascinated with human potential, peak performance and what really drives us in life. Everything we experience and assign meaning or give value to is simply an expression of our beliefs, paradigms, thinking, and habitual habits. You can easily find videos or articles that will say motivation sucks and is overrated. On the flip side there are those who say being motivated is the holy grail of achieving anything. In this article I feel to simply share what my experience has been and trust you will receive from this, what resonates and is true for you.


A moment of clarity

I believe that anytime we make a positive change in life, it is sparked by a moment of Clarity. This usually generates new energy and motivation within us to take new actions on these realizations. It has been my experience that motivation is something we must generate to ignite the initial momentum towards a new endeavor. I personally love the energy and feelings associated with motivation as it sparks possibility, imagination, and ultimately a new belief which is the main determining factor as to whether you will see things through.


Elevate your thinking

As a speaker I often give motivational talks all about how to manage fear and the power of our belief. As much as I love getting a room full of people hyped and jumping up and down to loud music saying, “I Am Powerful,” I know many will go home and within a few days are back into their habitual routine. Having said this, all is not lost because often there are people who experience energetic shifts during the talk. This shift is what is needed to break the previous cycle of their unconscious habitual habits, thinking and behavior. As Albert Einstein eloquently put it, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”


What drives your why in motivation

As we further develop our self-awareness and emotional intelligence, we can really assess what our intrinsic and extrinsic drivers are when we are in the energy of motivation. You see when we seek clarity consistently, it will lead to your “why.” Knowing your “why” is key, as you will have a much stronger chance of steering the course and taking consistent action even when the motivation itself will not always be present. Behind all motivation, I believe, is Desire. Desire can help ensure we have powerful clear intentions behind the goals we set and the things we seek.


Aligned actions

I fully believe that whatever your soul is seeking, is seeking you. We are either expanding or contracting and energy cannot be created or destroyed but is always moving and changing based on our focus and actions. When we take intentional aligned actions, we are now energy creating matter. I believe we are all alchemists and can harness the quantum field. (I will share more on this topic in another article…)

Foster a growth mindset

Often when we are lacking motivation it is simply because we are not learning anything new. Learning and expanding is a great way to spark motivation. Brendon Burchard teaches that ambition and expectancy are the two drivers of motivation and I fully agree that these are key activators. I do feel there are more moving pieces as I previously mentioned like clarity, intention, belief, and desire. They all play a role in creating more sustained bursts of motivation.

Goal setting

Another key area I have experienced to be a great motivator is goal setting. If you do not have a target, you will miss every time, so set your sights on your goals. Then start to break them into natural mini goals or separate projects that will fuel the bigger vision. So why am I writing about goal setting in an article about motivation? We are all wired to love the feeling of completion. When we have a strategy for our vision with clear steps to take, we get to feel completion all along the journey of working towards our goals.

Habits sustain momentum

I say this because motivation is great and can get us started, but only habits can sustain our initial momentum. Nate Green wrote “habits make us, and habits break us.” I have always loved the simplicity of this powerful quote. Are we cultivating habits and daily routines that serve us, or habits that slow and even sometimes stop our progress.


When it comes to motivation there is no set formula or way that will resonate and work for everyone. I suggest you think about the areas mentioned and intuitively focus on what you feel to place your attention on. I trust this will be a great place to start. Just remember we are all a work in progress and flow and steady always rocks the journey.


Michael is a peak performance and leadership expert, a best-selling author, a gifted speaker, an intuitive coach, and a professional musician. He has an innate ability to unlock the potential in others. His process is powerful, having transformed his own life from being exhausted, overweight and stuck, to where he is now thriving. Taking a common-sense approach, he effectively motivates, influences, and guides companies and their teams to work in a “collective flow.”

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