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How To Soothe Anxiety Like A Jedi Master

Written by: Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You must unlearn what you have learned.

I know anxiety, and PTSD, like the back of my hand. My drive to help others through emotional blocks comes from my own knowing of how difficult traumatic experiences can be. I can of course only share with you to the extent of my own knowing.

To get close to the raw emotions and be able to hold and soothe them is possibly our greatest challenge. Anxious thinking is a pattern developed to ‘keep us safe’, creating behaviors and thoughts that appear helpful, but in reality hold us prisoner. The foundations that we lay down before we get close to anxiety are vital to enable a gentle approach. Bringing feelings of compassion and safety into the body can be game changing. Using visualisation, Sanskrit mantra, affirmation and meditation, starts to create the energy and feelings of trust and acceptance in the body. Diving into feelings before foundations are laid makes it so much harder.

The Foundations

Finding a routine to bring feelings of safety into the body is so unbelievably life changing. Breathwork, meditation, compassion practices, mantra and Yin yoga are some of the best ways to ground the mind and body, encouraging feelings of equilibrium and safety. Allowing bodily held tensions to release and encouraging more ease. These foundations can create a sense of holding when difficult experiences and emotions come into our lives. Although it wont stop the feelings, the likelihood is that being able to process the experience will be smoother and kinder.

Moving into change

As anxiety arises, question the visceral experience. Perhaps ask what wants to be known or heard within yourself. As we nurture the experience it starts to shift and change. This is why developing a compassionate backdrop to our landscape is so supportive. The energy of love and support is there to step in when the difficult feelings show up.

It is the resistance to feel that creates more discomfort, the body shouts a little louder. Having spent years and years not facing my innermost feelings I know the intensity that can be felt. But, with care and compassion it does change. Having the right support is also such a gift. You start to learn who will be able to meet you where you are at and be there.

Unlearning what you learnt

Find your way out. Maybe its mantra and affirmation, talking and expressing, or meditation and movement. By creating an outlet, an expression for your feelings and held experiences you start the process of alchemy, and transformation into wisdom rather than pain.

Embrace the beautiful aspects of life and really feel into these too, its about bringing that balance back.

Get close to those who can hold space for you

Having people around you (friends, therapists) who you can bare your soul to is huge. That deep sense of connection and understanding is healing and soothing. Remember that we are all experiencing emotions, and being able to create a safe space with another to move through difficultly is probably the single most important part.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and visit my website for more info!


Liz Sparkes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Liz Sparkes is a health psychologist, intuitive coach, and meditation and reiki practitioner. After completing a Ph.D. in Pain Psychology and training to facilitate meditation and mindfulness, Liz dedicated herself to helping others feel more empowered and fulfilled. Liz has developed academic and private transformational courses for heart-based living, meditation and compassion, awareness, and moon living. Liz works with groups and individuals in workplaces, health settings, charitable organizations, and holistic retreats. Liz utilizes a mixture of psychological and ancient spiritual methods for healing and to support living life from the perspective of the heart, gaining greater insight and intuitive trust.

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