Written by: Michelle Williams, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Are you unhappy with the situations in your life? Your emotional reactions, your relationships, your financial situation? Do you consider yourself “unlucky”?
Being in the flow of life and in complete joy is what we are destined to be here on Earth. Regardless of the situations in our life, our goal is to bring everything back to happiness and joy. I know this may seem difficult to do, but it can be very simple.
For the first 32 years of my life, I lived for everyone else. Everything I did and decisions I made took into consideration the thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and judgements of others. Where I lived, what I drove, what I did on the weekends, what I wore – everything! I lived opinionless. The even sadder part is, I didn’t even realize it until I was close to a breakdown. All of the frustration and anger of living life and doing things for everyone else had built up to a boiling point.
After I had what I called a mini-breakdown, I realized that I had no idea who I was. I had no idea what I liked and what I didn’t like. All I knew was what other people liked, didn’t like and what I was conditioned and programmed to do – which wasn’t me.
I realized that feeling all of this frustration, anger, irritation, and confusion meant that I was completely out of alignment with my purpose in life. This misalignment had me so stuck for years, all I could do was dwell on the past and be angry at myself for not choosing to live my life for me. I blamed myself, others, and God. During that time, I thought that’s just how life was and I couldn’t change it – I was stuck! And I was not happy about it!
I spent several years stumbling through these realizations and trying hard to figure out who I was without interference from others. It was a difficult and interesting journey, to say the least, and I am continuing to learn and grow every day – which is so exciting! I have learned so many ways of bringing myself back into alignment with who I am supposed to be which has helped my life flourish each day through healing, accepting the past, and moving forward.
What I am about to share are a few easy ways to get started on your journey to creating a life that you desire and deserve. These helped me and I know they can help you. We are the masters of our lives and we can design and craft it to be exactly what we desire!
1. Our thoughts, words, and actions hold meaning. A LOT of meaning!
The process of creation starts with a thought. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he had a thought (Wouldn’t it be nice if there was light in this room since my candle burned out?), which he turned into words (drew/wrote out the design, told people, etc.), and then he took action (attempted creation over 1,000 times before he got it “right”) – And then, Poof! There was a lightbulb. While this was obviously a long time for creation, the creation in our lives happens much much faster. In some instances, people can simply think about an object or person, and it is there within seconds or minutes – the master manifestor!
Everything we think, say or do goes into creation mode almost instantly (within 17 seconds). Our mind and the Universe are working very hard to get us what we desire so every thought counts. Every negative thought creates that negative thing (fear, sickness, poverty). Every positive thought creates a positive thing (you choose to be happy).
Action: Pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. Keep track of how many negative thoughts or complaints you’ve had. Use a small piece of paper and make tick marks for the thoughts. At the end of the day, sit with this number and realize all the negativity you are bringing into your life. On day 2, make a conscious effort to shift these thoughts into positive ones, quickly! It needs to be done within 17 seconds to shift the energy in the right direction. By continuously doing this, your daily positivity will increase and so will your happiness!
2. Let go of the past and forgive!
Have you noticed how often you relive situations from your past in your head? Do you have friends that repeatedly talk about past situations every time you’re with them? When these things occur, how does it make you feel? Stuck, frustrated, angry – are the emotions and feelings that come to mind for me. I know people who have been repeating the same stories or complaints for years and years. All of these people are extremely unhappy in life. The sad part is, they don’t realize it's because they are stuck in the past and they aren’t taking action to move themselves forward. I used to be one of these people! There are many methods that can help release the past allowing for forward movement and huge life changes! The one I am going to focus on is Forgiveness. This will speed up the process of alignment for you in the most powerful and impactful ways.
Getting over the past can be very difficult, especially if there was a traumatic or abusive situation. For these, I suggest consulting a professional that can help in a much deeper and structured way.
Action: In your journal or notebook, write down all of the negative situations or people that come to mind when you think of the past. It may be easier to section out your life by age to keep things organized. Don’t write too much detail, a few words about a situation and the name of a person is fine. Writing too much about the situation will cause it to surface too much and the emotions will become stronger than needed.
Now, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to balance and center yourself.
Start at the top of your list and imagine the person in front of you.
Imagine yourself telling that person all of the hurtful things they did to you and the reasons they had a negative impact on you (if you feel emotional, please cry to give an extra release).
If they have something to say in return, let them say their side. Don’t argue with them – Just listen.
When they/you are complete, tell them you forgive them and that you are also sorry for the role that you played in the situation (it was a learning experience for both of you).
Feel the forgiveness in your body and your heart center.
Now, see that person or situation shifting from the front of your mind, to the back of your mind. It’s in the past and it’s complete.
Take a few more deep breaths, clear your mind of that person/situation and move to the next.
If the main character in the situation that you wrote down is yourself, see yourself in front of you (during that time period) and forgive yourself. Self-forgiveness is so powerful and incredibly healing! Be sure to cross each person off your list! Again, if the situation was very traumatic, please seek additional help and healing to help with deeper releasing. Energy Healing helps with this in a beautiful way!
3. Gratitude!
Being thankful for what we have in life is powerful in many different ways. The trick to gratitude, is doing it consciously and on purpose. If we don’t express gratitude for what we have, the Universe doesn’t know what to deliver us. It will think – Ok, well I gave him that beautiful free car that I thought he wanted but he wasn’t grateful for it at all, so I guess he really didn’t want it! – then the thief stops by and takes that beautiful car away. Not being purposeful with gratitude makes me think of the people that live their marriage with an implied “I love you” and they rarely say it out loud or take actions to show it. Then the divorce happens, because the partner thinks they weren’t loved or accepted. Being grateful not only shows the Universe what we want but it also gives us a new perspective on life and the things and people in our life. We can take the time to actually realize what we want and what it feels like to have it.
Action: This one is very simple! In your journal or notebook, write down 5 things that you are grateful for each day. They cannot be repeated! There are no right or wrong answers, just feel into it and write them down. Here are some of mine for this week:
I am grateful I had the chance to spend some quality time with my parents this week.
I am grateful for the new people and clients that I met this week.
I am grateful that I was fully energized and able to complete my task list today.
I am grateful that I was able to spend an abundant amount of time outside today in the beautiful weather.
I am grateful for the chance to breath nourishing air each day!
4. Mindset and belief changes
Much of our personalities are created from conditioning and programs from several things – childhood, ancestral inheritance, genetic/DNA, past lives (if you believe that) and our soul contract (our purpose and why we are here). Much of these things bring in beliefs that served us a purpose at one time but as we continue life with them, we become stuck or misaligned. This creates a life that is disharmonious and unhappy. The good news is, we can change it! The first step in mindset and belief changes are identifying what needs to be changed. After that is determined, you can use healing methods to shift and change these beliefs very quickly. This creates a powerful mindset shift which brings you back into alignment with who you are. It’s absolutely amazing!
Action: In your journal or notebook, write down the following things:
Fears – heights, failure, rejection, abandonment, death, etc.
Illnesses/dis-ease – health & wellness challenges, high blood pressure, insomnia, obesity, etc.
Challenges in life – financial, can’t hold a job, short temper, divorces, etc.
Situations of rejection and regret – break-ups, abandonment, abuse, etc.
Areas within your parent/caretaker personality that you don’t care for – judging others, not/too affectionate, unable to save money, etc.
Other beliefs – need to work hard to make money, your body cannot heal itself, I am not good enough, women can’t be successful business owners
The first step is understanding that none of these things define you. They are simply areas in your life that were conditioned when you were young or from deeper programming that can be changed. Second, many of these things that come up simply needed to be realized in order for them to be released. Conscious awareness is a huge step in healing. Sit with your list and go through each item knowing that these items are not you and give your subconscious mind permission to let them go.
Inner healing is a much-needed step to shifting from being stuck to being fulfilled in life. Many people believe that we are living life without a real purpose and the daily motions and routines are all there is. I promise you, it is not! We are all here for a reason. Shifting into a mindset where we can live a life that is exciting, fulfilling, and happy can be incredibly simple, but you need to make a decision that you want it. A life you are creating every day. A life you want to live, with joy!
I invite you to explore a deeper level of yourself! A self that knows you are worth of receiving the absolute best that life has to offer. A self that brings people into your life who help you, not challenge you. A self that is grateful for the little things life has to offer just as much as you are grateful for the big things. A self that accepts yourself and others for who they are on the inside and outside. A self that knows you are worthy and deserving of being happy, healthy, prosperous, and free! Are you up for the challenge?
Visit Michelle’s website to start today!
Michelle Williams, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Michelle knows first-hand how liberating it is to break through emotional and mental blockages, thus living life to the fullest. After many years of what felt like living her life for other people, Michelle decided it was time to prioritize her own health and happiness. By putting herself first, Michelle knew she would find real fulfillment in providing a healing influence to others. She changed the relationship with herself and the people around her through this new perspective on life. Fulfilled by the positive energy, Michelle has discovered her real passion!
As an Intuitive Energy Healing Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Life Coach, Michelle helps others remove what is blocking them from being their true selves and having abundance in every area of their life. Michelle helps her clients unlock wealth, health, positive relationships and live a life that enables them to have it all! Michelle’s technique centers on enabling her clients to change their mindset and clear dormant negative energy caused by traumatic events in current and past lifetimes. By doing so, her clients are able to transform limiting beliefs, remove energetic imbalances within the body, and more. This allows the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies to be revitalized, renewed, and aligned with the path towards optimum health, wealth and happiness!