Written by: Janet Philbin, Executive Contributor
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Manifestation requires a shift that begins within you. It requires a shift in your mindset. It requires a shift in the words you say to yourself, think about yourself, and the words you use when you speak to others.

Think about the words you use when you are thinking about yourself and the goals you want to achieve. Are your words and thoughts in alignment with the goals? Think about the self-talk you hear in your head and the energy of the words you speak out loud.
Many of us use the words “what if” in our sentences about what we want to manifest. The problem with these “what if” statements is that they are not present. They are somewhere in the future, wishfully hoping that somehow the result you are desiring will happen. Here are a few examples of the wishfully hoping self-talk I am speaking about:
What if I win Lotto?
What if my relationships were more fulfilling?
What if I loved my job?
What if I loved myself?
What if I lost weight?
What if I yelled less?
What if I was happier or more successful?
All these questions begin with what if. What if it is passive, what if it does not allow you to act, what if is full of worry.
When you are wishfully hoping, the energy of worry or anxiety is attached to it because we have expectations for the future. That leads to the next set of thoughts which are, “what if it does not happen the way I am hoping for?” Thoughts like these are anxiety creating and anxiety sustaining. You may want to manifest, but instead, you create blocks to manifestation because you are putting fear and wishful hoping in front of action and intention.
What if is giving away your power and is asking a question. Do you want to live with a question mark hanging over your head?
We cannot manifest a question; we manifest a declaration.
Manifestation begins with clear intention. Manifestation also requires the energy of being in the present moment. In the present moment, we can make decisions, act, and have a choice. In the present moment, we are empowered, and we invite the future to us by stepping forward toward it. When you want to manifest, the place to start is with the words you use when you think about yourself and what you want for and in your life. Your words, actions, and thoughts all must be in alignment to manifest. This is not wishfully hoping. It is intention setting with an intentional mindset.
Where did you learn to hope wishfully? Why is it you find yourself living with the question marks instead of actively empowering thoughts of manifestation? This is where I believe the subconscious mind has a role. There was a time in your life when you learned that it was too scary to believe in yourself or believe you would be able to get what you wanted or needed in life. To cope with your reality at that time, you began to wish and hope for change because you were in a place in your life where you were too disempowered or scared to create that change. That wishing and hoping became worry, fear, and feelings of lack. The words you used to think about yourself then are more than likely the same words you use to think about yourself now. We hold onto the thoughts and beliefs like a security blanket. However, what we hold onto holds us back. It holds you back from manifesting your heart’s desire and joy. It is up to you to do the inner work and begin to unravel the thoughts, patterns, and beliefs so you can lead yourself to where you want to be.
Imagine the possibilities available to you when you shift your mindset to live each day with intention, and your words and thoughts are declaring your intentions.
Here are some examples of present moment intentional thoughts and statements:
I am living each day with all I need.
I do what is for my highest and greatest good every single day.
I am creating all that I need.
I am earning the money I need to live each day with abundance.
I am doing something good for myself each day.
I am in healthy relationships with a partner, family, and friends.
I am doing work that brings me joy and fulfillment.
I love myself completely and unconditionally.
This list has limitless potential. These are present moment statements that declare to the universe, with clarity, your manifestation, and intention.
The subconscious mind has no sense of time. When you say statements like those above, which are present moment, the subconscious mind believes it is happening now. When we believe it is happening now, we have access to that energy and can use it to manifest with intention.
Your subconscious mind will continue to believe that you need the old limiting thoughts until you release them and free yourself. It believed the thoughts because they served a purpose to keep you safe at an earlier time in your life. However, I challenge you to let them go. Here are some action steps you can begin to shift from wishfully hoping to an intentional mindset of manifestation.
Pick one thought and let it go. Write that thought down and burn or shred the paper giving it back to the universe. Release it with a clear intention to the universe that this thought no longer serves you, and you are releasing it. Repeat this step often and with as many thoughts as you need to release.
Replace that thought with the opposite and with a more powerful, positive, and present moment thought.
Write down your intentions and declarations of manifestations in the present tense. Put your intentions where you can see them each day.
Meditate on these intentions daily.
Repeat them aloud to yourself daily.
Journal the action steps you are taking as you move toward the goals and intentions you have set.
Share your intentions with someone. Declaring your intention with another magnifies your ability to own these new thoughts. Remember your words have energy.
Changing your thoughts change your energy and your mindset. It is important to remember there is no timeline for this. I realize we have become a society that wants immediate gratification. However, you must be patient with results and find the pebbles along the way that show you your progress to the goal. You are your own pebble. Each pebble is a thought. Each pebble is the energy you put out into the world. Make each one count. Be clear with your words and intentions. Do not be ambiguous. That only creates confusion. Have a clear desire for what you wish to manifest in your life, then create the thoughts and sentences in alignment. Bring that energy with you into your conversations, meditations, journal writing, and everywhere you go. Being clear, present, and consistently attracts to you what you desire.

Janet Philbin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Janet is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Certified Conscious Parenting Coach. Janet helps adults heal from the emotional pain and trauma of their past. She is the owner of Janet Philbin, ACSW, private psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy practice. For 21 years, Janet has been successfully helping people recover from their emotional wounds and change their lives with the power of transformational healing and hypnotherapy.
She’s the author of, Show Up For Yourself: A Guide to Inner Awareness and Growth. Her book offers readers a framework to heal their emotional wounds and become emotionally whole once again. Show Up For Yourself hit Amazon’s bestseller status and won as a finalist in the 2020 Readers Favorite book contest. She works closely with Dr. Shefali Tsabary, NY Times best-selling author and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, as an ambassador in her Conscious Parenting Coaching Method Institute.