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How To Receive The Best Possible Psychic Reading

Stella is a Psychic Reader and Reiki Practitioner. She specialises in guiding creatives and small business owners. She offers her clients personalised readings and healing sessions to assist with finding clarity in their personal and professional lives.

Executive Contributor Stella Beeby

Entering a psychic reading can feel like stepping into the unknown. Clients arrive with a mix of hope, curiosity, and sometimes apprehension, eager to gain insights into their lives. As a psychic, I approach each session with an open heart and a willingness to connect, but the outcome of any reading depends on the energy that is brought to the session. The energy that clients bring into the space, their willingness to collaborate, and their openness to new possibilities play a massive role in shaping the experience.

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It’s essential to recognise that psychic readings are a collaborative process. The psychic and the client work together to navigate the energies, questions, and insights that arise during the session. When clients arrive with an open mindset, the potential for a transformative and enlightening experience increases.


The role of energy in psychic readings

Energy is at the heart of every psychic reading. It flows between the psychic and the client, influencing the depth and clarity of the insights received. High vibrational energy, marked by positivity and an open mindset, creates a supportive environment that enhances both communication and the intuitive connection between the psychic and the client.

Low vibrational energy can create blocks, hindering the flow of information and limiting the potential of the session.

I often feel the energetic shifts in the room, as soon as I start talking to a client. When clients enter with a positive mindset and high vibrational energy, it sets off a positive ripple effect that enriches the overall reading experience.


A desire to connect

One of the most important aspects of a successful psychic reading is your genuine desire to connect. When clients arrive with an openness to engage with the process, it creates an opportunity for a meaningful exchange of energy. Here are some ways to create that connection:

Set your intentions

Before the session, take a moment to reflect on what you hope to gain from the reading. Are there specific questions you want to explore? What insights are you seeking? Setting clear intentions helps to focus the energy and guides the reading in a direction that resonates with you. Intentions serve as a guide, directing both your energy and the psychic’s towards the core areas of your life that need attention.

Practice mindfulness

Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help ground your energy before the session. This not only calms the mind but also enhances your receptivity to the information that comes through during the reading. Being present in the moment allows you to better connect with your intuition and the insights that arise, fostering a deeper connection with the psychic.


Be willing to work as a team

Psychic readings are collaborative experiences. The more you are willing to engage and participate, the more profound the insights can be. Here’s how to approach the reading as a team effort:

Ask questions

If something resonates or sparks your curiosity, don’t hesitate to ask questions during the reading. This active engagement not only enriches the experience but also helps clarify the messages being received. Questions can unlock deeper layers of insight, and your willingness to explore further often leads to more personalised guidance.

Share your thoughts

I appreciate hearing my clients’ thoughts or reactions to the information I provide. Sharing your perspective allows for a more interactive session and can lead to deeper insights. When you express how certain messages resonate or challenge your understanding, it creates a dynamic exchange that enhances the reading.

Be open to feedback

Sometimes, the insights received may challenge your current beliefs or perspectives. Approach these moments with an open mind, recognising that growth often occurs outside of our comfort zones. Accepting feedback gracefully can lead to breakthroughs.

Release expectations

While it’s natural to have certain expectations going into a psychic reading, holding onto them too tightly can hinder the process. Expectations can create mental blocks that prevent you from receiving valuable insights. Here are some tips for releasing expectations:

Embrace the unknown

Understand that the reading may unfold in unexpected ways. Trust the process and be open to whatever information comes through, even if it diverges from your original questions. Embracing uncertainty can often lead to the most enlightening revelations, allowing for a broader understanding of your situation.

Let go of control

Surrendering the need to control the outcome of the reading allows for a more organic flow of energy. When you release the urge to dictate what should happen, you create space for new possibilities to emerge. This openness invites unexpected insights that may hold great significance for your journey.

Maintain high energy levels

Your energy level significantly impacts the reading experience. Here are some practical strategies to help maintain high vibrational energy during your session:

Stay hydrated and nourished

Physical well-being plays a crucial role in your energetic state. Make sure to drink plenty of water and consume nourishing foods before your reading to help sustain your energy levels. Your physical state can directly influence your emotional and mental clarity, which enhances your receptiveness during the session.

Engage in uplifting activities

Prior to your session, consider engaging in activities that uplift your spirit—listening to your favourite music, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones. This positive energy can carry into the reading, enhancing the connection. Surrounding yourself with positivity creates a high vibrational state that facilitates deeper insights during the session.

Create a positive space

If the reading is taking place in your home, take a moment to create a calming environment. Light a candle, diffuse essential oils, or arrange the space in a way that feels comforting and inviting. A positive physical space can help raise your vibrational energy. Consider adding elements that bring you joy and peace, making it easier to connect with the psychic and the insights they provide.


Be open-minded and non-judgmental

Approaching the reading with an open mind is crucial for receiving insights that may challenge your current beliefs or perspectives. Here are some ways to encourage an open-minded attitude:

Consider all possibilities

Be willing to entertain insights that may not align with your preconceived notions. Sometimes, the most valuable messages come from unexpected places. Allow yourself to think outside the box and embrace the full spectrum of possibilities. This openness can lead to breakthroughs that help you navigate life’s challenges.


Avoid judgment

Create a non-judgmental space for both yourself and the psychic. Understand that the messages received are not personal judgments; rather, they are insights meant to guide you. This acceptance allows for a more fruitful exchange of energy and information. When you approach the reading without judgment, it creates a trusting environment, which allows the psychic to offer the best guidance possible.

Trust the process

Trust that the psychic is receiving information for your highest good. Even if a message seems confusing or irrelevant initially, it may reveal its significance as you reflect on it later. Recognising the value of the psychic’s insights can help you remain open to the messages that arise during the reading.


Conclusion: Embrace the journey

Receiving a psychic reading is a unique and personal journey that involves both the psychic and the client working together. By creating high vibrational energy, embracing a desire to connect, and remaining open to the process, you can create a space for transformative insights to unfold.

As you prepare for your next psychic reading, remember that your energy, intentions, and openness play a crucial role in shaping the experience. Embrace the unknown, allow the insights to flow, and trust that the journey can lead you to the clarity and guidance you seek.

Each reading is an opportunity for growth, healing, and connection, and with the right mindset, it can be a truly enlightening experience.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Stella Beeby, Psychic Reader and Reiki Practitioner

Stella is a skilled Psychic Reader and Reiki Practitioner, guiding diverse clients – while focusing mainly on creatives and business owners. Helping them find clarity and healing through the psychic information she receives. She values free will, empowering clients to make decisions that are best for them. Stella has also been mentioned on Mai FM and has worked closely with several well-known personalities.



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