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How To Reach Your Goals By Doing Less

Written by: Kelly Keefe, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In a world that is moving at the fastest pace every day with the advancement of technology, the mindset of moving slowly to reach your goals faster seems like nonsense. However, what if this trick to optimizing our lives is so simple that the complex human mind doesn't want to accept it? What are some goals you have for yourself right now? What breakthrough are you working towards in your professional and personal life?

As you begin to understand the value of rest, integration, and working from your imagination first; you increase your frequency. It is from an elevated frequency that you enter a state of flow. From here, you are in harmony with your goals. With your mindset locked into a positive direction(and our thoughts are the creator of our worlds). From the flow state, you release the resistance you can create with your thoughts, rushing your actions, and living with stress and anxiety. You can allow the act of receiving the things you desire and dream. These unfoldings can be graceful when you learn to slow down and tend to your frequency.

Making the Change

At every moment of every day, our frequency (vibe, aura, energy, etc.) changes depending on what we think, feel, and consume. As you elevate, you become more easeful and allow things to happen rather than forcing them. When you force or try to make things happen, you are acting from a space of fear. The goal is to take inspired action from a place of faith. Of course, this doesn’t mean just sitting around and stopping taking care of your responsibilities. Of course not. What it does mean is to take breaks where you can. Rest when you can. Don’t fill every moment of your life with tasks and consume meaningless content. Allow yourself time to daydream and feel the goals accomplished already. It can be helpful when thinking about moving into the receiving mode to think of yourself as a radio. At all times you are emitting a frequency that tunes you into a “radio station.” As you partake in different activities and environments, your frequency or “radio station” can change.

States of relaxation and health raise us to higher frequencies. Stress and anxiety lower our vibration. The higher our vibration, the more joyful our human experience; it is in high frequencies that we experience our ability to manifest things that we desire.

There are many ways that we can tend to our frequency including nutrient-dense food, spending time in nature, working with a professional for energy work, therapy, and subconscious work. My practice, Frequency Therapy, is a combination of these three altogether.

What Does it Mean to ‘Pause?’

Permitting yourself to pause nourishes and fills your tank in all areas of the Body, Mind & Spirit. We allow ourselves to take moments to center ourselves and rejuvenate ourselves. The more we have this tank full, the easier the path to achieving our goals is.

Our world runs on a mindset that we always need to be busy to prove we are worthy and enough. When we allow ourselves to pause, we release the feeling of not being productive or that we are not doing enough. We can let that mindset go because it is the complete opposite.

Resting and taking time to do nothing is one of the most productive things you can do to reach your goals.

I hear you, “So it means that I do nothing?”. This sounds simple but it can be harder than you think. So let’s explore, how taking time to do nothing help each of these areas?

Giving the Mind Permission to Pause

We are constantly on the go. While moving, our minds are racing. The human brain produces, on average, 35-48 thoughts a minute, so by the end of the day, we have used a lot of energy. When the mind is depleted, our creativity plummets, decision-making skills weaken, and our ability to receive new ideas and inspirations closes down. By giving the mind breaks throughout the day, you're able to hit the reset button.

You can check back into your latest project or to-do list with a fresh, new perspective, allowing you to remain focused, energized, and inspired.

Practices to shift into rejuvenation mode include meditation, spending time in nature, and even taking a nap!

Giving the Body Permission to Pause

I think it is a fair assumption to say that we all feel the sensation of being tired. A trick and sweet spot to performing at your optimal state is to rest before you hit extreme exhaustion.

Once the body has gone into depletion mode, extra recovery time is needed to refill the tank. Taking time to do nothing will allow the body to remain charged and sends signals to the nervous system that it can relax. A calm nervous system is a pillar of peak performance and manifesting.

Practices to shift into rejuvenation mode include rest/napping, getting a massage, or trying a sensory deprivation tank!

Let Go Of Control

When looking to produce more results in your life with less effort, an important factor is working with the stream of energy that moves all things. This means declaring what you want in your life and then believing it is taken care of for you. And taking inspired actions when you are clear of some next steps, then resting and recharging when you don’t.

Make decisions and actions aligned with the results you wish to achieve, and with much more ease (and a challenge here and there. This is real life after all) you will see your results accomplished in your life. It is important to take time to relax and not be in action mode all the time to keep the nervous system calm.

Ways to shift into relaxation and receiving include meditation, visualizing your ideal scenario, doing an activity that makes your heart sing, and energy work.

Don’t Forget to Take Time to Be a Human Being!

A friendly reminder we are human beings, not human doings. A part of our human experience is to let ourselves be. Let yourself bask in the sunshine and relax to your favorite music. Know that when your tank is empty, the most productive thing you can do for yourself and the collective is nap or take a day off.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kelly Keefe, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kelly Keefe is an innovative leader, empowerment mindset coach, speaker, best-selling author, and reiki teacher. She is the founder of The Heartspace established in 2016 helping individuals and groups find their inner peace and elevate into states of thriving. She has worked with thousands of people around the world, including C-suite executives and entrepreneurs helping them create fulfillment in their lives and exceed their goals while doing so. Kelly is a Frequency Therapist and multi-disciplinary artist. She uses her certified training and experience to bring a fresh approach to traditional therapy allowing for faster results and true resolution of problems and challenges.

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