Written by: Angela Stephens, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As an Executive Search Consultant in the C-Suite Retained space for 30 years, I have interviewed thousands of candidates who, from time to time, find burnout or simply need a change. Our jobs become our identity, and if you find yourself out of work or needing to make a change, you are not alone.

When I interview candidates that need a change, I ask them the following questions:
Ask yourself If you like your job or what you do
What is missing in your life right now, personal or business
If you could change your career today, what would career would you choose?
Many times, people do not leave their roles for money. Money is down further on their wish list. Here is what our firm has found from our research:
Candidates want to feel appreciated and recognized for their efforts.
Candidates want their input or ideas to be validated or at least considered.
They want to be excited about what they are doing and be able to give back to a cause.
They want a seat at the table.
Salary increase is important, but it is not on the top of the list.
So how do you get there? If you have a job, do not quit immediately.
Here are tips on what to do if you are considering a change:
Make a list of every type of new career that interests you, even if you do not have the qualifications. List at least 3-5
Be realistic and look at your skillsets to see if they could apply to the ideas that you have written down.
Talk to your current employer. If you are in an accounting role but would like to work in project management. Let your HR department know that if there is a role that comes up, you would like to be considered for that role.
Ask your HR department or the department that you are interested in if there are any courses internally or outside of work that you could take to gain the skills in that role. If not, look for online classes that you could take in the evening or on weekends.
Take a class. Find out if that is truly a career or role that would fulfill your career interests.
If your current employer does not know that you are interested in that role, you will not immediately come to mind. It is important to make sure that they are aware of your interest level.
If you do not find that your current employer has what you are looking for, then consider new opportunities with other companies.
Then start your job search. Update your resume. Do some soul searching on what you are looking for, what drives you, be creative, and do not limit yourself to your dreams. They do come true, and YOU can make them happen.
If you are employed, do your very best in your role until you make a change. It is far better to leave a position well positioned for the person to take your role. Plus, you will get a better reference if you leave on good terms, give appropriate 2-week notice, or longer.
If possible, take some time before changing jobs. If you find your job has taken time from your family, take a week off between leaving your job and starting a new job. Spend time with your family, take a vacation, read a book, and take some mental time for yourself.

In our next article, we will cover what you need to do to find that new role, how to find what you are good at, and how to make it happen!
Angela Stephens is also the CEO of RE-FOCUS THE CREATIVE OFFICE where they have over 36 products to help you FOCUS & RE-FOCUS. 11 styles of Password Books, Calendars, To-Do List Legal Pads, Guided Anxiety Journals, Pillboxes, College/Scholarship Timeline sheets and more. Plus, she is also the Podcast Host of RE-Focus with Angela Stephens
On the 100th Episode of the Podcast, the RE-FOCUS Team will be announcing a NEW Podcast that you will definitely want to follow!
We all get so busy… sometimes we need to STOP… take a moment, and RE-FOCUS. If you are wanting one on one career coaching, you can schedule time right on Angela’s calendar here!
If you are looking to fill a Sr level position with your firm, contact Angela directly at angela@astephensandassociates.com
Angela Stephens, President & Founder of A. Stephens & Associates

Angela Stephens, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Angela Stephens is the CEO and Co-Founder of RE-FOCUS THE CREATIVE OFFICE, the Podcast Host to “RE-Focus with Angela” as well as the President to a 30 year Executive Search Firm: A. Stephens & Associates. RE-FOCUS THE CREATIVE OFFICE was created in 2018 to help her son in school and in life as he had been diagnosed with ADHD in the fifth grade, Stephens was diagnosed with ADHD later in life at age 45. To date, the company has over thirty-six “Focus Products” nationwide online and in retail stores. Stephens has a passion and mission to help change the stigma of ADHD, to show that once individuals are focused and organized, they can be brilliant. Stephens interviews executives on how they FOCUS on her Podcast.