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How To Prepare For Earth’s Changes – Transitioning From The Piscean Age To The Age Of Aquarius

Nichell has done over 10,000 Readings. She uses a person's Astrological Natal Birth Chart to read from. A birth chart is like a blueprint of a person – mind, body, and spirit.

Executive Contributor Nichell Delvaille

As we stand at the threshold of a new era, transitioning from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius, humanity is undergoing profound spiritual and energetic changes. This shift is more than just an astrological event; it signals a transformation in how we live, connect, and perceive our world.

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Guiding humanity through the spiritual upgrades of a new era

As we leave the Piscean Age behind and step fully into the Age of Aquarius, humanity is experiencing profound shifts in consciousness. These changes are not only a result of technological advancement or societal upheavals but are deeply connected to Earth’s energetic and spiritual evolution. In this new Aquarian era, we are being called to awaken to higher levels of awareness, compassion, and connection. But what does this shift mean for us individually, and how can we prepare ourselves to embrace these cosmic changes?

Leaving the Piscean age behind

The Piscean Age was characterized by the exploration of faith, emotion, and the pursuit of ideals. It was a time when collective belief systems and emotional undercurrents shaped the world. As we now move into the Age of Aquarius, a new focus emerges intellectual growth, technological progress, and humanitarian ideals. We are being called to develop a more collective consciousness and redefine the way we connect with one another.


Aquarius is about freedom, innovation, and breaking old paradigms. In this age, we are no longer bound by the illusionary thinking that often dominated the Piscean era. Instead, we are being asked to think for ourselves, to rise above division, and to connect with the broader spiritual universe. But how do we personally navigate such a monumental shift?

Preparing for Earth’s upgrade

These Earth changes are not just external. The planet’s frequency is rising, and with it, humanity is being asked to upgrade its vibration. To align with this new energy, here are practical steps you can take to prepare:


1. Meditate: In your own way

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to raise your frequency and connect with the Divine. But don’t feel restricted to sitting cross-legged under the moon. Meditation is personal and can take many forms. Whether you’re walking in nature, riding a bike, hiking through the forest, or painting, the key is to make time to quiet your mind and connect inwardly. The Aquarian Age emphasizes individuality, so find the form of meditation that suits you.


2. Spend time in nature

The Earth’s energy is shifting, and so must ours. Spending time in nature helps us realign with the planet’s changing vibration.

Whether it’s hiking, swimming, or simply sitting under a tree, grounding in nature can recalibrate our frequency, making us more attuned to the subtle changes happening all around us.


3. Seek therapy for emotional trauma

We cannot carry emotional baggage from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age. Processing unresolved trauma is essential for our evolution. Seek out therapy, whether it’s traditional talk therapy, energy healing, or somatic practices, to clear your emotional field and make space for new energies. As the Aquarian Age invites us to break free from past restrictions, healing old wounds is a vital step in becoming more aligned with the higher frequencies.

4. Live simply

Simplicity is key as we shift into a more technologically driven but spiritually attuned age. Simplifying your life allows for more clarity and focus on what truly matters: your spiritual growth, relationships, and well-being. Aquarius favors innovation, but not at the expense of our human essence. Minimalism and intentional living can help you cut through the noise of the material world and stay aligned with your spiritual path.


5. Shift focus from the 3D to the spiritual realm

In this new age, we are being asked to move beyond the purely physical, 3D understanding of life. It’s time to look deeper into the spiritual realms that govern our existence. This shift will require a reorientation of our focus, from the pursuit of external validation and material success to cultivating inner peace, compassion, and a sense of unity with all living things.


6. Strengthen connections with friends and family

Aquarius rules the collective and community. As we move forward, relationships will take on new meaning, with a focus on authentic connection. Spend time nurturing relationships with friends and family. These bonds can provide both emotional support and serve as a reminder of our shared humanity.


7. Start your own garden: The frequency of food

The food we consume is a direct link to the planet’s energy. Growing your own food or sourcing food locally allows you to cultivate a direct relationship with the Earth. The frequency of what you eat plays a significant role in your vibration. High-vibrational foods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, can help you maintain balance during Earth’s transition.


8. Understand your astrological natal chart

One of the best tools for self-awareness and spiritual growth in this era is your Astrological Natal Birth Chart. By understanding your chart, you can gain insight into your soul’s purpose, strengths, challenges, and emotional patterns. Use it as a guide for your spiritual journey and personal development in this Aquarian Age.


9. Tap into spiritual tools

Spiritual tools like tarot cards, runes, oracle cards, angel cards, and numerology can serve as a bridge to connect more deeply with the Divine. These tools, when used with intention, can enhance your spiritual practice and deepen your intuitive understanding of the universe. They aren’t just tools of divination but powerful aids in strengthening your connection to the higher realms.


Conclusion: A time for spiritual evolution

As we navigate the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age, we must remember that this shift is not just about external changes. It’s about inner transformation and spiritual evolution. By incorporating meditation, grounding in nature, healing emotional wounds, simplifying our lives, and connecting with the spiritual realm, we can align with Earth’s changes and embrace this new age of enlightenment.


The Aquarian Age promises freedom, connection, and higher consciousness, but it’s up to us to prepare ourselves for the journey.

For personal readings and astrological guidance, book a session with me today through the EverClear. Let’s discover the truth together.

Follow me on Instagram, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Nichell Delvaille


Nichell Delvaille, Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer

Nichell is a Wellness Practitioner. Healing effects all aspects of a person. She is a Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki Master and Herbalist. Nichell also has certifications in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.



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