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How To Overcome Anxiety At Work

Written by: Nicole Lucas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

 Executive Contributor Nicole Lucas

It’s the beginning of a new work week. Now what? Where do you start? Try this…

Woman in blue long sleeves looking at laptop

There are likely things that you’re excited about and things you’re hesitant or anxious about. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), workplace stress and anxiety affect life at work–and at home. The ADAA goes on to report that employees say stress and anxiety most often impact the following areas:

  • Workplace performance (56%)

  • Relationships with coworkers and peers (51%)

  • Quality of work (50%)

  • Relationships with superiors (43%)

Furthermore, the ADAA reported that the main culprits of work-related stress are:

  • Deadlines (55%)

  • Interpersonal relationships (53%)

  • Staff management (50%)

  • Dealing with issues/problems that arise (49%)

So how do we overcome hesitation and anxiety in these areas? How can we help ourselves and our teams be more successful and less anxious at work and in life?

Try starting each week by answering the following questions. They will help you. I promise.

What am I excited about and why?

If you’re excited for something then you’ll have momentum to propel you forward, so start here. Make a list or time-block space on your calendar for the things you’re excited about this week. Doing so, will (1) protect your time for these things and (2) give you something to look forward to.

What am I hesitant or anxious about and why?

Most of the time our hesitancy or anxiety comes from a lack of clarity and control. Therefore, it is helpful and wise to take the time to (1) identify where we lack clarity, (2) figure out what we DO have control over regarding our work responsibilities and authority, and (3) what we DON’T have control over regarding our work responsibilities and authority.

When we gain clarity and come to terms with our level of control (responsibility and authority), we can focus our time, mind, heart, and energy on what is most important.

What is my weekly three, two, one?

Once you’ve spent time on the big picture with the first two questions, this last question helps you narrow in on how to conduct meaningful work throughout the week. Ask yourself:

  • What 3 wins should I focus on this week?

  • What 2 important conversations do I need to have this week?

  • What 1 thing can I do to intentionally develop myself this week?

When we can spend the beginning of our week answering these questions then we can find productive ways to move forward, and we can lead ourselves and others better.

Use your excitement to propel yourself and your team forward.

Use your hesitancy or anxiety to help you examine what roadblocks or issues might stand in the way. Once you identify them, work to remove them.

If you’re looking for ways to intentionally develop yourself, I would like to invite you to join me for the online leadership workshops that I host on the first Friday of each month.

On December 1, 2023, we’ll learn to Navigate Difficult Conversations. On January 5, 2024, we’ll learn to Lead Through Our Emotions rather than being led by them.

Each 60-minute interactive workshop is tailored to give you tools. No fluff, no sale pitch (*cue sigh of relief*). Just the relational and tactical frameworks to help you succeed in your leadership at work and everywhere else in between (*cue fist bump*). And if you can’t make it in person, register anyway to receive the full recording of the workshop sent right to your inbox!

The first TEN people to register for any monthly online workshop will secure their spot for FREE. Afterward, the cost is only $27.00.

Register by visiting and get ready for some hands-on, practical learning and application. You will leave these workshops more equipped to lead.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Listen every Monday to The Creative Level Leadership Podcast for more insights on leadership and team culture development. You can also Visit my website to schedule a FREE call to discuss the next best step for you and your team.

Nicole Lucas Brainz Magazine

Nicole Lucas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nicole Lucas, is the Founder and CEO of The Creative Level, a leadership coaching and consulting agency with the mission of helping individuals and teams reach the next level in their life and leadership. She is also the creator and host of The Creative Level Leadership Podcast. With a Bachelor of Science in Leadership and over a decade of experience in leading individuals and teams, Nicole finds great joy in providing people with the essential and practical tools to become healthy and skilled influential leaders.



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