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How To Operate From 5D Consciousness And Why Embracing New Earth Leadership Is A Smart Business Move For Leaders – Interview With Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon 

Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon is an industry-leading Energy and Business Mentor specializing in self-mastery, sophisticated intuitive business strategies, and embodied leadership. As a result of 2 profound spiritual awakenings at ages 23 and 40, Gennye was called to step into her mission as a leader of the New Paradigm. She is the founder of Business Success the Energetic Way and Visionary New Earth Leaders Podcast. Her expertise and programs continue to spread worldwide with her ability to bring out the best in you and your life. She is passionate about helping you open the doors to your Soul's highest expression in your life and your business.

Image photo of Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon

Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon, Industry-Leading Energy and Business Mentor

Tell us about your work?

I specialize in supporting established entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, and leaders in clearing energy blocks that hinder success, and stimulate freedom and empowerment to enhance leadership skills. These energy blocks reside in the unconscious, they are limiting beliefs, trauma, and conditioning. By clearing these blocks, we allow more cosmic light to flow in hence achieving access to 5D consciousness. By creating strong boundaries and cultivating self-love, individuals connect with their highest selves, embodying self-trust and worth. 

Through shedding old identities and releasing imposter syndrome and people-pleasing tendencies, clients gain clarity on their vision, talents, and true selves, and strengthen self-belief. I guide individuals to let go of societal pressures and embrace a more relaxed, feminine energy, integrating divine feminine and masculine energies to embody true power. As a result of our work together, clients experience heightened intuition, expanded energetic capacity, and cleared core traumas paving the path to the future of leadership development. They access their higher vision effortlessly, increasing freedom, abundance, momentum, expansion, consistency, creativity, and joy. Clients transition from fear to trust, effortlessly creating success aligned with their true selves, unique journeys, and paths to New Earth Leadership.

My transformative journey began at 23 with a profound spiritual experience, propelling me into a quest for deeper understanding and personal growth. Through my work, I help individuals unlock their highest potential by addressing energetic blocks and navigating their spiritual growth and path. I understand the struggles first-hand and have learned to transcend them. Embracing the journey of self-mastery leads to an extraordinary life and business aligned with one's Soul mission.

What inspired you to do this work? 

After completing my marketing degree in the late 90s, I was adrift and unsure of my purpose. I embarked on a journey that took me worldwide, seeking meaning and connection. It was in 1998, amidst this exploration, that I experienced a profound spiritual awakening, a rebirth within my own body. This awakening prompted a move from Sweden to the UK, setting the stage for a transformative journey of self-discovery. 

In 2008, a remarkable event in Italy illuminated my path further. I witnessed one night the radiant light of my unborn daughter, an ethereal orb of potential and love. She arrived in 2009. 

The year 2014 brought another awakening, this time amidst the intensity of my son's birth and a transcendent experience during surgery. It was the passing of my father in 2017 that crystallized my purpose. Witnessing his unfulfilled dreams and untapped potential ignited a fire within me to create a legacy of impact and transformation. My spiritual encounters and being a channel of light drive my vision to heal this world. Through collaboration, compassion, and a dedication to inner transformation, I am honoured to be a thought leader of the New World and a catalyst for change and 5D consciousness.

What makes what you do special or unique?

What sets me apart as a thought leader is the unique trajectory of my spiritual journey. Unlike many, I didn't follow a traditional path shaped by academic pursuits or career expectations. 

Instead, I embarked on a deep quest for meaning and connection, exploring the depths of my Soul across continents. My spiritual awakenings starting in 1998 have been transformative, shaping my vision and purpose. These experiences, from my children's births to my father's passing, have not only changed me personally but also ignited my passion for global change. 

My work goes beyond mere knowledge or strategy; it's about harnessing the power of soul consciousness and inner transformation to bring about positive change and enhance leadership skills. I lead with integrity, radical responsibility, and a commitment to the highest good for all. I anchor a new paradigm of love, abundance, and soul consciousness in a world of ego-driven narratives. In a world undergoing a profound transformation, I serve as a beacon of hope, inviting others to co-create a reality where all beings thrive, this is the future of leadership development. My journey isn't just about personal success; it's about collective ascension. Embracing this calling, I urge others to awaken to their divine potential and contribute to the greater good of humanity.

What has been your greatest challenge & how have you addressed this? 

In 2015, I found myself in the grips of adrenal burnout, a condition that left me physically and emotionally drained. Determined to reclaim my health and vitality, I embarked on a holistic healing journey that would transform not just my body, but my entire being. Addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, I embraced a multifaceted approach to healing. Acupuncture played a pivotal role, helping to restore balance to my body's energy systems and alleviate the physical symptoms of burnout. Nutritional balancing became another cornerstone of my healing journey, as I nourished my body with whole foods and supplements tailored to support adrenal function. 

I slowed down and started to breathe deeply daily to help my parasympathetic nervous system to activate. Divine healing became a powerful force for transformation, guiding me through deep soul healing and soul retrieval following the death of my father in 2017. His passing left me shattered, but through divine intervention and the unwavering support of loved ones, I emerged from the darkness with a renewed sense of purpose and resilience. I reclaimed lost parts of myself and transformed into a woman on a global mission, fuelled by a deep inner knowing and connection to something greater than myself. The birth of my children, though moments of profound joy, also brought their challenges. Emergency c-sections and prolonged healing periods tested my physical and emotional strength, exacerbated by post-natal depression. Yet, through perseverance and self-compassion, I navigated these challenges, drawing on my holistic tools. 

In 2017, another blow struck as my family faced the loss of our home, leaving us financially destitute and without a place to work from. It was a moment of reckoning, forcing me to confront my deepest fears and insecurities. Yet, even in the face of such adversity, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I turned to business coaching, subconscious rewiring, and nutritional support to navigate this tumultuous period. Time Waiver Quantum Field support provided a powerful energetic framework for healing, while practices like meditation and exercise grounded me in the present moment and nurtured my body's resilience. I grounded daily and worked together with my husband to create a safe, nurturing, and prosperous environment. We jointly focussed on manifestation, and we bought our home which is our fortress and anchor today. 

But perhaps the most profound shift came from within, as I confronted and dismantled deeply ingrained patterns of survival stemming from childhood trauma. Healing my relationship with money and worthiness became a central focus, as I learned to release limiting beliefs and allow myself to receive abundance in all its forms. 

Through it all, I discovered the power of slowing down, of allowing myself to rest and receive support without guilt or shame. In embracing this newfound sense of self-compassion and vulnerability, I unlocked the door to true healing and transformation. It became clear to me – this is the ‘becoming’ and ‘embodying’ part of New Earth Leadership. Today, I stand as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound healing potential of holistic health practices and 5D consciousness. 

What have been your top 3 greatest achievements in the past 12 months? 

Over the past 12 months, amidst personal challenges and professional endeavours, I've embraced three significant achievements that embody resilience, growth, and commitment. 

Firstly, I've dedicated myself to nurturing and expanding my business membership, the Connected Soul Club, tailored for spiritual entrepreneurs. With an unwavering vision to scale this platform, I've diligently cultivated a supportive community that fosters growth and transformation. 

Secondly, I've triumphed over personal health hurdles by effectively managing and healing my high blood pressure through holistic practices. By prioritizing self-care and adopting holistic tools, I've not only improved my well-being but also inspired my clients that you truly can achieve optimal health if you commit to the inner journey, holistic tools, the right nutrition, and trust in the body's miraculous ways of healing itself when we address the issues that are under-lying the problems. 

Lastly, despite navigating through a myriad of personal challenges, including advocating for my son's educational support, concerns over my mother's health, and supporting a family member embroiled in legal issues abroad, I've successfully sustained business growth and profitability. 

I've been working 1:1 with some amazing visionaries who are here to anchor the new paradigm. They have moved with quantum leaps anchoring their vision and enhancing leadership skills. Balancing the demands of being part of the sandwich generation, where caregiving responsibilities extend to children and ageing parents simultaneously, has been undeniably challenging. Yet, through perseverance and steadfast determination, I've managed to thrive both personally and professionally which are attributes which pave the path for the future of leadership development.

In confronting adversity head-on, I've discovered an inner reservoir of strength and resilience that has propelled me forward. These achievements not only underscore my capacity to overcome obstacles but also reflect my unwavering commitment to personal and professional excellence. As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude for the growth, learning, and triumphs that have shaped my journey. 

Why were these achievements significant and what do you attribute your achievements to? 

The significance of these achievements lies in my reflection on resilience, commitment, and personal growth. They underscore my ability to overcome obstacles, maintain focus on goals, and prioritize both personal and professional well-being. 

The achievements are attributed to several factors: 

Vision and determination: Throughout the past year I demonstrated a clear vision for my business and personal well-being, coupled with determination to achieve their goals despite challenges. 

Resilience: I confronted personal challenges head-on and overcoming them reflects inner strength and resilience. 

Commitment to holistic practices: By prioritizing holistic wellness and self-care, I not only improved my well-being but also inspired others to do the same. 

Balancing responsibilities: Despite being part of the sandwich generation and facing multiple caregiving responsibilities, I effectively managed to balance personal and professional demands. 

Gratitude and reflection: My attitude of gratitude for growth, learning, and triumphs suggests my mindful approach to personal and professional development. These achievements highlight the importance of resilience, commitment, and holistic well-being in successfully navigating personal and professional challenges. 

I also want to add that I have strong faith in the vision that I hold. When it was tough I kept coming back to my vision and calling. 

What is your big-picture vision for the work you are doing? 

In this extraordinary time of shifting consciousness from 3D to 5D, I envision a world where all beings thrive in harmony and abundance. As we ascend into this new paradigm, I see myself and others as catalysts for this transformation, leading with integrity and purpose. 

My vision for the work I am doing is rooted in 5 categories of New Earth Leadership: 

Operating as a Creator and Channel for the Divine: I believe that each of us is a physical expression of Source, imbued with brilliance and infinite power. By trusting in ourselves and our inspired ideas, we can transcend limitations and become powerful creators of our reality. As leaders, we bring forth original, transformative messages and offerings, unapologetically embracing our role as changemakers. 

Embodiment Integrity: Is paramount in New Earth leadership. We must embody our work fully, leading by example and authentically living our values. Through personal growth and self-awareness, we pave the way for collective ascension, prioritizing inner alignment before taking external action. 

Radical Responsibility: In this new paradigm, we prioritize the highest good for all beings and the planet. We recognize the impact of our beliefs, actions, and ways of being on the collective, and we take responsibility for our role in shaping a thriving world. By clearing outdated paradigms and aligning with higher frequencies, we contribute to the regeneration of our planet. 

A Hierarchy-Free Landscape: We embrace equality and sovereignty, seeing ourselves as equals with those we lead. While sharing our gifts boldly, we honour the autonomy and wisdom of others, empowering them to find their truth. By removing hierarchical structures and fostering collaboration, we create a more inclusive and supportive environment for growth. 

Rooting for the New Paradigm: Operating from love and abundance, we promote oneness and co-creation, rather than fear and competition. By infusing our work with 5D consciousness and aligning with the principles of the new paradigm, we contribute to the planetary ascension. Our actions are guided by inspiration and ease, as we strive to create a world where all beings can thrive as expressions of the divine. 

My big-picture vision is to inspire others to step into their New Earth Leadership roles, contributing to the collective ascension of humanity and a shift into 5D consciousness. 

What I see exactly for my work is this: Offering comprehensive coaching solutions based on energy transformation and leadership advancements to businesses, companies, and institutions. A speaker and global influencer advocating the values that I stand for contributing to the paradigm shift by activating the power and light within the people I meet. A beacon of hope and light wherever I go to fulfil the mission my Soul was called for, supporting and guiding humanity into higher vibrations and healing this world on a global level. Together, we can create a world where all beings and all things thrive in harmony and abundance, this is the future of leadership development.

Want to learn more and how to step into New Earth Leadership? Book Your Alignment Call here.

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