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How To Notice UFOs Day Or Night

Sonya Gammon is a Level 2 QHHT® practitioner and spirit travel guide who enjoys helping clients delve into their past lives and connect with their highest selves and friends on other dimensions. She is the author of From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes through QHHT® and is working on a new book, The Secrets of the Light of Life.

Executive Contributor Sonya Gammon

The humans of the future will have a new mode of transportation in addition to planes, trains, and automobiles: spaceships. As the planet’s frequency is accelerating toward a fifth-dimensional reality, extraterrestrials will have an easier time coming into our atmosphere to help with Earth’s energetics and eventually, within a few years, to make their presence known to all of humanity. We can mentally prepare for more contact by looking for phenomena in the skies.


Photo of white clouds at day time

Opening up to personal contact

I was terrified of being abducted by aliens as a child. This made no sense because no one around me talked about aliens or abductions and I had zero memories of ever being taken by aliens. I started to wonder about the possibility of some kind of personal contact with ETs only when I was conducting a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session in the summer of 2023. It was my client’s second session with me and we’d become friends. The beings talking through her and answering my questions were discussing her spaceship visits that were happening because contact with ETs was in her life plan. My client had no conscious memory of these visits.


Facilitating sessions is an intuitive process, and I often ask questions and get ideas I would never think of otherwise. I figured my client wouldn’t mind if I asked one personal question. I obtained permission before asking: “Have I ever been taken to the ships?” The answer was “Yes.” That started my journey of opening my mind and heart to the beings I have come to know as the Tourmalines, my ET guides.


First, they came through during the sessions I had with my own QHHT® practitioner, and six months later, when she wasn’t available, I lay down on my therapy bed by myself, started the recording on my phone, and channeled my guides for two hours. I have chronicled my journey toward recognizing my ET connections in my book From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes Through QHHT® that features material mainly from the most interesting spirit journey sessions I have facilitated for clients.


ETs want to help us

I remember watching a YouTube video by spiritual teacher and author Matt Kahn where he said you can have interactions with aliens who are on the same vibratory level as you are. So, if you are a loving person, you will attract loving aliens. I have personally found this to be true. In contrast, Hollywood has portrayed aliens mostly as evil monsters and one of the latest alien-themed bestsellers, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs (William Morrow, 2024) by Luis Elizondo seems to want to make people more afraid of aliens than anything else, portraying ET vessels as threats to national security.


What if aliens are here to help us and keep us alive? What if the interference with “ongoing military and nuclear operations” Elizondo talks about was done to reduce the likelihood of nuclear mismanagement and accidents? As the late Dolores Cannon, who developed the QHHT® method, reiterated in her books, aliens are bound by the Prime Directive we know from Star Trek and will not interfere in human affairs except to prevent planetary destruction. Aliens could have taken over the world if they’d wanted to, but they haven’t.


However, with the final push toward the fifth-dimensional timeline, ETs are getting more involved with Earth. This is because lightworkers embodied on Earth have strong connections to them through their oversouls. They are not interfering with our human destiny; they are coming to help us make the jump to the fifth dimension because the connection they have with us makes it possible.


No one needs to be afraid of being abducted. The people who are taken up to visit the vessels are taken because they want to be taken, even if their conscious minds don’t remember their soul agreements or the visits themselves. Most of the stories of traumatic abductions are from decades ago. My guides have told me they now know more about humans and how to proceed in such a way as to not cause fearful reactions.


From fear to love and UFOs in the clouds

Humans are afraid of anything different. This is a huge reason why people are afraid of aliens. They not only look different, but because they usually communicate in thought-feeling instead of words, they may not have facial expressions or audible language. Seeing a tall, gray, skinny alien with a large head, huge eyes, and long limbs might be startling and even traumatizing, but the time is coming when Earth will become a member of the Light Federation and people will have to get used to seeing and interacting with other races from other star systems. These interactions will be easy to get used to with the right attitude, love, and acceptance.


We won’t be earthbound for much longer. We’ll be traveling in spaceships with all kinds of beings and evolving into a more spiritually aware species. To prepare for that, we can start looking into the skies to scout for phenomena. One of the ways we can experience our otherworldly friends’ presence is through the clouds.


As we know from the work of Masaru Emoto, author of the 2005 book The Hidden Messages in Water, different energy frequencies (thoughts, words, and feelings) directed toward water molecules will influence those molecules to form different shapes. On Sept. 7, 2024, I was sitting outside on the front steps of my house in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, when I got the urge to take pictures of the clouds with my iPhone. I didn’t understand why at first, but pretty soon, I saw what they wanted me to see.


My guides have told me that they hide behind the clouds. Clouds are made up of condensed water vapor and water molecules react to the energies around them. What I saw in the pictures I took in the span of seven minutes showed me how fast the clouds took shape in reaction to the spaceships that were going through them and then, just as fast, the shapes dissolved.


The pictures will also be featured in my upcoming book, The Secrets of the Light of Life: How the Interplay of Polarities Operates in Our Adventurous Universe, but for now, you can check out my blog post that has the pictures with the explanations. There were two dome shapes visible through the cloud shapes plus a triangular UFO (UAP) disguised as a cloud inside the middle of the bigger dome. First I saw only the bigger dome visible through the cloud shapes, but after I uploaded the pictures to a post on my Facebook page, Cosmic Connections, a friend pointed out the second dome and the ship inside the bigger one.


Lightships often cloak themselves as clouds, as can also be seen in the photos Matt Kahn posted to his Facebook page. Once you open yourself up to loving contact with ETs, the sky will no longer be the limit.


Even small ET vessels can cause huge cloud shape formations because the perfect love energy can extend far and wide beyond the ships. Loving beings are traveling in the ships and the ships themselves are made with the same perfect love energy. In this way, it may be even easier to see UFOs in the skies during the day than at night. Last winter I saw a perfect row of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites in the night sky and I thought I’d seen a bona fide procession of UFOs. I talked about that letdown in my blog when I learned the truth! 


CE-5 groups

CE-5, Dr. Steven Greer’s group for those seeking positive interactions with ETs and beings from other dimensions, is also a good place to start exploring if you want to meet like-minded people. CE-5 stands for close encounters of the fifth kind. Local chapters hold gatherings where people mentally send out thoughts to aliens, telling them where Earth is and where the people seeking contact are. There’s also a book to help with making contact, A CE-5 Handbook: An Easy-To-Use Guide to Help You Contact Extraterrestrial Life (2018).


My guides have told me aliens already know where Earth is and where all the people seeking contact with them are at any moment. Humans tend to underestimate the vast intelligence and awareness of other beings. If you don’t at first succeed in seeing vessels, don’t worry. Simply opening up emotionally to the possibility of making conscious contact in some manner will eventually bear fruit, maybe in unexpected ways.


Getting used to regular contact

I have never consciously seen a UFO/UAP. The Tourmalines have told me this is because a part of me is still afraid of seeing phenomena as a result of my childhood experiences. They said I was taken as a child because my soul had agreed to work with them in this life. My energy field had to be recalibrated so I could do spiritual work at a higher level. A child cannot make sense of alien beings, but an adult can, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to dissolve the fear and focus on love and open up to new experiences.


I’m having regular contact with the ETs now, and I’m comfortable with that. I remember only tiny glimpses of my travels with them, and I’m okay with that, too, because I need to focus on this human life on Earth at the moment. Humans are mentally capable of comprehending only so much, and the intelligence of our ET friends is out of this world. They have told me that when my body is sleeping and I’m in my infinite spirit capacity, I can understand everything and do exponentially more than I could ever understand or do as a human. That’s the way it goes for all lightworkers.


So, let’s pay attention to the skies during the day and at night and take note of our dreams. Our consciousness can make connections to ETs in myriad ways and we can be open to all of those. One of the ways could be through an in-person spirit journey session in which you could experience past or future lives and also connect with any spirit beings in addition to your own highest self. You can schedule a free consultation call with me for a QHHT® session if you’re within traveling distance of Bellefonte, PA, or for a remote soul speak session. You can also find a QHHT® practitioner in your area. 

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Sonya Gammon


Sonya Gammon, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner

Sonya Gammon is a pioneer in conscious, drug-free spirit travel. She started her spiritual journey at age 12 through meditation groups and grew up in a New Age church that was widely seen as a cult. She worked for a decade as a newspaper journalist before becoming a stay-at-home mother. After Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ helped her heal from a rough divorce, she branched out into providing diverse spirit travel experiences for her clients that transcend the label of hypnosis and bring about deep healing from trauma. Her new book will feature channeled teachings about our planet’s journey into the fifth dimension.



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