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How To Navigate Through Money Fears To Feel More Empowered?

Written by: Janet Key, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In business, profit is key for the survival of or business. Taking a moment to reflect on our inner money compass is a great way to check in at moments when we are faced with inner conflicts.

Fears, such as self-doubt, feeling insecure in making a decision, regrets around past money failures or even a lack of belief can rob you of creative energy, and the courage you require to move forward.

Being in an emotional state of fear doesn’t feel good. In business, it can be a risk if we stay here too long. It can create an internal barrier or a wall that prevents us from being profitable, often living life by default and not achieving the success we truly desire.

I like to give you 3 tips today that will help you create a positive empowering shift so that you can move through this fear.

1. Acknowledge your feelings in the present moment.

How I now feel about money is... curious, insecure, doubtful, or unhappy. When we tend to avoid our feelings, they don’t go away, they will likely show up in other areas. Facing them in the present moment is key to self-awareness and can release the emotional tension simply by acknowledging them. Stuffing down your feelings creates negative energy within you that will push away what you want rather than attract more of what you do want. You can release your negative feelings by taking a walk, going for a workout, or journal, or even talking with a trusted friend or coach who is a good listener.

2. What are my values? How we do money is often not connected to our values and perhaps taking a moment to explore what others areas might be out of alignment. I have listed some common values. Take a look to explore what area needs to be prioritized and this may inspire you to take energized action. In each area, dive deeper by asking these questions.

Time ‒ Am I giving my time or money to areas that are important to me?

Flexibility ‒ Am I open in my thinking or am I being rigid in my ideas?

Freedom ‒ Am I feeling free from old beliefs or patterns or do I need a breakthrough?

Family Am I sacrificing family or my time because I have been overworking?

3. Take a look at your conscious money contract which can be found once you complete the sacred money archetype assessment. This is a money fun personality assessment that helps you to identify your unique money patterns, identify your story, motivations, fears, gifts, and strengths.

As a maverick archetype, your sacred money contract is:

“To balance risk with extreme financial security.”

As an entrepreneur risk is essential in business.

Several ways you can balance that risk are to pay attention to up and downside of your numbers.

When you are making a decision, check-in, in and ask yourself if this decision is in alignment with me right now. Does it feel like an empowered yes or no? Do you feel fear? If it’s fear you are feeling ask yourself, what is it that you are afraid of in this situation? Give yourself permission to say NO. If you are in the habit of saying yes when inside you want to say no, it will create resentment which lets to more emotional money stress. Acknowledge that you are courageous and have tenacity when it comes to generating income.

Now, ask yourself what are the positive ways you feel now?

I can now see myself as being more empowered, taking energized action, or succeeding in my business.

I gave you lots of questions to reflect upon here. My intentions are not to overwhelm you but to encourage you with tools and insights to move forward when challenges show up. Whether the challenges are due to inner conflict or external having the solution to get clear, and move forward from an empowered place is an abundant place to create from.

If you are curious to learn more about your money personality, I encourage you to take the sacred money archetype assessment. Details can be found in my bio or on my website.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Janet Key, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Janet Key is a soulful money coach who empowers women seeking financial freedom. Janet found happiness in all areas of her life, except money. With a background in yoga and finances, she was intuitively led to take her relationship with money to a deeper level. She explored her own money mindset and discovered deep-rooted beliefs about not being enough which stemmed from her own poverty upbringing. Janet's mission: Inspire women to heal money relationships and to embody abundance by living their soul's highest potential.

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