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How To Navigate The Toughest Of Times

Written by: Neena Perez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In life, we all face moments of adversity and challenge. Whether it’s a personal crisis or a business setback, difficult times can leave us feeling overwhelmed and isolated. But with the right resources, support network and right mind flow, you can get through anything.

A compass in a woman's hand tells the way

Everyone copes differently when facing traumatic events or difficult changes. Some people can endure stress and survive life’s hard times with relative ease, while for others, even minor setbacks can lead to long periods of anxiety or depression.

The secret to resilience is developing the skills that allow you to cope better with challenging situations so you can bounce back from life's setbacks.

Try these strategies next time you are having a difficult time in life and/or business:

Prayer and meditation

These can be powerful tools to help us cope with difficult times in life. Prayer is a form of direct communication with God, allowing us to express our worries and concerns and seek strength and guidance through our creator. Similarly, meditation is a practice that helps bring awareness to our thought patterns, allowing us to tune into our inner voice


Another way to manage stress is by creating a self-care routine that works for you. This could be anything from taking a long walk outside each day to writing down your thoughts in a journal or practicing breathing techniques. Remember that taking care of yourself should always come first ‒ even during tough times ‒ so don’t be afraid to take breaks!

Accept the situation

It’s easy to deny what’s really happening when you’re experiencing a crisis. The truth may be painful and require some bravery to admit and adjustment, which can feel like needless suffering. But by denying what’s happening in you and around you will just prolong your pain and stifle the healing process.

So why do we deny? Denial can feel like a good thing because it helps us to temporarily cope with an overwhelming event or feeling. But when denial is excessive and takes over, it prevents us from adapting to our new circumstances and the healing process doesn’t fully take place and can retraumatize you if triggered.

Some people are more prone to denial than others. When the truth of a stressful event is unbearable to them, they’re likely to refuse to believe that it has happened.


It’s also important to reach out for support from friends, family members or colleagues who are also going through challenging times. Building strong connections with others can help reduce feelings of loneliness and provide valuable insight into how best to handle difficult situations. Don't forget about professional help too; seeking out coaching, counseling or therapy can be extremely beneficial when navigating stressful times in life or business.

Find the meaning

I am a believer that there is meaning and everything we go through. Whether tragic or amazing, life is about experiences. Try to find the different angles to look at what you’re going through. When you find that hidden meaning, make sure you help others because it will truly help you in return.

Finally, try to focus on what you can control rather than worrying about things outside of your power. It is important to maintain a healthy balance between what we can and cannot control in life. We must be mindful of the things we can take action on, and not waste our precious energy worrying about matters that are far beyond our capabilities. There are always times when external circumstances may arise that are out of our control, yet it's essential to utilize the power of acceptance and shifting our focus. We can choose to accept what cannot be changed, and then concentrate on finding creative solutions to those difficult situation or feeling we are experiencing.

Tough times can be incredibly hard but there are ways we can make them more manageable by using these helpful tips. Remember that everyone copes differently so find what works best for you and don't forget that help is always available if needed! This too shall pass!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Youtube, or visit my website for more info!


Neena Perez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Neena is a coach, entrepreneur, author, speaker, podcaster, and chef. She uses all she has been through to encourage and impact lives one at a time. Neena has written her autobiography called “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” ‒ How I Overcame A Hard Hitting Life, which is a story of abuse, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, abortion, hard times, divorce, poverty, finding faith, overcoming and hitting life back when life hits us hard. She is currently a Transformational Life Coach and she helps self-led, heart-centered women transcend their shame so they can be confident, self-actualize their true potential and create the life and business they have always wanted.

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