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How To Master The Art Of Confidence

Tanya Tsikkos is an innovative jewelry designer who promotes mental health and well-being. COVID-19 left her with emotional challenges, and she found a way to cope and to improve her mental health with her jewelry creations and empowering messages.

Executive Contributor Tanya Tsikkos

Step into your own arena and dare to shine! Home in on the skills within and activate your mindset. Too often, I hear people say, 'If only I had the confidence'. Confidence. That elusive quality that always feels so out of reach. But, with a little dedication, self-love, and willingness, it can easily be attained by anyone.

Shine again earrings on wood

Try these simple techniques and watch your confidence blossom!


Surround yourself with good vibes

Positivity breeds positivity. Spend more time with the people who make you feel good about yourself. Recognise the people that lift your spirits and cheer you on; the ones that bring optimism and calm into your life. Take some of that energy and use it to build on your confidence. A positive mindset and environment help to create more self-confidence and self-love.

Most often we pick up on other people's vibes. Think about the people in your circle who drain your energy, leaving you feeling deflated and unworthy. What do you actually achieve in their presence, apart from low self-esteem and fatigue? Then think about the people who make you feel alive, happy, and comfortable, that when you leave their company, you have a spring in your step, and you look forward to your day ahead. The latter are the people who can positively influence the way you think about yourself and how you act upon those thoughts.

Consider spending more time with those that lift you, and less time with those who deplete you.


Build on your strengths

There's always something that you are especially good at doing. That thing that not only makes you feel good when you are doing it but also, with repetition, keeps getting better and better.

Think about what you like to do, and you know that you excel in. It could be something creative like artistic painting, or singing, or perhaps it's a particular sport that you are passionate about and you do it very well. Whatever it is, make sure to regularly practise it and invest time in it. You will soon notice that your confidence is soaring as a result, simply because you'll be gaining more self-belief and inner strength the more you do it.

This will undoubtedly bring you higher levels of life satisfaction, and that's something we could all do with a little more!


Create positive habits

It may be time to stop a few of your bad habits and to start creating some good ones. It could be in the form of your diet and exercise, or you might want to become more organised and make your days more structured.

Consider the best ways to introduce positive change and think about what simple goals you can set to achieve this. For example, I have started to set my morning alarm half an hour earlier, so that I can spend that extra time doing some gentle exercises, knowing that it will help me to start my day better, with clarity and focus.

I also block out time in my day (usually around 20 minutes) where I can be still with my thoughts, giving myself the respite I need so I can carry on with my daily tasks, with less anxiety and stress weighing me down.

These are just some of the simple changes I've made that have affected my life in an incredibly positive way and make me feel much happier than I did before. These new habits help me to function a little better, and I'm starting to feel more confident in my abilities.

However big or small you want your change of habit to be, it is so worthwhile to create those lasting effects of self-confidence and positivity.


Let others inspire you

Is there a quality that you admire in someone you know (or even someone you don't know for that matter) that makes them appear confident and happy? Maybe you like the way they smile or the way they hold themselves when they walk, standing tall with their shoulders back. Or perhaps it's the way they talk, with an air of politeness and respect.

Think about the ways in which you could bring those qualities into your own self, and then present them in your own style.

Now, I'm not saying that you should copy someone else and become them. Of course that is a definite road to disaster, as it would only result in the act of comparison which, as we all know, is the 'thief of joy'. I am simply suggesting that you use your source of admiration as inspiration, finding your own way of expressing similar qualities in yourself, based on what you see and like in them.


Take a walk on the wild side

Consider trying new things. Take a few risks and go on some mini adventures outside of your comfort zone.

It is when we try the things we think we cannot do that we surprise ourselves. Most of the time we realise that with a little practice, anything is possible. And even if we can't do those things very well, we may end up really enjoying the fact that we tried. It can actually turn out to be quite fun. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself," as quoted by Franklin D. Roosevelt, is the perfect reminder to take that leap of faith!


Find ways to boost your mood with confidence

Whatever works best for you (it could be playing those feel-good tunes and dancing the blues away or picking out some vibrant clothes to wear for the day as a 'pick-me-up'), do something that will quickly flip your mood around, making you feel good on the inside and ready to take on whatever life throws at you, with confidence and ease.

It's surprising just how easy it can be to change the way you feel just by doing the simplest of things. Even having a quick shower and getting dressed in fresh clothing can perk you up and bring with it an air of confidence that can set your day alight and make you shine.

Trust in yourself and believe in your abilities. With self-care and self-awareness comes great self-esteem. However, try not to fall into the trap of believing that you are better than others, as that is what is recognised as arrogance. The line that sits between confidence and arrogance is a thin one, but on the right side of that line lies a rewarding and skillful emotion that, when harnessed, will awaken your soul and create an abundance of happiness.


What better time than now to embark on this journey of self-assurance! A journey where you direct your actions and thoughts in a way that can launch you forward, inspiring you to accomplish new heights. A journey that will bring you a life of brand-new opportunities and an abundance of fulfillment.

So go ahead, open that door to possibility, and let yourself feel truly empowered!


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Tanya Tsikkos is an innovative jewellery designer who promotes mental health and wellbeing. COVID-19 left her with emotional challenges, and she found a way to cope and to improve her mental health with her jewellery creations and empowering messages. She has since dedicated her life to helping others to always feel good and empowered . She is the CEO of EntityUK, an online fashion jewellery company, that combines jewellery with empowerment in each design. Her mission: To inspire, uplift and empower all, to live their best lives, with confidence and style!

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