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How To Manifest Your Soulmate — A Shortcut!

Written by: Oksana Irwin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I recently had an interesting and insightful conversation with a woman who was very anxious and frustrated about her love life and wanted to manifest her soulmate “as soon as possible.”

She shared with me that she has been working on manifesting her “dream partner” for quite some time, and she put a lot of intentional effort into it.

  • She was “doing” meditations calling him in

  • She wrote long lists of his “qualifications.

  • She journaled, and future paced her dreams every day

  • She sage-cleansed regularly

  • She did some relationship coaching and invested a lot of work into healing herself.

But nothing was still happening!

She is approaching 40 and is ready to settle down and start a family but is struggling to create anything of substance when it comes to her love life.

I hear a lot of stories like that where women feel that they are doing everything “right” but still can’t manifest their dream partners.

When it comes to manifesting your ideal partner and a relationship you desire, doing things “mechanically” as though you are going through a checklist won’t work, regardless of how many times you do it.

The most important part of manifestation is your energy - the frequency you emanate.

Your frequency comes from who you are being. Your belief system, attitude, self-image, relationship skills, appearance, what you think of yourself and others, confidence, your emotional state, and many other things contribute to your overall vibe, which is your energy.

The Universe “reads” your energy and matches your life (your personal reality) to it. It acts as a mirror of who you are being and the energetic frequency you vibrate. If you live in fear, doubt, lack, or scarcity – that is what you are an energetic match to. Whatever energy you send out to the Universe, you will “receive” more of that.

If you are worried that “time is running out” or if you gripe that “there are no good men out there” or if you believe that “dating and relationships are hard,” – you will manifest that reality of scarcity, struggle, and lack.

When you are focused on your fears and shortcomings, that will become your “truth” and your personal reality.

You don’t get what you want in life, you manifest a life that you are an energetic match to.

The way to close the gap in manifesting your ideal match is by identifying where you are now and where you want to be and what work needs to be done in between.

Spending your energy writing long lists of your ideal match’s “qualifications” will not get you there. Actively working on improving yourself to become an energetic match to who you intend to manifest will.

Areas to spend your energy on improving yourself include:

  • Upgrading your mindset and relationship skills to boost your confidence and get better results in dating and relationships.

  • Working on your health, vitality, and appearance to feel beautiful and fall in love with yourself.

  • Educating yourself about gender and relationship intelligence and their impact on modern relationships dynamics and their longevity.

  • Understanding the “science of love” and developing skills in creating and sustaining deep emotional and physical attraction that lasts indefinitely.

  • Embodying feminine energy and get comfortable with the energy of receiving, ease, and flow.

  • Mastering powerful feminine communication that inspires attraction and effortlessly commands respect.

  • Developing an abundance mindset and create an overflow of romantic possibilities instead of focusing on “the one” perfect “soulmate.”

  • And most importantly, becoming a “Turn On,” a “Magnet,” an inspiring Muse that lights the fire and creates “sparks of desire” over and over and over and never lets the flame go out.

When you become an energetic match to what you intend to manifest, the Universe instantly receives the message of your frequency!

Once the message is received, the Universe will start “conspiring” for you and will rain all of your dreams and desires onto you, and next things you know, your ideal partner “will show up out of nowhere.

Time to get started on having your reality match your vision!

To learn more about;

  • Manifesting your Soulmate;

  • How to get in the vibes of effortless magnetism;

  • What action steps to take to align your energy with your desires and;

  • Become an energetic match to your dreams

Please visit my LinkedIn, Facebook Profile, connect with me on Instagram, or visit my website for more info!


Oksana Irwin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oksana Irwin is a Certified Mars – Venus Life and Relationship Coach, trained by the legendary John Gray. She is on a continuing mission to change the world one love story at a time!

Oksana is a leader in the dating and relationship coaching field. She equips her clients with powerful behaviors, winning mindsets, and gender intelligence knowledge that empowers them to unleash their mental and emotional constraints and achieve their very best in love, life, and career.

Within 3 years of sadly losing both her long-term marriage and role in a thriving family business, Oksana has created a new loving, passionate relationship and built a successful coaching business. She turned her pain into passion, passion into purpose, and purpose into profit by helping many women along the way.

She impacts her clients by unlocking access to feminine power, lowering stress, and skyrocketing confidence. Her clients learn effective and powerful gender dynamics, sufficient hormonal balance, and potent attraction and polarity techniques that produce outstanding results in creating loving and lasting passionate relationships and thriving, successful and fulfilling lives.

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