Written by: Rita Trotter, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Do you ever wonder what it takes to develop the mind of a champion? Do great athletes cast themselves in their minds as having already achieved their goals before they even set them?
There is certainly no doubt that positive thinking, self-reflective exercises, hypnosis and powerful Law of Attraction techniques are all partly responsible for many of the world's greatest athletes! People like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have harnessed these forces to manifest tremendous success far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person, and you can do it too!

A slim, toned body and a healthy mind are what we all strive for. But how do you get it all? Well, if you're trying to lose weight and stay fit simultaneously, then mindset is everything. And I'm not just talking about the way you think. The more you understand your own nature and learn how to use Law of Attraction techniques properly, the easier it will become to manifest weight loss and a happy lifestyle.
I've got some great ways you can use the power of the law of attraction to change your mindset and help you lose weight today!
1. Develop a positive mindset.
Every day you are bombarded with thoughts and images that reflect society's standards of weight, health, and success. These messages influence your beliefs about what is possible for you in your life.
They also influence how you take care of yourself. If you want to manifest weight loss, health and success in your life, you need to let go of these limiting beliefs. As you change your mindset to one that supports your goals, it becomes easier for you to do what's necessary to achieve them.
The first step to manifesting success in weight loss, health, and success is developing a positive mindset. Stop listening to the negative voices inside your head that keep saying things like "I can't lose weight" or "I'm not good enough." Instead, tell yourself, "I know I can lose weight," or "I'm good enough." This will help you create confidence and belief around being able to achieve your goals.
Research shows that people who are more positive than negative tend to be happier and healthier. This may be because a positive outlook helps you cope with everyday life, lowering the risk of disease and improving your overall health.
A positive attitude towards food is essential for any weight loss program. Studies show that individuals who positively think about food tend to lose more weight than those who don't. They also tend to be less likely to regain it after losing it. A more positive attitude towards food will help you better manage your cravings and help you stay on track with your eating plan.
Positive thinking reduces stress, which decreases cortisol levels and boosts metabolism.
When we are stressed, our bodies tend to increase their production of the hormone cortisol. This hormone has been shown to cause an increase in appetite, which leads to weight gain. It also slows down our metabolism, making it harder to burn calories and lose weight. When we are stressed out, we also tend to make poor food choices and give in to our cravings for comfort foods like chocolate or ice cream.
2. Weight loss visualisation techniques.
Visualisation is a bit like meditation, but you focus it on a specific goal instead of clearing your mind. You picture yourself having already achieved the thing that you want most and see yourself enjoying the benefits of your goal. You can do this with any goal, but it works especially well for goals related to improving health and fitness.
For example, let's say that your goal is to lose some pounds. If so, you would close your eyes and picture yourself at your ideal weight — see what clothes look like on your new body, and feel how much better you feel because of it. Feel how happy you are because you've reached your goal. This might seem silly at first, but it really does work! When we visualise something with enough clarity and passion, we send out a message to the Universe about what we truly desire.
The theory is that the brain doesn't differentiate between what's real and what's imagined, so if you imagine yourself as a leaner, more energetic version of yourself, then that's the version of yourself that you'll start to become. The trick is to see yourself as already at your goal weight instead of imagining your journey there. It's said that seeing yourself as already having achieved your goal will support what's needed to maintain that goal weight in real-life — diet and exercise, of course!
Many people still believe visualisation is just a mental fantasy — that it takes hard work and dedication to lose weight, not just positive thinking. However, the truth is that visualisation is not meant to replace all the other steps involved in losing weight but rather to assist them by helping you focus on what it is you want to achieve.
3. Practice Self-love.
Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? If not, don't worry too much—you're not alone! It's so easy to be self-critical when we're looking at ourselves, especially if we're trying to lose weight or feeling less-than-confident about how we look.
If you're really serious about losing weight, begin by loving the body you've got. Do this by looking for ways to be grateful right now. What can you appreciate about your body today? What do you love? What do you feel able to do that makes you feel good? Talk to yourself in a friendly way and practice saying positive things to yourself when you look in the mirror.
Practice positive self-talk so that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you feel warm and friendly feelings towards your reflection. It can also help to remember that your body is working hard for you, no matter what it looks like or how well it's functioning.
Seen in this light, your body reflects the love you feel for yourself — and if you struggle to love your body, it will be difficult for you to lose weight and be healthy. For example, if you feel ashamed about your body or how much you weigh, people around you may "mirror" that shame. They will treat you as though there's something wrong with you, which will increase your belief that there is something wrong with you, making it harder and harder to lose weight.
4. Try hypnosis.
Hypnosis for weight loss does not mean that you will be hypnotised and put in a state of deep sleep. Hypnosis for weight loss is a safe and effective tool to help you achieve your weight loss goals. The idea is to take the person into a state of trance where they are highly receptive to suggestions. In this state, the therapist will make suggestions that relate to your goal, whether losing weight or any other goal that you want to achieve.
While hypnosis may seem like something new, it has been around for centuries. In fact, many people have used it as a way to quit smoking and overcome various addictions. By doing hypnosis for losing weight, you can achieve success in any area of your life. Some of these areas include making better choices about food, reducing stress, increasing motivation, achieving better health and improving relationships with others. With hypnosis for losing weight or achieving any goal, the therapist will discuss your goals and how you plan to achieve them with you. At the end of the session, the therapist will discuss how hypnosis will affect your body and mind.
Using hypnosis for weight loss is one of the most effective ways to overcome a lifelong battle with food. For many people, food has been used as a crutch and a way to comfort themselves. When we experience sadness, loneliness, frustration, or boredom, we often immediately turn to food to make ourselves feel better.
This can become a vicious cycle: you turn to food when you're sad, and that excess weight makes you even more depressed. It's almost impossible to overcome this cycle without finding a way to change your thought process about food. Hypnosis for obesity offers a solution that can rewire your brain so that you're no longer tempted by the foods that were once your downfall. You'll still be able to enjoy those foods on occasion, but they won't have the same hold over you that they once did.
While hypnosis for weight loss is one of the most common reasons people seek out hypnotherapy, it's also an effective way to boost your confidence, increase your self-esteem, and improve nearly any area of your life where you feel like you're falling short. It works by directly accessing the subconscious mind, where our deepest habits and beliefs are stored. By altering these habits and beliefs, you can "reprogram."
5. Practice the Law of Attraction using affirmations.
Manifesting what you want in life is all about using the Law of Attraction to your advantage, and it's easier than you might think. You can use affirmations to become a magnet for positive energy and to attract the things you want into your life.
The Law of Attraction states that we're drawn to whatever we're thinking about most. When you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, you'll stop attracting situations that diminish your self-worth and instead will start to draw people, places and experiences that support your goals and dreams.
Examples of self-affirmations:
I am wonderfully healthy and happy.
I am in perfect physical shape for my age, body type, and health history.
I am protected and safe against all dangers, including all known diseases.
I have the wisdom to find the correct diet and exercise regimen that will allow me to reach my weight loss goals.
I know that all of these things are true because they are true for me (they are not things that other people think or believe).
The thoughts that come from using affirmations give a feeling that you can work with instead of fighting against them, which is an essential step toward feeling empowered.
6. Practice gratitude.
If you want to manifest weight loss, health, and success, gratitude is essential. It's challenging to be grateful when you feel frustrated, disappointed and discouraged. And it's virtually impossible to feel gratitude when you're beating yourself up. I know how hard this can be. I've had my share of fitness ups and downs over the years, but things really turned around for me when I started turning negative thoughts and emotions into gratitude.
Often, we need to go through a period of struggle to appreciate what we have when things are going well fully. This is why it's so important not to skip over the times that are difficult or unpleasant; there's a hidden gift in there somewhere, and it can take some soul-searching to find it.
Gratitude and happiness have been shown to lower inflammation markers and blood sugar levels, leading to chronic conditions like diabetes if left unchecked. It's also been demonstrated that grateful people are more likely to exercise regularly. This isn't just because they're more likely to feel better while they exercise (which is also true), but because they're more likely to make time for exercise at all.
Gratitude also helps us achieve better sleep, which is critical since people who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to gain weight around their midsections.
To be grateful for something means to have an attitude of appreciation for it. It's about acknowledging that something is good, regardless of whether or not it's perfect in your eyes.
Practicing gratitude is a great way to give yourself the perspective you need to reach your full potential — plus, it can help you become more forgiving and optimistic, improve your mood, lower your stress levels and even help you sleep better. In short: gratitude is a powerful tool to help you get everything you truly desire.
One of my favourite ways to practice gratitude is writing down three things I'm thankful for every day before bed. Keep in mind that they can be big or small; the important thing is that they make you feel good!
Takeaway: You can improve your health and weight loss by acting in ways that will help you lose weight and achieve success.
Whether we like to admit it or not, our thoughts are the building blocks of reality. We have all been taught that our thoughts become things and this is only natural since there have always been so many examples of people who focused on what they wanted and subsequently got it.
The people that we admire for their incredible success all use Law of Attraction techniques in one way or another to achieve their goals because they understand how the mind works. If you can harness the power of your own mind, then you can manifest weight loss, health and success.
With the right mental attitude and a little guidance, you can turn your dreams into reality! Once you manifest what you want (health and success in this case), other areas of your life will likely improve. I hope these eight steps will help you on your way!

Rita Trotter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
My passion, work and philosophies focus on joy factor, on self-acceptance, physical and emotional cohesion and authentic wellness and I enjoy sharing my wisdoms for all that is connected to a successful and healthy life. My foundation in women’s health comes from my own struggles with weight, sleep, energy, productivity and health and my passion to share this with the whole female collective. I am a Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Behaviour Change Specialist, Long Covid Rehabilitator, Women’s Hormone and Pre and Post Natal specialist, Health for Business Coach, published author of three globally selling books and the creator and facilitator of The Self-Health System Programmes.