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How to Manifest Money

Niketa Vakani is a Self-Love and Relationship coach helping individuals find a deeper love and acceptance of themselves, resulting in an improvement of their relationships and other areas of their lives. She has been a guest speaker on the podcast The Unfiltered Podcast: For some reason, I had to have MS and Sunday SoulDay.

Executive Contributor Niketa Vakani

Do you desire more financial abundance to enable you to live a more flourishing lifestyle? Are you harbouring any limiting thoughts about your ability to make money? Life can be more comfortable when we have a healthy bank balance, which not only allows us to pay our bills but also enables us to enjoy some of the simple luxuries in life, such as dining out or booking wonderful holiday experiences.

Hands counting 100-dollar bills over an open notebook on a dark surface; focus on the money, creating a mood of financial management.

This is not about being greedy or materialistic!

Often, societal and cultural conditioning can make us feel judgmental of the rich or believe there is a limit to what we can achieve financially. It is one of my passionate beliefs that wealth is our birthright.

There is no scarcity in life, as we are all worthy and deserving of abundance in all areas of our lives.

Some of you may have already attempted to manifest money, only to find that your current techniques are not yielding fruitful outcomes. There is a lot of information available about how one can manifest money. Therefore, I am going to keep this article brief and share the simple things I implement that continue to work for me!

There are four stages to the money manifesting process that I have been practising for a while now. These have been powerful in enabling me to have all my financial needs met. I have learned to relinquish financial worries and have adopted a newfound belief that the universe always takes care of my needs. So here goes, try these out!

The first stage entails repeating affirmations. The second stage utilises an "I don't know" phase. The next stage requires expressing gratitude for financial abundance as though you already have it. The final stage is all about surrender!

1. Affirmations to attract money

Before providing a list of affirmations that I repeat to attract money into my life, it is incredibly important (and I cannot stress this enough!) that you believe the words you affirm. The feelings generated behind these statements need to be strong and powerful. You need to engage all your senses to think, feel, and act as though you mean what you say! There is no faking it. I usually pump myself up by blasting some really powerful music that elevates me and raises my vibration, hip-hop, rock, house music, or whatever gets your creative juices flowing! I visualise myself as A Queen, with money streaming upon me!

Visualise endless $100 bills streaming from the sky and showering onto you!

First, start off with these basic affirmations:

  • I am rich, I am rich, I am rich

  • I am wealthy, I am wealthy, I am wealthy

  • I am prosperous, I am prosperous, I am prosperous

Then, continue with as many of the affirmations below as you can, and feel free to add your own! I have included some suggestions in brackets for what you can feel or visualise as you say them.

  • Money flows to me easily and effortlessly (think ease!)

  • Everywhere I turn, I prosper (visualise yourself looking around and basking in abundance!)

  • I have way more money than I even know what to do with (imagine feeling ecstatic as you hand out money to your friends and family because you have an abundance of it!)

  • The universe always takes care of all my needs (visualise yourself sitting back, sipping a warm mug of tea, and feeling relaxed, knowing that everything in your life is being taken care of).

  • I can have anything I desire (what do you really want? BELIEVE and SEE yourself easily acquiring these things!)

  • I am financially abundant (see yourself as completely satisfied with everything you have).

  • I am a magnet for money, prosperity, and abundance (imagine money magnetising itself to you; it wants to come to you badly!)

  • My income is constantly increasing (visualise looking at your bank account and watching the balance steadily grow!)

  • Life supplies all my needs in great abundance (again, visualise the ‘chilling out’ moment; you don’t need to do anything, as life is taking care of you).

  • I make money while I am sleeping, eating, and chilling with my friends (feel the deep state of happiness, laughing, relaxing, dining, and practically doing nothing while money flows into your life effortlessly!)

The universe does not know the difference between an actual amount of money sitting in your bank account and your thought of having that amount of money. As long as you are creating that same feeling, the energy generated by that feeling will be directed toward creating that amount of money in your bank account.

2. The ‘I don’t know’ stage

The second stage I like to call the 'I don't know' stage. Sometimes, we lack faith in the process, so stating 'I don't know' before your statements adds a bit of curiosity to the process while allowing you to surrender to the magical workings of the universe.

For example, you can state aloud with your hands in the air (be dramatic, it’s great!):

  • I don't know how, and I really don't need to know how, but the universe keeps sending me money in beautiful, magical, and mysterious ways.

  • I don't know how, and I really don't need to know how, but by next week, I will have ‘x’ amount of money in my bank account.

You can also add 'I don't know' in front of some of the affirmations mentioned earlier if you are struggling to believe them. After all, adding 'I don’t know' brings a bit of honesty to the process.

This is your journey, your process, so make it work for you!

3. Express gratitude

Finally, demonstrate your gratitude for what already is! This is an incredibly important stage in the manifesting process because you are thanking the universe in advance for what you desire, as though you already have it.

Simply start by closing your eyes and thinking of the things you currently have that you are grateful for. It could be your job, your health, your family, a loving partner, your home, anything that gives you that deeper feeling of appreciation.

As you think of each of these things, repeat “Thank you” at least 20 times. Feel the love and passion when you say this! This gets you geared up for what is coming next.

Then, move on to thanking the universe for the financial abundance (that you want) as though you are already living in it. Gratitude can include stating:

  • I am extremely thankful for my financial abundance.

  • Thank you for always taking care of my needs.

  • Thank you for allowing me to trust in this process.

  • I am grateful that I can share my wealth with my loved ones.

  • I am grateful to be able to book that luxurious holiday to the Maldives! (Substitute with wherever you want!)

  • I am super thankful that I can buy whatever I want, whenever I want, knowing that my needs will always be met.

  • Thank you for allowing me to trust in my manifesting abilities.

  • I am really grateful for all the money that keeps flowing to me continually.

4. Surrender

Now that you have done the work, let go!

Adopt that inner belief, unwavering trust, and faith that all your financial needs will be met with ease and that you no longer need to worry. You may not see the results straight away, but keep persevering with this process and stay determined!

Remember, impatience and worrying energy will not help this process!

Believe that you can enjoy beautiful life experiences where money is not a limitation. Basking in that feeling and building up the excitement and ecstasy while undergoing this process will create a super powerful energy that will only yield a successful outcome.

Feel the blessings of having all these desires met in your life!

Visualise them penetrating every cell, every bone, and every organ. Let this abundance filter throughout your whole body! Allow yourself to be immersed in the feeling of having more than you need, knowing that there is no limitation to money being abundantly available to you.

If you found this article helpful and would like one-on-one support in your manifesting journey, email me here.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Niketa Vakani, Self-Love and Relationship Coach

Niketa is a dedicated Self-Love and Relationship Coach, inspiring countless individuals with her story of resilience and personal transformation. Faced with immense challenges, including an abusive marriage and severe health issues leading to paralysis, Niketa has triumphed over adversity through unwavering faith and determination.

After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she fought her way back to health, relearning to walk and reclaiming her life. A Jay Shetty certified coach, Niketa now uses her experiences to empower others, helping them build self-love, strength, resilience, and confidence. Her life motto, "Face your challenges, dance with life," encapsulates her approach to overcoming obstacles and finding joy amidst adversity.

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