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How To Manifest Anything You Want ‒ The Ultimate Guide To The Law Of Attraction

Written by: Lovina Robinson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The Law of Attraction is often seen as a new-age or woo-woo concept, but those of us who believe in it agree that it’s a law of the universe, like the law of gravity. The basic premise is that you attract what you put your attention on, into your life, whether you want it or not. So if you’re worried about things going wrong, that’s what you will attract into your life. If you focus on what you do want – health, wealth, success, and happiness, you will begin to see those things showing up in your life.

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation: What it is and how it works?

The Law of Attraction uses your thoughts to attract the things you want and or don't want. We are always attracting experiences, whether we are conscious of what we attract or not. So what you attract depends on your unconscious thoughts. If you have ever read the book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, then you know, he was an early adopter of these principles. He wrote the book back in 1937. If you have not read this classic bestseller book. I recommend you start with this book to expand your knowledge of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

From this book, we see this powerful quote: Truly, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects. -Napoleon Hill

Every human being is a creator within the universe. If you focus your thoughts on who and what you want to be, do or have in life, then those things will show up in your life as your reality. The key to life is simple: change your mind and change your life. The Law of Attraction and Manifestation can help you do exactly that.

We are all a magnet in the Universe?

Thoughts are things and you are a Magnet. Your thoughts have an energetic frequency that attracts those things that emit the same energetic frequency. When you focus on a thought, you are sending a frequency into the universe that attracts the same frequency right back to YOU. You are a magnet that attracts the things you think about back to you. This is the Law of Attraction and Manifestation at work - this is happening at both a positive and negative level.

You are a human satellite. After all, this should make a lot of sense because at the core of who we are, is pure energy, and light frequency. Now, if you are having negative thoughts, the best way to counteract them is to consciously think of a new empowering and positive thought. You are like a radio or TV. Picking up and sending frequencies into the Universe. To attract what you desire, you have to change the channel, especially, if you aren't in alignment with what you are seeing in your mind or how you are feeling.

All the desires you want to vibrate with energy. When you focus on what you want, you cause the energy to shift toward your vibrational frequency. This energy is now matching your energy, and this energy match or vibration will return to the source of its sender-which is YOU.

Visualization is a key foundation for Manifesting anything you want

Let me give you an example of how this works, let's say you want a new job, hold a picture of that new job in your mind. You may imagine and then begin to feel how it would feel doing that new job. Imagine what you will wear to work, the car you drive, the location, your office, your desk, and your chair Be clear with all the details. By thinking of yourself in that new job, you have changed the vibration of that job to match your vibration. That vibration then creates a new frequency that sends that new image into your life. That new image is now of you in that job position. This is how we create our reality. Now as you know you would have had to apply for the job but everything else fell into place because you were a vibrational match and visualization was a key part of the process to manifest the new job. Now let's take a look at another key principle of manifesting and the law of attraction. Affirmations: statements used to reprogram your mind, so that you are in alignment with your dominant thoughts.

Affirmations and how to use them to reprogram your mind

These are short phrases that motivate, inspire and empower you to take action and realize your goals. These short phrases, when repeated often, are beneficial to reprogramming your subconscious mind. This mantra or repetition of powerful words can change your habits, behavior, and your perspective. As you know, thoughts have power and so do your words. When you repeat these words often, daily is ideal, they can have a big impact on your reality. These positive affirmations can change your thought patterns and help you to overcome negative self-talk.

Here are some examples of powerful affirmations:

I can take on any challenge.

I am ready to take on the world.

Every day, I take action and move forward in my life.

Nothing will stop me from succeeding.

I am happy and full of joy.

I attract wonderful things.

I am courageous.

I am empowered.

I am in control of my thoughts.

I always focus on the positive.

My mind is full of positive images.

I am in control of my future and will succeed.

Nothing will stop me from creating success.

I deserve to be successful and happy.

My life is flowing with wealth and abundance.

Money comes to me from all areas of my life.

I am a multimillionaire.

My wealth is growing daily.

I am ready to receive wealth into my life now.

Affirmations are a powerful method to reprogram your mind, and they also help you to feel deep gratitude, happiness, and joy. By deciding to use these affirmations in your life, you will begin to notice a difference in how you begin to show up in the world.


The law of attraction is a principle of like attracts like. What you put out into the universe, you will get back. We need to get clear about what we want and why we want it. And then we need to take action. This article discussed the law of attraction and how to use it to manifest your desires. If you want to work with me to talk about how I can help you with manifesting your best life, I invite you to connect with me. If you want to learn more about this topic, please like, follow, and comment on this article.

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Lovina Robinson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lovina Robinson, is a hypnotherapist, money breakthrough business coach, law of attraction coach, NLP practitioner, holistic coach, Usui Master Reiki teacher & Access Consciousness bars teacher. She helps clients build internal resilience using the power of the subconscious mind. Clients are able to eliminate self sabotage, raise their vibration, bust through money blocks & perceived obstacles to create a life & business they love. She uses her intuition, & quantum energy coaching to help clients shift their energy, align with their purpose, capture their authentic voice, stand in their personal power, and use the power of their archetype as a spiritual branding and marketing process.

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