Written by: Sacha Meinou Steemers, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How many Mondays did you start a new diet only to fail after a couple of days or even hours? You want to be healthier, lose weight, get fit, but it looks like a lost battle after so many attempts. Is it just impossible or are you approaching it the wrong way?

Diets don’t work
The fact is that diets don’t work. 98% of people that go on a diet gain back the weight and some more. Yet, we keep trying it over and over again. Diets restrict us and because willpower is a limited source, we can’t keep up with it forever. Once we restricted ourselves for long enough, we snap and eat everything in sight.
I struggled to lose weight for over 3 decades. I tried every diet imaginable, every exercise routine, various personal trainers and even when I was studying for a health coach & personal trainer I was not able to lose the weight and most importantly, keep it off.
I mean, how is that even possible? I knew everything on how to lose weight, but still couldn´t manage to do it.
Well, it's actually quite simple and this is why:
If your subconscious mind is not on board, it is impossible to lose weight!
An important detail no trainer or diet guru ever mentioned to me.
The most important thing that we have to realize when we want to make a real change in our life is how our mind works. The brain has three minds: the subconscious mind, the analytical mind and the conscious mind. The subconscious mind drives 95% of our behaviour. When we are making a decision with our conscious mind “I want to lose weight” or “I will never have chocolate cake again”, we are working with 5% against 95%. That is trying to ride a bicycle uphill with the breaks on!
The only goal of the subconscious mind is for us to survive, so it will keep repeating what it did yesterday, because yes we might get unhealthier by the day, but we are still alive and that’s what counts for the subconscious mind. It is impossible to lose weight if the subconscious mind is not on board!
We are all born with a healthy relationship with food, we ate when hungry until full and we didn’t think about food for the rest of the day. If later in life this relationship got disrupted, then something happened which made our subconscious mind believe that it was better to gain some weight. This can be the habits of your caretakers, it can be something small that happened that we are not even aware off or it can be a bigger trauma.
How hypnosis helps with weight loss
Hypnosis is a very effective way to access the subconscious mind directly, to find out what is holding us back from getting to and staying at the weight we desire. When we access the subconscious mind we can change old patterns that don’t serve us anymore and insert new suggestions that help us to reach our goals.
Probably you can relate; you want to make a change, but a voice in your head is telling “I better start when I’m not so busy”, “I can never follow through” or “I’m just big boned, it is impossible for me to lose weight”. These are all signs that your analytical mind is trying to stop you from changing. In hypnosis we access the subconscious mind directly, not giving the analytic mind a chance to protest.
As Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So let´s stop going on the latest fad diet and instead start our weight loss journey at the source.
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Sacha Meinou Steemers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sacha Meinou Steemers, is a revolutionary health coach. She helps businesswomen to create freedom around food and lose weight for good by using the power of the subconscious mind. Struggling her whole life with weight, food and other addictions, she finally has all the tools to make long lasting changes and is passionate to help other women to do the same. Her 12 week signature program combines hypnosis with nutrition, exercise & accountability.