Written by: Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Our thoughts become things. A belief is a collection of thoughts. We live by a guideline of beliefs. It sets the boundaries that we choose to live by and it defines what is possible for us in this lifetime. Our thoughts tell us who we are, shapes the world around us and it’s our companion every minute of the day.

Acknowledging this idea can feel empowering or stressful…depending on the type of thoughts you gravitate towards. The good news is that thoughts are fleeting and you can choose a new one at this very moment. I’m going to share new ideas that can help you reprogram your thought patterns so that they serve you better. And the “better” is up to you to interpret.
Scientists have been studying the ungraspable idea of thought, its origin, and the overall function of the brain for centuries. We have learned that the creation of new habits can take 3-4 weeks when enforced by repetition. The moment that you can do a task with minimal conscious awareness, you know you’ve succeeded in incorporating it into your life. Another way of measuring this is by the degree of resistance you experience. It is when you no longer consider the new task as a “task,” that you know you have accomplished your goal.
The key to living the life of your dreams starts with dispelling the idea that you have to wait to start living it. You don’t have to wait to be happy, you can be happy now. The biggest mistake that we make is by waiting, putting conditions on our state of being. I will feel happy when X happens. If you decide to embark on this journey, you will soon realize that it’s an endless chase because the moment X happens, Y is right around the corner. Becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs, allows you to start choosing how you want to feel and what you want to focus on, instead of letting untamed thoughts take the reign. Shifting from a lack of control to owning your narrative should feel freeing and empowering.
Having the understanding that we can choose and control the patterns of our thoughts leads us to the art of manifestation. We have all manifested but may not have been aware of it. Manifesting is the practice of visualization. Visualization is creating imagery of something you want to experience inside your mind and focusing on it. Everyone approaches this with varying degrees of engagement; some feel it, others can see the entire scene, some can add color and others can add smell. There’s no right or wrong way of doing it. Many people do this while meditating or with the help of their vision board. You can do whatever feels authentic to you as long as it’s believable to you. You can do this any time of day, anywhere and for as long as you want. Once the vision is clear, you have to let it go and continue on with your life. You don’t need to obsess about how the vision will become part of your reality. The more you try to control “the how” the longer it will take to manifest. This is because you must feel it while you visualize, you have to let go of resistance that tells you it’s not possible for you. It won’t show up until you’re ready to receive it.
I’ve started incorporating visualization methods into my life in the past 5 years and have used vision boards throughout my life for over 2 decades. My connection to these habits has evolved and become more aligned with my personal goals. And I have experienced significant success in moving my visions into reality. The hardest part for me in this process has been letting go of the “how.” And to help me with this resistance, I have inserted different reminders into my day to help re-train my brain. Here’s an insight into how I incorporate these habits into my day:
Wake up ‒ gratitude
I don’t get out of bed until I list the things that I’m grateful for
Depending on my schedule, I will meditate for 3 to 15 minutes. And I’ll either do this while still in bed or sitting down with a crystal (preferred)
I journal for 1-2 minutes in the morning. I’ve learned to not look at my phone before I’ve established a state of gratitude and excitement for the day
10 am reminder
I have a reminder on my phone that simply says “I have good feelings.” This pulls me away from whatever task I’m deep into and it encourages me to shift my focus to a good-feeling place
2:30 pm mantra
My current mantra is “I deserve the best in the world” and that shows up as a reminder for me every day at 2:30pm. It’s a beautiful reminder for me to think about all the amazing things that I am experiencing in my life and it always puts a smile on my face
I review all the experiences of the day that I’m grateful for before I fall asleep
I encourage you to be mindful of your day. You can start by creating a schedule that serves the areas of your brain that you’re trying re-program. You can modify your schedule at any time and as often as you like.
Once you find where resistance shows up for you, it becomes clear which thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors have been preventing you from living the life of your dreams. Experiencing and living your dreams isn’t something that you do subconsciously while you’re sleeping. Or something that you have to wait for because it’s dependent on something external to you. On the contrary, it is a highly engaging experience that you can have today.
Pro Tip: Esther Hicks is a master manifester and has been one of my key teachers in the past year. I’ve read her books, listened to her CDs in the car, and I’ve listened to her videos on YouTube. I practice applying her teaching to my own life. And often consult her YouTube videos when I’m struggling with something so that I can recenter my energy. She offers live workshops, cruises, and online broadcasts. For more information, click here.
If you want to learn how to implement these ideas and be coached by me, you can email me here to schedule a discovery call.

Patricia Renovato, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
For over a decade, Patricia kept ignoring the growing sensation that she could do more to serve the world. It was daunting to think about dramatically changing her life without direction. After spending some time searching for the answer, Patricia found her calling as a Life Coach. This became the vehicle for her to facilitate the transformation of people who felt stuck in their life, not knowing how to begin a new journey. Patricia dedicates her time to connecting people with their genuine passion for living a passionate and purposeful life. Patricia’s innate ability to see people’s potential beyond their purview inspires clients to work through the inner blocks preventing them from living their dream.