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How To Live A Life Of Happiness, Success, Fulfilment And Freedom – You Gotta Look In The Right Place

Written by: Anton Broers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Anton Broers

Do you meet many happy people in your life? I don’t mean people who are sometimes happy when life goes their way. I mean people who are always happy irrespective what happens in their lives. Do you meet many of such always-happy people? I don’t. The vast majority of the people I meet are not happy and always struggling through life.

woman celebrating jumping on green mountain

Life is not meant to be a struggle. Life is meant to be a celebration. A success. An own creation. A joyful and happy experience. That is the message, the promise and the example taught by ancient and modern-day masters of life. Struggling is optional. And so is joy and celebration in life.

How? Not many people know how. You have to look in the right place to find the how.

Do you want to structurally improve your life and live a life of full of joy and celebration? It is possible. Read my last article as an Executive Contributor for BRAINZ and receive the golden nugget guidance on how you can empower and elevate your life.

The myth about the Oracle of Delphi

There exists a powerful myth about the Oracle of Delphi in Athens, Greece.

In ancient Greece, the people of Athens and its wide surroundings would visit the Oracle to seek guidance for making their lives better. Just like today, people were suffering from things like stress, bad relationships, financial problems, physical illnesses, lack of fulfilment, no happiness. At the Oracle of Delphi, located on a beautiful hilltop, they could consult with wise sages, men and women, who shared insight and guidance based on which people could improve their lives.

The myth is that the advice people would receive would always be the same. Whatever issue for their life they brought forward, the cure that the wise women and men presented would always have the same basis. And people did not have to walk the stairs to get to the Oracle on the hill to receive this guidance. Next to the first step of the staircase, it was already presented to the attentive visitor. There a small wooden board said: ‘’Know thyself!’’

Whatever problem people presented, the masters at the Oracle would always guide them towards themselves. To their thinking, their mindset, their perspective, their focus, their responsibility. The cure for every problem we think we have lies within. It lies in getting to know yourself. It lies in investing some of your time, energy and effort into your inner world. That is the only place where you will find sustainable solutions for structurally boosting your life!

How the results for your life are caused within

Here is a practical reflective exercise that will allow you to see how your life is created by you. Understanding the exercise and applying its lessons gives you power and can make you the author of your own life story.

Look at your life. Any aspect. Your relationships. Your career. Your living conditions. Your investments. Your successes. Your failures. Your health. Your fitness. Your possessions. Now ask yourself: how have all of these come about? How did all of ‘this’ become part of my life? The answer is: through my (conscious or unconscious) actions. Understand and accept that anything in your life has come about because of your own actions!

Next question: where did my actions (that have created my life) come from? Reflect on it. There is important insight to be gained here. The answer is: they were triggered by how I felt. Feelings trigger actions. Do you know the phrase ‘’I felt like doing that’? Well, that is exactly where our actions result from. From how we feel.

And now the true treasure question for your life: where did my feelings come from? Same as above, I would advise you to reflect on this power question. It will give you insight that allows you to take your life into your own hands. To become the creator of your own life story. The answer is: they were caused by my thoughts.

I will repeat this last answer because it is one of most important insights into yourself that you can ever discover: your feelings are caused by your thoughts. They are not caused by others. They are not caused by circumstances. They are not caused by anything outside of you. Your feelings are caused by the way you think!

So let me summarize for you how the results for your life are caused within:

  1. Anything in your life is created through your actions

  2. Your actions result from how you feel

  3. Your feelings are caused by your thinking

  4. Your thinking happens within, it is yours, either consciously or unconsciously.

Now here is an empowering truth for you: if you want to change the results for your life, you have to change the way you think. Different thoughts create different feelings create different actions create different outcomes for your life.

Your power lies within. Just like the Delphi sages were saying. Your power over your life lies in your thinking. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.

How to change your thoughts?

Now the question is: can I change my thoughts? I have good news for you: yes, you can. We all have the ability to change our thoughts!

I also have a challenge for you though: we are all conditioned. Conditioning means that we have learned to think a certain way. Through our upbringing. Through examples we have seen. Through our experiences. Through advice we have received. Our conditioning leads our thinking. Much of our conditioning does not serve us in our life. We want to change it. The challenge is that we will have to go beyond our conditioned thinking if we want to change the way we think.

There is only one way to change your thoughts and to overcome your conditioning: you will have to bring in new, better thoughts. When you bring in the right new thoughts, you can elevate your thinking. When you elevate your thinking, you will improve the results for your life.

There are different ways that you can use to bring in new thoughts, including:

  • Read books.

  • Watch video’s.

  • Attend courses.

  • Find a coach.

Your way of thinking can be impacted by other minds. To elevate your thinking, to elevate your mind, connect with a mind / mindset that you want for yourself. Find the books, the video’s, the courses and/or the coach that can help you to grow your mind. Let me give you one priceless tip for doing so: the most elevated and beneficial way of thinking is wisdom. Wisdom is the true treasure for your life. Find wisdom to uplift your life. When you start to fill your mind with wisdom, your life will grow and improve.

To create happiness in your life, you have to look in the right place!

People are struggling. Maybe you – the reader – are struggling in your life. And we look outside to find solutions. Maybe we should change our partner? Maybe we should change our career? Maybe we should change our home? Maybe we should change our car? Maybe we should change… And the struggle continues.

As long as we look outside for a life of joy and celebration, we will only find it temporarily at best.

You have to look within to find the real cause for your life. You have to get to know yourself, as all the ancient masters including the sages at the Oracle of Delphi have always said. You will get to know yourself when you get to know your mind/your mindset. Your way of thinking is the basis for your life.

If you want to end the struggle and if you want to start to live a life full of joy and celebration, stop looking outside. Instead, turn your attention to yourself, to your mind/mindset and to your way of thinking. Look within. It is the best investment you can make into your life. One of my teachers, Swami Rama, said it so powerfully during his lifetime: ‘’Happiness is an inside job!’’ He taught his students that happiness is our own creation.

Happiness, joy, celebration and also success, fulfilment, peace, calm, freedom are all available to you. When you bring wisdom into your mind/mindset, your struggle will shrink and your joy and celebration will increase. It is in your hands. Change your mind and happiness is in your hands.

I wish you a life full of happiness, success, fulfilment and freedom!

For decades I have been searching for the most enlightened teachers I could find. Their minds, their thinking, their wisdom, their lessons have made my life bigger, better, brighter and braver. I have learned and experienced that wisdom truly is the greatest treasure. It has transformed my life. It has made me find my life’s purpose: to share the treasures of wisdom and training your mind with the world.

As an Executive Contributor to Brainz it has been my intention to share uplifting inspiration with a global audience. The right inspiration helps to boost your life.

This is my last BRAINZ article, at least for now. I hope my writing has been beneficial for you. If you want to structurally improve your life, you can contact me for empowering and valuable training and coaching. You can also buy a copy of my book ‘The Robot who became a Human’ which is a story-based guide to transform your life. I am here to be of service to you.

Let me end by wishing you the gift of wisdom to boost your mind and mindset. May it help you to live a life full of happiness, success, fulfilment and freedom!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Anton!

Anton Broers Brainz Magazine

Anton Broers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anton Broers is a leading mindset coach and trainer based in Europe. He is a former senior business leader at a global brand who spent time in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Anton is a keen student of ancient spiritual wisdom made simple for modern-day application. As the CEO of Mind ur Life in the Netherlands, he helps children, adults, and businesses toward happiness, success, fulfilment, and freedom. Anton’s mission is to introduce the world to the power of the mind to create the life and results we desire.

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