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How To Increase Your Productivity When Growing Your Business

Joana Dockute is a business development specialist and a business coach with a background in running her own direct sales and marketing company for 7 years. When it comes to helping her clients go to the next level Joana perfectly understands their problems, as she had to go through most business development stages herself before she became a business coach.

Executive Contributor Joana Dockute

When your productivity is high, everything feels easier. Tasks get done, projects move forward, and your business grows. That’s because your focus is crystal clear, and you’re operating at maximum efficiency. In this state, often called the flow state, you can accomplish five times more in less time.

a serene, sunlit workspace featuring a woman working on a laptop. The environment blends natural and futuristic elements, with golden light streaming in from a large

On the other hand, when you’re feeling stuck, it can take hours to complete even a small task. Do you know those moments when writing an email feel like climbing a mountain? That’s because you’re working from the wrong state of mind. And no matter how many strategies or hacks you try, nothing seems to click.

Working on your business

When you’re stuck in performing your daily tasks only, you’re working in your business rather than on it. This creates a reactive cycle where you’re too busy to focus on long-term growth. Sound familiar?

Many business owners fall into this trap. They’re overwhelmed by the day-to-day grind, leaving little time to plan, strategize, or innovate. And by the time they do find time to think about scaling their business, they’re too exhausted to act on it.

Breaking out of this cycle requires shifting into a state of flow where productivity, creativity, and clarity thrive.

The flow state

Ever heard someone say, “Once you’re in the zone, it all just flows”?

Steven Kotler, author of Stealing Fire, studied elite performers, from Navy SEALs to Silicon Valley innovators, and found they shared one secret: the ability to tap into flow states very quickly. According to Kotler, productivity increases by 500% when you reach this heightened state.

Flow is more than just a productivity buzzword. It’s a neurological phenomenon where your brain’s prefrontal cortex quiets down, freeing you from self-doubt and distractions. You become fully immersed in the task at hand, and time seems to fly.

Flow state personalities

Kotler identified four types of people who enter flow in different ways. Understanding your type is key to unlocking this powerful state:

1. The mindful practitioner

  • These people practice mindfulness, such as yoga or meditation, daily. They live almost constantly in flow because they’re skilled at being present.

2. The deep thinker

  • Solitude and introspection are essential for this type. They recharge and access flow when they have uninterrupted time to reflect.

3. The team player

  • Collaboration and teamwork fuel this person’s flow. They thrive in environments where they can bounce ideas off others.

4. The adventurer

  • Adrenaline junkies and risk-takers fall into this category. Their flow is triggered by action, excitement, and high-stakes situations.

Knowing your type helps you tailor your approach to accessing flow states quickly. Generic advice like “meditate for 10 minutes” might not work for someone who thrives in fast-paced, action-packed scenarios.

Flow for business growth

When you’re not in flow, you’re hustling, grinding, and often pushing uphill to get results. That’s exhausting and unsustainable. But when you’re in flow, everything feels aligned. You’re energized and focused, and results come naturally.

Flow also has a ripple effect. Your energy is contagious—your team picks up on it, your clients sense it, and your business culture improves. People naturally gravitate toward those who radiate joy and confidence, making it easier to attract clients. Check out my article on ‘Sales is just an energy exchange here.

A client success story

One of my clients, John, owned a garden center and wanted to grow his business. But there was one condition: “I’m not writing. I’ve done enough of that in school!” he told me firmly.

At first, I thought, How am I going to help him if he won’t blog, create emails, or write social media posts? But then I realized we needed to find a strategy that aligned with his natural strengths. For John, that was creating videos.

John had a passion for educating people about plants and gardening, and his enthusiasm was magnetic. We launched a YouTube channel where he shared tips, tutorials, and plant care advice. The results?

  • His channel grew to 40,000+ subscribers organically.

  • He had to extend his parking lot because customers couldn’t find space on Saturdays.

  • He had to hire more staff to help him with customers.

Seven years later, John still uses the same strategy because it works—and he loves it. Once you enjoy the strategy that you are implementing, it’s easy to stick to it. You don’t need any willpower to perform that task. Consistency is the key when trying to make any business growth strategy work for you.

How to find your flow

Achieving flow isn’t about luck; it’s about creating the right conditions for it to happen. Here are actionable steps to help you tap into your flow state:

1. Know your flow triggers

  • What excites or energizes you? Reflect on past business experiences where you felt "in the zone" and identify what led to those moments.

2. Eliminate energy drains

  • Delegate or outsource tasks that drain you. If bookkeeping or admin isn’t your strength, hand it over to someone else.

3. Schedule deep work time

  • Block out time to focus on high-value tasks. Turn off notifications, and protect this time like a meeting with your most important client—you!

4. Align your strategy with your strengths

  • Like John, find business growth strategies that you genuinely enjoy implementing. Consistency is easier when you love what you’re doing.

5. Embrace joy daily

  • Include activities that you love in your routine, whether it’s brainstorming with your team, exploring new ideas, or interacting with clients.

As Rumi wisely said:

“Your job is not to seek love. Your job is to find all the obstacles stopping you from experiencing love.”

The same applies to business. Remove the obstacles that block your flow, whether it’s tasks you dislike, outdated systems, or limiting beliefs about how things "should" be done.

When you’re in flow, your business benefits in ways you can’t predict. Creativity, energy, and motivation are your new normal. And your team and customers will notice the difference.

Where is your attention?

Your focus goes where your attention is. So, what are you focusing on right now? Are you pouring energy into things that frustrate you, or are you nurturing the parts of your business that bring you joy?

If you’re stuck, it might be time to pause, reflect, and delegate. Sometimes, finding flow requires going back to basics and asking yourself, What lights me up? If you need help in discovering what is the right business growth strategy for you, feel free to send me a message via my website. Thank you for reading! Let’s make being in a flow state ‘a new normal’ when trying to grow a business.

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Joana Dockute, Business Development Specialist/ Business Coach

Joana Dockute is a business development specialist and a business coach with a background in running her own direct sales and marketing company for 7 years. When it comes to helping her clients go to the next level Joana perfectly understands their problems, as she had to go through most business development stages herself before she became a business coach. She loves helping business owners 'find their voice', design, and implement customized business systems and processes. Each business is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all. Joana's mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed without having 'to sell their soul'. Meaning, if the strategy doesn't align with your values you shouldn't even consider it.

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