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How To Improve Your Financial Self-esteem

Idáliz Escalante is a personal transformation expert, neuro coach, and author with over 16 years of experience. She empowers women and entrepreneurs worldwide to create abundant lives through mindset, manifestation, emotional intelligence and the law of attraction.

Executive Contributor Idáliz Escalante Baquero

Do you feel that no matter how hard you try, your financial results don't match the effort you put into your projects? Let's be clear: no matter who you are, what you do, or how many brilliant ideas you have, your financial situation can always improve. However, achieving better financial results isn't solely dependent on effort; it also hinges on mindset and "financial self-esteem." Please keep reading to learn what this means and how to elevate it to achieve greater financial success.

Portrait of mature businesswoman holding a tablet in an office wearing a casual green tops and an eyeglasses

What is financial self-esteem?

Your self-esteem is your opinion of yourself—your confidence. A person with high self-esteem possesses a mindset and emotional intelligence that help them remain resilient, achieve their goals, and manage their emotions with maturity. However, have you ever considered that self-esteem can change depending on the subject or role we take on? Your self-esteem isn't the same as your professional self-esteem, or in this context, your self-esteem when it comes to money.

Your experiences with money—earning it, managing it—have shaped a perception that influences your financial results. If your financial self-esteem is low, you won't feel confident handling money, and your financial outcomes are likely to be poor. Let’s explore this further.

How much does your belief system influence your reality?

When we talk about mindset, we're talking about our belief system. Beliefs are more than just thoughts and ideas; they shape how we see the world, influence our behavior, and establish patterns. Depending on our beliefs, we filter the information we receive from our surroundings. The mind has a way of validating what we already believe to be true by showing us evidence that aligns with those beliefs.

We are likely to succeed in areas where our self-esteem is high

In some areas of our lives, we see ourselves as highly capable, powerful, and successful. In these areas, our results match our efforts and dedication because our self-esteem is high. You might feel confident as a woman, perhaps as a mother, partner, or professional.

It becomes clear that the results we've been getting are not due to a lack of action or insufficient effort or knowledge. Instead, they stem from a misalignment between our mindset and our actions. Don’t view these outcomes as failures—they are just results. Instead, observe and change the underlying belief that is generating those results.

The good news: The mind can be reprogrammed

Science calls this ability "neuroplasticity"—the brain's capacity to continue learning and forming new neural connections. This means that our beliefs can change if we expose ourselves to new information and install new beliefs that support our desired outcomes. So, if your current financial results are due to your belief system about money, it’s possible to change that system, start thinking differently, and achieve better results.

Our belief system can be altered, and new, more supportive thoughts and ideas can be installed in the mind until they become the new belief system.

What are your beliefs about money?

Before we install new beliefs, we need to uncover and change any negative beliefs we currently hold. Here is a five-question guide to help you understand your beliefs about money:

1. What do you think about money?

Do you think money is good, bad, unnecessary, or the root of all evil? Did your parents argue about money often? Do you believe you have to struggle to earn it, or that only a few people are lucky enough to get it?

2. How do you view your clients?

Do you think they can pay, need discounts, or feel sorry for them, thinking they can't pay you, even if they want to?

3. How do you see yourself concerning money?

Do you feel capable of earning and managing it? Do you envision yourself investing successfully, or do you see yourself as incapable of managing money? Be honest, as only then can you make a change.

4. How do you talk about money?

Your words have incredible power; they are like a seal on the reality you are creating. They also reveal your deepest beliefs. Listen to yourself and discover what your subconscious holds about money!

5. How much importance do you give it, or how valuable is it to you?

What we don’t value tends to slip away from our lives. See your money as a person—begin to value it and its presence in your life. Make it feel welcome.

The root of your perception of money can come from many places: how it was managed in your home, past experiences with money, what others have told you or convinced you about it, and so on. Everyone brings their own "baggage" about money, and it’s crucial to explore the topic to install a new mindset.

According to what we believe, that is what the brain registers. All the abundance you desire and need might be right in front of you, but you won't see it. You might even perceive it as dangerous or unreachable simply because it’s unfamiliar. Imagine all the money you could be missing out on because your mind sees it as unknown and sabotages you instead of going after it!

3 steps to improve your financial self-esteem

1. Begin by forgiving yourself

You might feel disappointed in how you’ve managed money so far.

Disappointment and guilt are debilitating emotions that will keep you stuck.

Remember, we didn’t learn this in school. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

2. Practice makes perfect

Start over and practice a lot. The new version of you deserves a chance to

show you're great with money, just like you are with other things in life.

Consider coaching to break down unhealthy habits and negative thinking

patterns, and start visualizing yourself earning more and managing money


3. Create powerful affirmations

Repeating positive affirmations is one way to reprogram the mind. Keep them

short and easy to remember, repeat them daily, and give them at least 21

days to take effect. This will create new neural pathways and foster a whole

new belief system. You deserve to see yourself in a new light. In October

7 Powerful affirmations to regain Your confidence

Here are some simple yet powerful affirmations that helped me elevate my financial

self-esteem and develop a healthier relationship with money:

  1. I always manage my money wisely.

  2. People come to me for financial advice.

  3. I am an excellent investor.

  4. I feel comfortable managing large amounts of money.

  5. I am confident in attaining wealth.

  6. I am living a wealthy life.

  7. I always have more than enough money.

Start changing the way you think and speak about yourself regarding money by

using these affirmations or personalizing them to create your list. Keep your thoughts

in check and avoid reverting to the old, low-self-esteem version of yourself.

The new you is just a mindset shift away

There's no need to struggle by overworking yourself without getting the financial

results you deserve. It's about aligning your mind with your actions to create a

synergy that works for you, not against you. If you're ready to move past the struggle

and unlock this new version of yourself, book a coaching session today.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Idáliz Escalante Baquero, Manifestation Neurocoach Idáliz Escalante is a leading expert in personal transformation, manifestation, and feminine leadership. As the founder and CEO of "Mujer Empresaria de Hoy," she has empowered thousands of women entrepreneurs globally. Certified in Neurocoaching, and holding a Master’s Level in NLP, Idáliz combines neuroscience with spirituality to help clients achieve their highest potential. She is also the author of "The Secret to Manifesting Your Dreams" and creator of programs like "Money Mastermind" and "Circle of Power."



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