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How to handle Sales Call Objections in a Soul-Aligned Way That Results in Clients Signing Up

Written by: Eugenia Oganova, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Isn’t it so discouraging when someone…

x Schedules a sales call with you

x Fills out your very-thought-through questionnaire

x And then says: “I am just not sure” or “I need to meditate on it” or “I know it worked for others, but I am just not sure it will work for me.”

As a spiritual coach, healer, or a holistic professional, hearing these sales objections when you thought everything was going great can be scary, confusing, and even discouraging.

Especially if you felt you were clear that they understood the value of your offer and were going to buy something from you.

When I help my clients organize their sales process, I hear that prior to working with me, they encountered “I need to think about it” and “I can’t afford it” way too often.

And here’s what I tell them:

  1. Objections are always reflecting to you the issues you already are projecting out into the Universe.

  2. They are not real; most of them are opportunities for you to show your expertise and actually help your potential client out of their fear!

  3. Overcoming these objections begins way before they get on the phone with you.

This usually is misinterpreted by the spiritual coaches and healers (no matter how successful!) as this:

  • This means I am not ready and have to clear all my issues first.

  • This means I have to have more pretty quotes or professional photos of me on my social media.

  • This means I should convince them to buy and push more instead of letting them go.

Neither one of these is the correct solution!

Obviously, you should work on your own issues – we all became entrepreneurs because we want to change the world, but we also get that personal development is part of the process. Of course, you should have amazing content that speaks to your ideal clients, and some professional photos wouldn’t hurt – but that in itself isn’t going to fix objections on the sales call.

But it does mean that you have to show up as an expert, not take things personally, and actually GUIDE your potential client through the process of making a very big decision!

If you want someone to enroll in YOUR programs, you can’t be enrolling into THEIR story!

So, let's look at how you can improve your sales experience:

1. Objections are always reflecting to you the issues you already are projecting out into the Universe.

This means that you need to study what kind of objections you are getting on the sales calls – and then look at how they relate to your own mindset so you can adjust it.

If you are indecisive in your own life, you will attract people who have difficulty deciding on the sales call.

If you tend to worry about how much things cost and count pennies, you will attract people who haggle overpricing.

If you do not fully believe in your offer or your ability to support your clients, you will attract objections of “let me think about it” because the potential clients didn’t see the full value of your program.

2. They are not real. Most of them are opportunities for you to show your expertise and actually help your potential client out of their fear!

People do not like to part with their money, and even if your potential client is all ready to do in the sales conversation, they might still run into their personal fears when you begin to talk about the investment.

This is where it is critical to NOT take their fear personally, but instead focus on being a coach/leader that can HELP by being a witness to the potential client’s fear, naming it and guiding the person through it.

The objections that your potential client brings up on a sales call are usually habitual issues in their life – probably the very reason they were not able to progress as fast as they would like. Holding them in love, without judgment, and showing them how this issue blocks their success, will guide them out of fear.

3. Overcoming these objections begins way before they get on the phone with you.

That’s right! If your marketing, messaging, positioning, is confusing or unclear – it will create objections.

One way to counteract that is to handle possible objections in your content as if you are answering questions.

This will help potential clients clarify what they want and alleviate their fears ahead of time, so that when they do get on the phone with you, they are ready to go!


Sales objections are just one component of a successful Soul-aligned business.

That’s why I’m so excited about my Soul Aligned Wealth Challenge 5-Day Challenge!

You’ll learn my Conscious Future approach on...

  • How to consistently sell out your high-ticket offers 

  •  By upgrading yourself and your client to a premium level 

  •  And getting crystal clear on who your offer is meant for

  •  So you can handle these pesky objections with confidence

When you are aligned with your Soul purpose during the sales conversations, you are creating value for your potential client, even if they don’t buy. 

And value always means you are in the cycle of Abundance! 

Here is the link to join my FREE 5-day challenge:

P.S. Merry Christmas!

Find out more about Eugenia’s coaching program on her website.

Follow her on Facebook and join her FREE Wealth Energetics for Women Entrepreneurs group:


Eugenia Oganova, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Eugenia Oganova is an international Conscious Wealth Energetics Business & Marketing Coach for coaches, healers, and holistic health professionals who desire to fully step into their Soul Mission and live their Purpose through a profitable business. She creates custom high-end business, marketing & energetic strategies so that you can attract premium clients and uplevel to multiple 6-figures, without burning out or self-sacrificing. Eugenia is a Soul Strategist and a Self-Transformation expert with over two decades of expertise in spiritual entrepreneurship, transformational therapy and conscious healing, and a best-selling author of 3 books. Using an energy-based approach coupled with transformational psychology, extensive business and marketing knowledge, and her clairvoyant wisdom, Eugenia has created many programs that activate long-term core-level transformation in her clients.

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