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How To Handle Life's Unexpected Turns As A Mompreneur

Viviana Castaneda, a mom of two and entrepreneur since 2017, is the founder of Digital Mompreneurs—an empowering brand helping moms bring their digital business ideas to life. With a focus on confidence, time management, and content consistency, Viviana is dedicated to empowering fellow moms in the digital world.

Executive Contributor Viviana Castaneda

As a mompreneur, juggling work and family can often feel like a tightrope act. Last week, I experienced a perfect example of how quickly things can spiral out of control when the unexpected happens. Let me share this story with you and offer some strategies that helped me navigate through it.

Photo of Viviana holding a microphone

The perfect plan

Everything was falling into place. I had meticulously planned my week with back-to-back interviews, a tight but manageable work schedule, a live session, and a dedicated block for content creation. I was feeling invincible—like Superwoman!

The curveball

Then, out of nowhere, I got that call from my kid’s school. “Hi, Viviana, your child has a fever and needs to be picked up in less than 30 minutes.” Just like that, my productive week turned into a week of nurse mama duties. All those plans? They vanished into thin air.

The chaos

Out of the 5 days I had planned, I managed to work only 2. The rest of the week, I was on full-time mama duty, nursing my little one back to health. My house? A complete disaster zone. My to-do list? More like a wish list at that point. And me? Super frustrated and feeling stuck.

People always say, "That’s life," and yeah, they’re right. Life happens. But let’s be honest: The hardest part isn’t looking after our kiddos. We love them to bits—they’re our world. It’s not even the unfinished work or the mess at home. The real kicker is managing our emotional state. It’s that gnawing feeling of frustration, of being stuck, and how to manage our emotional state.

The solution: Steps to handle the unexpected turns as a mompreneur

In the midst of all this chaos, it’s so easy to forget how to calm your mind down and get back on track. But then, I remembered a few steps that have saved my sanity more times than I can count. Here’s what I did:

1. Acknowledge it

First, I reminded myself that these things are going to happen. No amount of planning can prevent every unexpected event. Accepting this fact helped me stay calm and focused.


2. Prioritize

I went straight to my to-do list and picked out the essential tasks. I rescheduled one important task per day for the rest of the week. I found the best time slots that worked for me.

3. Adjust

I moved the non-urgent tasks to the following week, delegated some, and just flat-out eliminated a few. Flexibility is key, my friends.

4. Reassure yourself

I looked at my calendar and took a deep breath. Knowing everything was under control gave me peace of mind.

5. Care for your child

Then I went back to my little one, giving them all the love and attention they needed. I was present and focused, knowing I had a plan in place.

6. Reset

When my child was feeling better, I took 5 minutes to reset my mindset. I visualized how I wanted my first day back at work to look. This helps a ton. I dove into my calendar and started my week fresh, knowing I did my best.

The takeaway

By the end of the week, I felt fulfilled because I knew I had given my best to both my family and my work. Remember, you’re not alone in this. Every mompreneur faces these challenges, and it’s okay to feel frustrated. The key is to acknowledge, adjust, and keep going.

So, here’s to all the mompreneurs out there juggling work, family, and everything in between. You’ve got this, and you’re doing an incredible job. Keep strong, keep motivated, and keep growing.

Join the conversation

Have you experienced a week like this? How do you handle the unexpected twists and turns of mompreneur life? Share your stories and tips in the comments below or on social media using @mompreneursdigital. Let's support and learn from each other!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Viviana Castaneda


Viviana Castaneda, Digital Mompreneur

Viviana Castaneda has been making waves in the entrepreneurial world since 2017. With a bachelor's degree in marketing and a dedication to her role as a mother, she has seamlessly balanced her entrepreneurial journey with raising her children. As the founder of Digital Mompreneurs, she leverages her personal experiences to develop empowering tactics and strategies that assist fellow mompreneurs in regaining the confidence essential for success, delving deep into the understanding of the human brain, mind, and behavior.


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