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How To Guide Your Mind And Break The Habit Of Negative Thinking

Written by: Kristina Todorova, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Most of us are creatures of habit. Our days are made of routines that we follow almost without a second thought. Such automated behaviour applies not only to our day-to-day lives but to how we think and react to the circumstances and events we face. We hardly ever pause and think about what we think about and how that affects our emotions, actions, and behaviour. We just think and this is where the danger lies.

According to Dr Joe Dispenza, an international lecturer, researcher and author 90% of the thoughts we think today are the same as the thoughts we had the day before. We are that programmed in our thinking and, unless most of our thoughts are self-empowering and conducive to the achievement of our goals, we may well be getting in the way of our success.

Here is why.

Our thoughts create emotions just think about your last holiday what emotions are you feeling by recalling this memory?. The thoughts we think and what we give our attention to create an immediate emotional response. Our response affects the way we perform and interact with others; the way we act and learn; and the way we show up in the world.

Our thoughts are also energy. They contain vibrational frequencies as shown by the work of Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD, spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician and developer of the Map of Consciousness, and act as magnets that attract experiences into our lives. If you know how the Law of Attraction works and embrace its principles, you also know that, according to this Law, “that which is like unto itself, is drawn”.

The more deliberate we are in consciously guiding our thoughts, the better we can become at creating emotions that are empowering and emanate higher vibrational frequencies, hence attracting more favourable experiences; we can begin to intentionally plant beliefs that are working for us instead of sabotaging us. We can replace self-doubt with self-belief, fear with courage and procrastination with action.

Once we learn to see our minds as a tool and understand that we have direct control over this tool, there are multiple ways in which we can begin to guide our thoughts. This is where true mind mastery begins.

How to guide your thoughts.

Here are a few steps that you can do to get into the habit of consciously spotting negative thoughts and their corresponding negative emotions so that you can start reversing them.

Step 1: Pay attention to how you feel.

When you feel a negative emotion, identify what that emotion is. For example, fear, worry, discouragement and where in your body you’re feeling it. I usually feel negative emotions in my solar plexus.

Step 2: Spot the negative thoughts.

Touch the area in your body where the emotion’s manifesting and ask yourself “What is it that I am thinking about now? What are the thoughts that I am thinking? How am I looking at this situation?”.

Step 3: Write these thoughts down.

Grab a pen and paper and write the thoughts down. This exercise will help you become more aware of which thoughts are triggering and prolonging the emotions you’re feeling. If you do the exercise consistently, over a period of a month, you will start to notice all the patterns that are causing certain negative emotions. Once you are aware of them, you can start to intentionally pick different thoughts on the same subjects.

In my personal coaching sessions, I give clients practices that help them shift their thoughts and reinforce new thoughts and emotions, which helps them feel much more confident. However, I always tell them that thought mastery or, as I would like to call it thought leadership is a skill that is developed through practice and discipline. And, the above exercise is the perfect place to start your conscious thoughts leadership journey.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kristina Todorova, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Kristina is a certified Transformational Life Coach and Founder of Coaching for Transformers – a coaching & training company dedicated to helping people learn how to utilise the creative power of their mind and energy to build a life around their passions, talents, and heart’s desires.

Following working as a trainer and corporate coach and helping hundreds of professionals reach a heightened level of performance, she decided to leave the corporate world and embark on the path of entrepreneurship. She founded Coaching for Transformers in 2017 and has, since then, been working with aspiring and new entrepreneurs, helping them create businesses and lives around what lights them up.

Kristina believes that each person is born with a unique set of gifts, talents, passions, and interests, and, through exploring and following them, one can consciously create a life full of fulfilment, joy, and abundance. Her purpose is to help people step onto a path that feels aligned and teach them how to use their mind as a tool to help them realise their definition of success."

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