Written by: Tim Nash, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Like it or not, Zoom, Teams, and their friends are here to stay. Adapting to the world of virtual calls, meetings, and workshops has been a huge adjustment for all of us – a never-ending virtual reality!
I’m not a psychologist but I’m sure the mental health industry is booming. Whatever the new normal looks like once the global pandemic is safely in our rearview mirror, virtual communication is not going away.

Like you, I’ve been on hundreds of Zoom calls and other virtual communications since the world changed in early 2020 – both as leader and participant.
The biggest learning I’ve had as a result of all my exchanges is this:
If you want to lead, inspire or positively influence anyone in the virtual world, you need a strong Virtual Presence – if it’s weak, people will tune out. Fast.
However, you want to be the reason that people tune in, not out!
Not an easy task considering every professional on the planet is suffering to some degree from Zoom fatigue.
In your hundreds of virtual communications over the last two years, how many times have you checked your emails while someone else was talking? Of course, you checked your emails – when else were you supposed to read them! But, when it’s your turn to talk, you want people to listen to you right?
Of course, you do.
Nobody wants to be the person that puts people to sleep!
So if you want to grab someone’s attention and keep their focus on you (not emails!) you’ve got to go beyond yesterday’s Best Practice – camera at eye level, good lighting, etc.
Don’t get me wrong, those things are still important (bad visual or audio, zero influence).
But, they’re basics – like wearing a suit and tie once upon a time.
In this article, I’ll be sharing 5 practical ways to prevent Zoom fatigue from gripping your listeners.
1. Active Listening with Voice & Body
People like to know how you think and feel about their ideas – especially when you like them!
Therefore, use your voice and body to let them know where you stand.
Here are 3 real-life examples for using the voice:
“Okay, I can see that.”
“That sounds very frustrating.”
“Yes, that makes sense to me.”
Here are 3 practical tips for using the body:
Move head up and down to agree.
Raise eyebrows to show interest.
Smile to say, “nice to see you.”
Peak Performance Impulse – To increase your influence with your listeners, give them clear and direct feedback.
2. Strong Voice
Your voice is an instrument that influences how people think and feel about you.
Therefore, it’s important to use it in a way that makes them feel confident and calm, not insecure or panicked.
And when you speak with clarity and structure, they will follow your thoughts and feel confident in your words.
Here are 3 practical examples of clear and confident messages:
“Over the next 5 minutes, I’d like to tell you the 3 main reasons why I believe we should…”
“I’m unsure of all the pros and cons here but I strongly believe it’s in our best interest to move in this direction because...”
“There are 3 main reasons why I think this could help us right now. First...second...and finally.”
Peak Performance Impulse – To grow your influence, make sure they clearly understand your words and can easily follow your ideas.

3. Regular Interjections
If you stay silent when others are speaking, they don’t know how you feel about their ideas. Remember – people want to know how you feel.
Therefore, you need to make regular interjections to tell them if you agree, support, understand, challenge or disagree with what they are saying.
How to tactfully challenge:
“What if we approached this at a slightly different angle?”
“I’m not convinced that’s the best way forward here.”
How to tactfully disagree:
“I’m afraid I have to object to that last point.”
“With respect, I don’t agree with you on this.”
Peak Performance Impulse – To avoid common virtual conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings, make the meaning of your statement clear. With tact.
4. Ready-to-Fly Cockpit
Before a pilot takes off, they go through a basic checklist to make sure the cockpit and plane are ready for flight. You should do the same before your call or meeting.
A “ready-to-fly” cockpit is also enabled to view and process important data. Make sure you’ve got a good control center with the proper equipment where you can do the same.
Here are 2 practical tips:
To be fully present in your communication, take away any possible distractions (e.g. incoming emails).
For important meetings or other virtual events, get two devices up and running in case one fails to work properly or one screen isn’t enough for the situation.
Peak Performance Impulse – Make sure you have good working equipment so that you can actively listen and participate with real presence (always test before using!)
5. Involving Others
To get the full buy-in for your idea or project, you need to involve everyone – not just the key players.
Whether you're the team lead or not, here are 3 reasons why you should involve everyone on your virtual communication:
You increase and cultivate the engagement of all, even the introverts (for Peak Team Performance).
You strengthen your opinions (if they agree with you).
You get all opinions and/or objections out in the open for a better final decision (if they disagree).
How to involve others:
“Susanne, I’d be curious to hear how you see this?"
"Markus, what are your thoughts on this?"
If you’d like to grow your influence in the virtual world, here’s a proven roadmap:

If you really want to increase your influence in the virtual world, I’ve created a FREE GUIDE packed with practical tips and real-life examples to help you skyrocket the positive impact you make on your co-communicators.
Change is never easy. For any of us. Yet sometimes it’s exactly what you need to grow and develop – even when it seems impossible. If real transformation is what you seek, there are 3 things you need:
Mental clarity
Self-confidence and
Positive momentum.
This is the exact aim of my coaching program 1-To-1 Coaching For Peak Performance. Via the empowering principles of Gestalt, I help you build the clarity, confidence, and momentum you need to make the change you seek.
To learn how this could work for you, schedule a Free Strategy Call.
For regular actionable tips and strategies on your Path To Peak Performance: Connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook.
I look forward to hearing about your desired change!

Tim Nash, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tim Nash is on a mission to help senior professionals escape their energy-zapping maze, focus on what matters and pave the way for success. Via the empowering principles of Gestalt, he guides his clients below the surface to overcome what is preventing them from performing at their best.
For over two decades, Tim has helped young professionals to C-level executives lead and collaborate across cultures. He is also the founder of The Path To Peak Performance which includes his dynamic coaching practice and American Transplant web series.