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Meet Janet Henson a Global Divorce & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach

Janet Henson is globally sought-after Divorce Coach, dedicated to guide men and women through one of life’s most traumatic emotional events - divorce. Janet quest is to banish the stigma that still surrounds divorce and prove that the end of a marriage can be the most empowering, life changing and affirming event ever to happened to you. Her coaching experience coupled with her own divorce experience enable her to develop coaching programmes designed to help individuals transform their lives by taking control of their minds, she equips them with the strategies and tools they need in order to successfully deal with this major life event, enabling them to navigate and cope with their journey with positivity and to confidently transitioning into the next phase of their life. Janet specialises in divorces involving narcissistic abuse, high conflict, divorce in later life and expat divorces.

Janet Henson
Janet Henson

Who is Janet?

I am a globally sought-after Divorce and narcissistic abuse Coach dedicated to guide men and women through one of life’s most traumatic emotional events – divorce. I currently divide my time between Cyprus, Switzerland and Wales – not an easy task in the last year as travel has been, to say the least interesting! I am dyslexic, something I found out about later in life. It was not recognized when I was young. Being dyslexic enables me to be very visual and think outside the box to see the bigger picture.

I was born in England but left over 20 years ago. I have lived in over 7 countries, which has given me a global outlook on life. I love to travel and enjoy embracing new cultures.

During my own divorce, I had therapy but I found that no one specialized in divorce coaching. I found therapy and counseling was more about the ‘why’ not the ‘how’. I needed coaching in 'how' to move forward, not 'why' it happened. Quite often in a divorce and break-up situation, this can trigger flashbacks that hinder progress. Therapy and Counselling take you from dysfunctional to functional whilst divorce coaching takes you from functional to optimal.

Following my unmet needs, I found out about divorce coaching and re-trained and became accredited. My wish was to provide the emotional and practical support I wanted and needed in my divorce. I feel passionate about my job and helping clients move on. I am the bridge over emotionally troubled waters. The lyrics of Bridge over Troubled Waters by Simon and Garfunkel mean so much for me and it's what I wish to achieve for my clients.

What is it that you do for your clients?

My quest is to banish the stigma that still surrounds divorce and prove that the end of a marriage can be the most empowering, life-changing and affirming event ever to happen to you, at any age. As a divorcee myself I understand the emotional rollercoaster that hits you like a freight train. I have been there and know how hard the journey back to happiness is.

My coaching experience, coupled with my own divorce experience, enabled me to develop programs designed to help individuals transform their lives by taking control of their minds and equipping them with the strategies and tools they need in order to successfully deal with divorce. My approach is holistic as I am a great believer in the mind and body working together. What is in your body is in your brain. I believe you need to harmonize your body with your mind to operate at full capacity.

Divorce Coaching is action-based, so I guide you through this major life transition by breaking through mental barriers. I do not tell clients what to do. I enable them to harness their own ability to accomplish better results and give them the skills to rebuild their confidence and get their life back on track.

Who should hire/work with you?

I coach in any break up whether it involves a divorce or not. I coach individuals thinking about divorce, those in the divorce process, those who are already divorced but still coming to terms with the emotional fallout.

I specialize in divorces involving controlling behavior, narcissistic abuse, high conflict, divorce in later life and expat divorces.

In my role as a narcissistic recovery coach I also coach clients who are dealing with a narcissist at work, or a parent or in a social setting. This side of my coaching was a natural transition due to my high level of expertise in narcissistic behavior.

As an expert, what are the top 3 biggest "warnings-signals" that a relationship is going downhill?

Controlling toxic behavior by a partner – this increases over time, often resulting in co-dependency and trauma bonding. So you stop liking and respecting the controlling partner, but you find it extremely difficult to leave the relationship.

Infidelity by one of the partners, once trust is lost its really hard to make a relationship work.

Lack of communication in the relationship coupled by withholding affection and attention. In a relationship, silence is certainly not golden. The more you communicate, the better you will feel. Communication is the single most important thing in a relationship, bar none. If you do not have good communication, you cannot have a good relationship.

What is your big goal?

My biggest goal is to help as many people as possible overcome a break-up, narcissistic abuse and re-embrace happiness.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

I see myself continuing in a loving, happy relationship. I used my own techniques to rebuild my life after divorce late in life, to once again find love and happiness.

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!

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