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How to Get Ready for the Love of Your Life

Sonya Gammon is a Level 2 QHHT® practitioner and spirit travel guide who enjoys helping clients delve into their past lives and connect with their highest selves and friends on other dimensions. Her new book is titled The Secrets of the Light of Life: How the Interplay of Polarities Operates in Our Adventurous Universe. She is also the author of From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes through QHHT®.

Executive Contributor Sonya Gammon

We all want to find that perfect partner, the one who will complete us, the one with whom we can share our whole selves and be totally accepted for who we really are. Good news: that person exists. Bad news: you’re not in control of when or if you meet them or if you ever get to share your life with them. But there’s hope. Below, you’ll find a rundown of the three types of soul partnerships, defined in ways you may not have seen before, along with what to do and what not to do to make your dream relationship a reality.

A couple standing side by side, forming a heart shape with their hands, against a bright yellow background.

Karmic relationships

You may have to go through some dicey relationships to balance karma and grow as a person before you can find the love that lasts. We enter each relationship hoping for the best, but sometimes, our karma and psychological wounding predispose us to seek a certain kind of person. At first, they may seem great, but they show their true colors only when we’re stuck with them living in the house we own together, with the children we have together, and it’s no longer so easy to go our separate ways.

Whatever the circumstances you’ve endured, you’ve grown from them and learned to deal with situations beyond your control. Maybe you’re too tired to even think about getting into another relationship. You’ve deleted all the dating apps and are focusing on work and your obligations, carving out time for self-care practices when you can. Ironically, this is when love is most likely to find you, not when you’re searching for it but when you’ve given up on it. If the timing is right, a soul relationship will fall into your lap when you least expect it, and the universe will introduce that person to you in a very obvious way.


A soulmate is someone who is a friend of your soul. You can have more than one soulmate in your life. You may have that one special friend in whom you can always confide. You may have a beloved aunt with whom you always got along best out of all your family. Your dog can even be a soulmate, providing a comforting, loving presence when you need it the most. Or, you can have a partner who is your soulmate, someone who’s easy to get along with, who helps you with everything you have to go through, and who provides you with not only a superb partnership but also a friendship you value above all else.

If you have the good fortune to be together with a soulmate, congratulations! You have most likely shared past lives together, and you have definitely known each other on the spirit side. You’ve made a soul contract with each other to be together and to go through life’s challenges for mutual enjoyment and evolution. Soulmate relationships are productive and loving. You will accomplish many things together, even if it’s just living from day to day in relative harmony and grace. That’s a huge thing these days!

Twin flames

Your twin flame is your soul sibling. If you are a female energy, your soul sibling is a male energy, and vice versa. Your souls were made together in the very beginning, and the two of you form a complete cell in the body of our Maker.

Some people talk about how they can’t get along with their twin flame, and now you know why! Who gets along perfectly with their siblings, anyway? You have a long history together, often involving karma that was made on karma-featuring planets like Earth. You feel attracted to your twin flame because it is a relationship forged in spirit that nothing can sever. You may even have a romantic relationship in this life if it’s a part of the life plan you made before you were born.

If you are lucky enough to have your twin flame in incarnation at the same time as you, and circumstances conspire to give you the knowledge of who your twin flame is, it’s impossible to ignore the connection you have. There will be a strong physical component to the attraction, and if you are not free to pursue a relationship, heartbreak can ensue. You will have been together in previous lives, guaranteed on other planets and on Earth, if you are an old soul. However, often, a twin flame relationship is not meant to be a romantic one, and you’re supposed to be friends and support each other’s work. You always work with your twin flame on the spirit side, regardless of what kinds of interactions you may or may not have on the physical level.

In Claire Heartsong’s book Anna, Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love, Anna describes how she met her soulmate, who was also her twin flame, Joachim, with whom she went on to have twelve children. Their souls knew they were going to meet, and that whole day, Anna heard a mysterious melody. She ran up to a hill without knowing why, spent hours there gathering herbs, and then became aware that the melody she was still hearing was being played in real life “on the lyre and the pipes” by a man on the road below her. Their eyes met; it was instant recognition. “As if attracted by a magnet so strong that nothing could keep us apart, I ran to the path that led to the lone, ancient cedar below. Before I rounded the last outcrop of boulders, there he was running toward me.”


A meeting like that may happen once in a hundred lifetimes, if even then, but you get the point. The attraction is undeniable, and once you discover and acknowledge it, if you truly are twin flames, you will at least keep in touch for the rest of your life.


Soul partners

Everyone has a soul partner, that one person who is their partner forever. You will have had previous physical lives together, and you will have had lives where you’ve never met. Even during those lives, you will have been together on the spirit side when your body has slept and before and after incarnations. Your soul partner is a constant in your soul’s entire sojourn in this cosmos.


You never get tired of your soul partner. This partnership is forged in spirit, and spirit offers a constant renewal of energies. Even if you have disagreements, the connection you share guarantees that you won’t stay angry at each other for long. Here’s what my guides, the Tourmalines, said about soul partners. This material is from my new book, The Secrets of the Light of Life: How the Interplay of Polarities Operates in Our Adventurous Universe.


“Human relationships are very different from the relationships you have with your spirit soul partner, the soul partnership that is anchored in the spirit. That is a partnership that can never be revoked, you see because it was forged when you became an adult being for the very first time anywhere in the cosmos! During your very first incarnation or mode of life, when you got some sort of a body, even a light body, you gravitated toward another being who completed you in a partnership sense. This happened very early in your sojourn as a soul, a soul who started to experience the Maker’s world!”


You are lucky, indeed, if you have met your soul partner in this life. We never know if it’s something that’s slated to happen, either. The worst mistake we can make is to try to find our soul partner or twin flame or a soulmate. If you are not ready and you actively try to seek out your perfect mate, it’s probable that you’ll encounter only heartache and even impostors. You may be told by some psychic that, yes, this is your twin flame or your soul partner, and therefore, you should not leave this person despite their alcoholism, drug problems, violent tendencies, or other toxic traits.


Anyone who is not capable of being loving toward you and fully present for you in the relationship is not a person you should be with. Impostors can fool anyone. Please remember that if abuse in any form arises in a relationship, that makes soul contracts null and void, as spiritual teacher Matt Kahn has said, and you should leave that situation.


Soul partners are magnets. Touching your soul partner gives you a feeling that is beyond this world. The spirit-soul connection you share will be more potent than you could ever imagine. Therefore, if circumstances conspire to keep you apart, it will be the most difficult test of your life and can lead to serious heartbreak. Eventually, the barriers keeping you apart may dissolve, but until then, you will have to endure the hardest test of faith imaginable.


As we are preparing to make the final jump as a planet from a third-dimensional mode of living to a fifth-dimensional existence, more and more people will be meeting the person with whom they share a soul connection, the person who can truly be their partner in every sense. In order to meet that special person, all you have to do is keep living your life to the fullest, take care of your obligations, practice self-care, and stop worrying. Please don’t go out and try to find that special someone. If it’s meant to be, it will happen.


A Quantum Healing Hypnosis session may give you more insights into your relationships. If you are within driving distance of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, you can check out my practitioner page and contact me to book a session, or you can find a practitioner in your area. To learn more about QHHT® and the jump to the fifth dimension, you can also read my book From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes Through QHHT®.


No matter what happens in your love life, please remember that you are the beloved of your Maker. Every being in this universe is the beloved of their Maker, the creator who has no gender and no agenda. I will close with some advice my guides, the Tourmalines, gave me when I was feeling especially lonely.


“The Maker will come into your heart and show you the love that you crave so much. It is not the same as having a person you can touch. If you do not have anyone you love near you, Maker’s love will be a substitute in a way. It will not be the perfect substitute, but you will still have to have the love of your Maker in your heart even if you had someone to love, a partner to love and who would love you back and you would take care of each other, but you would still have to have the love of the Maker individually in your hearts.”

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Sonya Gammon, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner

Sonya Gammon is a pioneer in conscious, drug-free, spirit travel. She started her spiritual journey at age 12 through meditation groups and grew up in a New Age church that was widely seen as a cult. She worked for a decade as a newspaper journalist before becoming a stay-at-home mother. After Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ helped her cope with challenging life circumstances, she branched out into providing diverse spirit travel experiences for her clients that transcend the label of hypnosis and bring about deep healing from trauma. Her new book features channeled teachings about our planet’s journey into the fifth dimension.

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