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How To Get Out Of The Emotional “Not-Enoughness Cycle” To Create Momentum

Written by: Eugenia Oganova, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you felt that as soon as you’ve created a BIG plan;

  • like “Yes! I’m going for this!!”

  • like “Ready to uplevel - to fill that program, to be fully booked"

Everything goes DOWN??...😕

Like things worked out and you’re on this high;

💪“Yes! I signed these clients!

💪I know what I’m doing,

💪I’m an expert, they’re having great results – I’m just loving my life and my business!

💪It will be all awesome from here on!”


And then you are having a “dry spell” and all this fear and worry comes up?


Doubts like:

😟“Maybe I should just stay at the level I am, stabilize and stop trying to expand my business?”


😕 “Who am I to even imagine this amazing thing I wanted?”


😞“Maybe I just not cut out for this?”

That is where it's very tempting to activate that emotional not-enoughness cycle…


If you are starting to get stuck on “I don’t have… (something you want)... so how do I get it??”

You are in the emotional cycle of scarcity!


At this point, it is NOT about “finding external solutions” or “correcting your messaging” or “doing more.”

It is first about exiting the cycle of not-enoughness.

By realizing…

🍄 that you’ve pre-decided you are not where you should be;

🍄 that you’ve pre-decided that you are in lack, missing something;

🍄 that you’ve pre-decided that external event means something about your worth!


These subconscious decisions perpetuate your negative experience.

And thus, instead of creating the next BIG step,

the Quantum leap you were shooting for,

You end up feeling like “everything is crashing down”

(Your motivation, your worth, and your results!)


The good news is that this is all PERCEPTIONAL!🔥

"Perception" means that you decided to believe that specific view on reality.

But this also means that you can choose to believe a better view,

a more empowering and expanding view!


This is literally what I do with my clients!

👉I specialize in helping coaches in personal transformation niche to become masterful in how they handle these internal emotional waves and “periods of darkness” so that they can consciously create the future for themselves and their business that they envision!


🔥 The coveted “ease and flow” and “consistent $10k months”

are all on the OTHER SIDE of this not-enoughness cycle!🔥


👉Here are 3 things you can do to get out of an emotional not-enoughness cycle that sabotages your upleveling:

1. Learn to recognize when you are looking at everything through the lens of lack.

That realization alone will help you become an OBSERVER to your current circumstance – to step back a bit so you can see clearly. If all you have is the “experiencer”, there is no one left “driving”!


2. You need to stop the frantic action, and instead look at the lesson the current circumstance is teaching you.

What meaning are you giving your current circumstance?

  • Like what “Not having the $10k month after previous $10k month – What does this mean about you?”

  • Or “Not having the upleveling result you predicted from your marketing – What does this mean about you?

TIP: 🔥absolutely NOTHING!🔥🔥


If you were exactly where you need to be

(even if your Ego doesn’t like it!)

what will this circumstance mean?


3. You need to give your current situation a new Soul-aligned meaning.

Out of that new meaning will come the correct not-scarcity-based inspired ACTION!


As a Wealth Energetics Business & Marketing coach,

I help my clients become self-masterful

in how they handle their “Dark moments”

so that they could ride the momentum wave🌊

and create consistency of multiple 6-figures in their coaching businesses.


Together we work on aligning your business and marketing strategy to your unique Soul Design – the way you’re meant to do it! – so that you only do what actually works for you

and save yourself years of pressure and forcing yourself into ineffective strategies.


If you know that, even though you’ve achieved so much in your business, this cycle of emotional not-enoughness keeps creeping in – I invite you to apply to work with me.


Let’s set up a free Business Soul Strategy session so that I can look at your specific business situation, and what you need to adjust to stop the pressure and instead create the reality you desire in your business!

CLICK HERE to set up a free no-obligation call with me.

👇 👇 👇

It’s time for you to put your mindset and strategic efforts into correct direction and finally create that momentum and flow of consistent $10k+ months!🔥

Follow Eugenia on her Facebook and join her free Facebook Group, where she teaches free live classes there every week. Read more from Eugenia!


Eugenia Oganova, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Eugenia Oganova is an international Conscious Wealth Energetics Business & Marketing Coach for coaches, healers, and holistic health professionals who desire to fully step into their Soul Mission and live their Purpose through a profitable business. She creates high-end custom business, marketing & energetic strategies so that you can attract premium clients and uplevel to multiple 6-figures without burning out or self-sacrificing. Eugenia is a Soul Strategist and a Self-Transformation expert with over two decades of expertise in spiritual entrepreneurship, transformational therapy, and conscious healing and a best-selling author of 3 books. Eugenia has created many programs that activate long-term core-level transformation in her clients using an energy-based approach coupled with transformational psychology, extensive business and marketing knowledge, and her clairvoyant wisdom.

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