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How To Get Back On Track When Mompreneur Life Knocks You Down

Viviana Castaneda, a mom of two and entrepreneur since 2017, is the founder of Digital Mompreneurs—an empowering brand helping moms bring their digital business ideas to life. With a focus on confidence, time management, and content consistency, Viviana is dedicated to empowering fellow moms in the digital world.

Executive Contributor Viviana Castaneda

We’ve all been there, those days when it feels like the chaos of motherhood is swallowing you whole, and the drive to keep your business moving feels like a distant memory. You're running on fumes, and suddenly, the passion that lit you up when you started your business feels as far away as a quiet night’s sleep. But here's the thing: those moments don't define you. In fact, they can be the catalyst for your next big leap forward.

A woman sitting at table using laptop at home

So, how do you find your way back? take a deep breath, and let's dive in.

1. Embrace the messiness

Before anything else, give yourself permission to be human. Business, like motherhood, is full of ups and downs, and you don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to hit a wall and feel like everything is spinning out of control. What matters is how you respond.

Pro tip: On tough days, I take five minutes to write down everything that’s swirling in my head. All the frustrations, the doubts, the “shoulds” that weigh me down. Once it's out of your head and on paper, it’s easier to see it for what it is temporary.

Example: You’re knee-deep in laundry, your toddler is clinging to your leg, and an important deadline is looming. Instead of spiralling, take a moment to acknowledge the chaos. “Yep, today is hard. But tomorrow is a new day, and I can do hard things.”

2. Reconnect with your why as a mompreneur

When you’re feeling stuck, it’s easy to lose sight of why you started in the first place. But your “why,” the reason you became a mompreneur, is your anchor during the storm.

Maybe it’s the freedom to work from home and spend more time with your kids. Maybe it’s the financial independence to provide for your family. Whatever it is, bring it front and centre when the going gets tough.

Pro tip: Create a vision board (digitally or physically) that reminds you of your "why" and place it somewhere you see every day. Trust me, a quick glance can reignite that fire on the dreariest of days.

3. Set ridiculously small goals

When you’re feeling low, the last thing you need is an overwhelming to-do list. Instead, set ridiculously small goals. I'm talking about five minutes of work just one tiny task. Because momentum starts with one small step.

Pro tip: On days where I can barely muster up the energy, I challenge myself to work for five minutes. That's it. I’ll write one email, schedule one social media post, or brainstorm one idea. More often than not, those five minutes turn into 30. And if they don’t? That’s okay, I still accomplished something.

4. Lean into your support system

Mompreneur life can feel lonely, especially when you're struggling. But here's a truth that bears repeating, you don’t have to do it alone. Lean on your support system whether that’s your partner, your mompreneur tribe, or a mentor. Sometimes just talking it out can spark a solution.

Pro tip: Find a mompreneur accountability buddy. Have regular check-ins, even if it’s just a 10-minute text exchange to celebrate small wins and vent about the tough days.

5. Revamp your routine (or embrace the chaos)

Sometimes, getting back on track means shaking things up. Maybe your current routine isn’t working anymore, and that’s okay. It might be time to restructure your day. On the flip side, maybe you need to embrace the fact that there’s no such thing as a perfect routine. Either way, flexibility is key.

Pro tip: Experiment with time blocking or power hours dedicated, focused time slots where you dive into specific tasks. Or, if the idea of a strict routine stresses you out, try a more fluid approach, picking just a few non-negotiable tasks to accomplish throughout the day, whenever you can fit them in.

6. Celebrate every win, no matter how small

Let’s be real, in the whirlwind of motherhood and entrepreneurship, it’s easy to focus on what didn’t get done. But I challenge you to flip the script. Every single win, no matter how tiny, is worth celebrating. Completed a task? High-five yourself. Had a tough day but still showed up? You’re killing it.

Pro tip: At the end of every day, write down one thing you’re proud of. It might feel silly at first, but trust me, it builds momentum and shifts your mindset from “I didn’t do enough” to “Look at what I did accomplish.”

When those low moments come, know this: you are resilient. Business and motherhood will always have their ups and downs, but you’re learning, growing, and evolving with every step. You’re not just surviving. You’re building something amazing, even when it feels like you’re standing still.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Viviana Castaneda


Viviana Castaneda, Digital Mompreneur

Viviana Castaneda has been making waves in the entrepreneurial world since 2017. With a bachelor's degree in marketing and a dedication to her role as a mother, she has seamlessly balanced her entrepreneurial journey with raising her children. As the founder of Digital Mompreneurs, she leverages her personal experiences to develop empowering tactics and strategies that assist fellow mompreneurs in regaining the confidence essential for success, delving deep into the understanding of the human brain, mind, and behavior.



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