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How To Find Your Voice In A Noisy World

Written by: Rania Badreldin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Whether you are a speaker, writer, coach, consultant, or someone with something to say, it might be challenging to find your unique voice amid all the voices out there. Follow these simple steps!

Get Still Enough

The first step to finding your voice is to turn down the volume outside you! We live in a noisy world, constantly surrounded by other people's thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, which can be overwhelming. Remember to take the time to get still enough to tune into yourself, your deepest thoughts and desires, your values and strengths. Just like everyone else, you have something unique to offer the world.

You can identify it best by listening to that voice deep within you. That requires stillness. Get still enough, often enough. Shut out everyone and everything else and connect with yourself. That's where all the answers are.

Listen to Other Voices

This step might seem to contradict step 1. It doesn't. The truth is we're listening anyway. Plus, we aren't going to hide in a cave forever and only connect with ourselves. So it's more about the who, how, and when of listening.

We learn when we listen to others. We can learn a great deal about them, and even more importantly, we can learn about ourselves. The trick is to do a lot of listening, but not too much, and to process what you hear. Ask yourself: "what does this mean to me?", "what's my take on this?"

To find your voice, it helps to listen to and get inspired by enough diverse voices so that you begin to form a voice that is uniquely yours and not a replica of someone else's.

Focus on What Matters

What do you want? What's important to you? What do you value? What value can you provide others? Identifying these things allows you to form a clear and solid direction and an equally clear and strong voice. Make these things your focus. Remember, what you focus on grows, so focus on what matters most.

It's Time to Stand Out

Forget about fitting in. Once you identify what makes you unique and what's important to you, it's time to shine! Compare yourself to no one but yourself. Just be and do you. You will inevitably stand out and attract the right audience.

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Rania Badreldin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rania Badreldin is a happiness consultant, transformational speaker, writer and NLP & Hypnosis master practitioner on a mission to help people across the globe truly master happiness and success. A pioneer in women and children's wellbeing, her career in publishing and development spans over 28 years. She is a two-time TEDx speaker and has served as a mentor, speaker and moderator on entrepreneurship, leadership, happiness, wellbeing, mindset, parenting and education on countless occasions. Rania is a mother of 3 and grandmother who loves to spend time with her family and enjoys nature, music, quiet time and goofing off. An Egyptian national, she considers herself a citizen of the world and lover of humanity.

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