Written by: Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Finding your true calling is not as easy as asking yourself the typical questions you see floating around all over the internet and in books. These are questions like, “What do you enjoy doing that when you do it, time seems to fly by?” or “What things do you love to do that light you up?”
For someone who feels totally disconnected from their true passion and calling, these questions are no help at all. Oftentimes when they’re asked these questions, the typical thoughts that come up are “I do know what I love to do, but I wouldn’t want to do that as a business.” Or “I love to do a lot of different things, and I don’t know which one I would choose to support me financially.” Or “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Many times though, I hear this one: “I know deep down what I really want to do, but maybe I should just go with the safer bet of what I already know I’m good at.”
Here’s the fact with all of these responses: you’re disconnected from your true calling. I know, you already knew that, but contemplating these questions and searching for your passion won’t magically connect you to your true calling. Want to know why?
Let me give it to you straight.
In order to be connected to your true calling, you need to become the version of you who’s connected to their true calling. And how do you do that? By shedding all of the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from becoming that new person. In essence, it’s a process of personal growth.
You need to allow all of the repressed emotions and triggers to be shifted and resolved so that you can shift into a new way of being and become a new person.
It may sound like a lot of work, but it’s not. Many healing modalities out there approach healing in a way that assumes you have a problem to be fixed. But what if there’s actually nothing to fix and the process is just to intend to become that new version of you who is connected to their true calling, and then release all of the resistance you have to becoming that version of you, and then voila, all of the repressed emotions and triggers resolve themselves effortlessly?
Here's the thing about resolving triggers and shifting into a new version of you: the limiting perceptions that are at the core root of your triggers can very easily shift as you create new neuron connections and receive new perspectives and beliefs. That process is extremely simple. The part that makes it seem difficult is your own resistance to making that shift. Simply put, it’s your fear of change. And that fear of change is resolved by generating a determination and resolve to become that new version of you.
Everything is intention, so when you set your intention on creating something in your life, and you resolve the resistance to getting there, then everything that stands in the way of you getting there clears out, and boom, you’ve become that new person. And that new person is crystal clear on what their true calling is. That person has clear inspiration on what to do and how to move forward. The guessing game and wondering are gone.
So, next time you ask yourself what your purpose or mission in life is, and you feel disconnected from your true calling, remember to set your intention to step into that version of you, generate a determination to get there and allow yourself to grow and evolve through the triggers that come up so that you can resolve them and become a new version of you who is connected to their true calling.
Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Michall J Medina is an award-winning spiritual and mindset coach and an international bestselling author and speaker. She helps aspiring heart-centered visionaries to claim their true calling without waiting to feel ready, by amplifying their ability to intuitively attract opportunity. Before she launched her business, Michall had trained in over seven different healing modalities in search for a cure for her anxiety. As a former electrical engineer, she brought her analytical skills to the world of healing and spirituality and developed a ground-breaking method of resolving the core root of any struggle and shifting it into expansion and freedom. She now shares this method with her clients to help them to access clarity, ease and flow as they connect to and embody their true calling. Michall has been featured for her work in Yahoo Finance, Fox News, International Business Times, Wall Street Select, and Digital Journal. Originally a Texan, she now lives in Israel by the forest with her beautiful cat Stella.