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How To Find Your Flow In The Post-2020 World

Written by: Tim Nash, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Everything is ruined, we lost everything,” said Laurence Willquet after jumping to a boat from the first floor of her house…“we just bought this house eight months ago.”The Guardian July 2021

We’ve all got a few horror stories from the past year and a half…but the heartbreaking pictures of the catastrophic floods in Western Europe trumped most of the ones stemming from the global pandemic.

Unless you were stranded on an island or living under a rock, 2020 was awful – lost jobs, lost homes, and worse.

If we were living in a VUCA world prior to the global pandemic (volatility + uncertainty + complexity + ambiguity), “VUCA On Steroids” is how I would describe life post 2020. There are times when life can be awful and totally unpredictable – with or without a global pandemic.

Times when it feels like the walls are closing in around you…when work is out of control, or your personal commitments are overflowing…

The uncertainty in the post-2020 world doesn’t make things any easier.

However, is there something else going on with you? Do you have an inner conflict you need to look at?

If so, you need to address it ASAP – your performance and well-being depends on it.

Here are 3 simple questions and 3 practical tips to help you recalibrate and find your flow in 2021 and beyond, i.e. greet steroid-fueled VUCA with a smile.

Question 1: Am I overwhelmed?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with what’s on your plate, it could be that you simply need better prioritization skills.

As we know from the classic Eisenhower Matrix prioritization tool, just because something’s important doesn’t mean it’s urgent. Or, that you have to be the one to do it.

Tip 1: Use this tool to improve your prioritization skills, including your ability to delegate.

But, if there is something else going on with you (beyond prioritization), you want to know about it.

Plodding ahead and keeping yourself distracted is not a solution to your problem.

Read on.

Question 2: Why do I keep myself distracted?

If you’re in the habit of checking emails after work or frequently refreshing your Facebook feed on the weekend, I’m sure there are times when you go online even when you don’t have to.

If you’re like me and many people I know, you choose to be “connected” even when you don’t need to be. I get it – you like being “in the loop”. Me, too. But do you really need to be?

The next time you’re tempted to respond to a non-work time email, ask yourself: Can my response wait until I’m back at work?

The next time you go to refresh your FB feed on your phone, ask yourself: Do I really need this app on my phone?

Because of your job role, there are times when your email response can’t wait. But I’m guessing there are just as many times when you could “sit things out”.

Tip 2: Choose the app you use the most on your phone and delete it.

If you can’t live without that FB app, choose another one – I’m sure you’ve got a few favorites.

You might be lost without it…but you’ll probably be just fine.

I deleted Facebook from my phone a few years ago and haven’t missed it much at all.

Question 3: Have my priorities changed? Perhaps the things that were important to you 12 months ago look different now.

As your situation has changed, it’s highly likely that your priorities have shifted as a result.

If one of your goals last year was to run a half marathon, requiring several hours of training per week…you see where I’m going with this.

Perhaps everything looks the same for you as it did a year ago.

If you’re not sure, take a few minutes to check if your current activities are aligned with your current goals and priorities.

Tip 3:

Step 1. Write down your top 5 goals for this year (compare them to last years’ if relevant).

Step 2. For each of this years’ goals, write down the key 1-2 actions that will lead you to it.

Step 3: Once you have the top 5-10 actions from your top 5 goals, you’ve got your current priorities (see Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize).

Getting clarity on these 3 questions will create harmony in your inner world so that you can find your flow in the outer one.

One of the BIGGEST THINGS about post-2020 work that has completely changed is how we communicate with each other.

In every profession, in every industry, in every part of the world, communication has gone virtual…and no one knows how things will go on from here.

ONE THING is clear, however: Virtual communication is here to stay.

Here’s a FREE TOOL that can help you master this MUST-HAVE SKILL for every senior professional – from team or project leader to C-level!

Click HERE for “The 5 Secrets For Virtual Presence”.

Perhaps the chaos and uncertainty of the last year and a half have left you spinning - you’re not even sure what you want right now!

You’ve thought about going for a new job role in your company…you’ve also thought about transitioning away from your company or industry.

Before you can find your flow, you’ve got to first be clear on what you want.

Only then can you focus on the key goals and priorities and create the action plan that will lead you there.

That’s why I created KICKSTARTER – a 3-session 1-to-1 coaching program with a LASER FOCUS to help senior professionals kickstart their next move - new job role, career pivot, or something not yet clear.

Apply HERE for an opportunity to work with me.

If you’re ready for a kickstart, I look forward to rolling up my sleeves with you!

For regular tips and closer interaction, connect with me on LinkedIn. Reach out and let me know you’ve read this article.

With gratitude,



Tim Nash, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tim Nash is on a mission to help senior professionals escape their energy-zapping maze, focus on what matters and pave the way for success. Via the empowering principles of Gestalt, he guides his clients below the surface to overcome what is preventing them from performing at their best.

For over two decades, Tim has helped young professionals to C-level executives lead and collaborate across cultures. He is also the founder of The Path To Peak Performance which includes his dynamic coaching practice and American Transplant web series.

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