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How To Find The Steps To A Fulfilling Life – What Does Energy Have To Do With Finding Your Purpose?

Elaine McGoogan is the founder of The Oneness of You and is a transformational guide promoting self-realisation and oneness. She focuses on embodied transformation and holistic self-awareness. Her programmes, 'Transformational Journey' and 'Living Your Magnificence', aim to reveal an individuals' true essence expressed through the body.

Executive Contributor Elaine McGoogan

How can this ephemeral thing called energy influence your greater purpose, or even help you find the next steps towards your purpose, your passion? In this article, I would like to unpack this question and make the ephemeral more tangible.

geometric pattern resembling the "Flower of Life" symbol

Our world is changing and evolving

Right now, in our world, we’re living through probably the most profound evolutionary changes we’ve ever lived through, socially, politically and on all levels of our personal lives. The new is pushing out the old with quite some force to support humanity’s evolution and take the world into a new era of change and creativity. All of this can cause a lot of confusion, chaos, even hopelessness. Many people are unsure of what’s next: how can we create a better world, a sustainable business, loving relationships and connections? It’s therefore good to remember that all this chaos and confusion is not done to us but for us for us in support of evolutionary growth.

An interconnected universe

Coming back to energy and my question. All is not as it seems in the world. Scientists are finding proof almost daily that shows we live in a world (and universe) of pure energy with everything connected to everything else, and our intention creates the solid matter that we can touch, see, feel and sense here in our world. For those of you, like me, who are not scientists but are science nerds, you might like to listen to Nassim Haramein’s TED talk on The Connected Universe The Connected Universe | Nassim Haramein | TEDxUCSD.

This interconnectedness is not limited to the physical world but extends into a vast, shared reservoir of knowledge and experience known as the collective field of consciousness. The collective field of consciousness is a rich archive, a library if you like, that has existed from the beginning of our human origins. It encompasses all past, present and future creations for each individual and as a collective whole. Each of us, therefore, has a responsibility for the impact we have on this field. This is not a new concept; it has been known and written about in Buddhist and mystical circles for thousands of years. It is known as Indra’s net, our universal “internet” that we can tap into and influence. You can read more about Indra’s net in this article: Indra's Net - Science and Nonduality (SAND).


What if there truly is an underlying flow of energy that we can tap into and cultivate to create the new? A flow that helps us to harness both our individual and collective energy, supporting and guiding us to our next steps in discovering our purpose. We might call this life force, carrying both energy and information. Each time the flow moves, or we make changes in our individual flow, both the forms and functions in our lives are also obliged to change. This is how we create and move towards finding our next steps.

More about flow

We’ve all experienced those moments when everything around and in front of us just flows easily from one thing to the next. This is the first layer of the bigger concept of Flow. In the bigger picture, Flow is a force and energy that moves through everything, matter and non-matter, physical and non-physical, a wave of energy constantly moving. Part of its purpose is to support us in finding our own path. It is a quantum force. What I mean is that, within the Flow, there are endless possibilities and paths that we can choose from or experience. This is a place we know and feel but unfortunately due to limiting beliefs around our true nature, we get frustrated and judge ourselves when we’re not on our path, rather than experiencing the true magic that happens when we fully step onto and allow flow in our lives.

It takes courage, radical honesty, and self-acceptance to embrace change and step into the unknown, but it's through this flow that we find our purpose.

Cultivating flow in our lives is not as difficult as it might sound. Here are some simple ways to find your unique flow.

6 easy steps to enter the flow


  1. The most fundamental tool is the breath. Pause, breathe and connect with yourself. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system bringing the sensation of safety, quickly shifting you out of the fight, flight or freeze mode. Begin by inhaling for 2 seconds and exhaling for 4 seconds. Gradually lengthen your breaths to inhaling for 3 seconds and exhaling for 6, then to 4 seconds in and 8 seconds out. Find your own rhythm with this and let go of counting if it distracts you. The important piece is for your outbreath to be slightly longer than the inbreath. A few minutes twice a day allows your heart and brain to begin harmonising. 

  2. Let your brain relax and shift your focus to your body both through the breath and through your intention to drop into your body. To understand the neurological effects of this process, I invite you to listen to Zach Bush’s video on the Neuroscience of Fear, Rest and Peace: Brain (Page 1) - Zach Bush MD 

  3. Awaken to the Divine intelligence around you by immersing yourself in nature. Divine intelligence can be felt, seen, heard in plants, animals, and in other humans by seeing and feeling their magnificence. Walk in the woods or by the beach. If you don’t have either close by, find a park and sit next to a tree and just breathe.

  4. Find some wild music and dance.

  5. Believe in yourself and gently let go of your fears and doubts with the help of people who love you and believe in you.

  6. Think big, not small, and remember who you are – a multidimensional being having a human experience in a beautiful and precious body.

Perhaps you already know and use some of these practises, and sometimes reminders are needed to underline the importance of having a healthy energy field and body to allow us to step onto the creative flow.

What benefits will you experience?

One or all of the above will elevate your vibration and will support you in stepping onto the flow where life becomes easier and gentler. Your next steps become clearer, leading you to your purpose whether that’s creating amazing relationships, or a career that you’re passionate about, or even connecting to Source energy and your higher purpose here at this momentous time on our planet.

Flow is what carries you through life with grace. It does not mean that nothing challenging happens in your life, but it does allow you to face those challenges from a wider perspective and with many more tools. Elevating your vibration allows you to become more expanded, more confident than you perhaps believe you are. You have more access to all of who you truly are with all your talents, gifts and wisdom.

I invite you to take your time and fully immerse yourself in these six steps, experiencing them as a complete body sensation. And I invite you to embrace the possibility of something beyond what you can touch and feel. May these steps be your gateway into the realm of energy and wholeness.

What is energy work?

I am an energy worker. This is what I specialise in because it’s something I’m truly passionate about. I know this might be a new and different perspective for many people, so I’d like to take a moment to share a bit more about what I do and why it matters. We are all made of energy; one example is our heart, the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body with an electrical field about 60 times greater than the brain and an energy field that is said to reach about three feet outside of the physical body. In my experience it can be even wider.

This energy field around the body is where I do my work. It’s a complex and elegant system that supports, even defines, our organs, bones, muscles as well as our nervous system all the way through to our connection to the depths and essence of who we are. Even though this world of energy is very often intangible, if you allow this bigger perspective, it can change your life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Elaine McGoogan


Elaine McGoogan, Energy worker & Transformational Coach

Elaine knew from the age 30 that her mission in life was to support people energetically during change and transformation. She understands very well the challenges we face when making changes having travelled and lived in many countries. The biggest constant in her life has been her work in the fields of energy and transformation. She trained for 6 years with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, focussing on energetic body-centred personal process and healing and has been working with clients since 2007. Elaine is particularly adept at creating a safe space for clients to explore their true nature, their magnificence and mastery. A space that connects you to the bigger field of all possibilities.



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