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How To Find The Balance In Life? – Five Pillars To Create A Solid Equilibrium

Written by: Dr. Hynd Bouhia, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Finding the balance in life is becoming more and more at the center of debates around self-development and personal well-being, while thriving in business and in the professional sphere. In particular, for women, finding the balance is not an option.

In fact, being a woman is equivalent to playing several roles in the same time. A woman has to optimize her time and her energy between being a mother, a wife, a daughter on the one hand, and a professional, a leader, a CEO on the other hand.

Balance is a life style

There are many sacrifices to be made. Many tough moments to go through. But the most important to remember is that embodying the balance, it a life style. It isn’t punctual, it becomes a way of being. And that life style should integrate the way to feel fulfilled and responsible in the same time.

Finding the balance is a way of being and feeling present and respected in the different spaces where you belong. At home. At the office and in your community. This means given yourself the permission to organize your time in a way that you give every part of your life the attention and the time it deserves.

Integrating that new life style can happen with a thorough Time management scheme and a deep understanding of the pillars.

The five pillars to create a solid equilibrium

There are five essential pillars to build on for you to design a balanced life. They need to be growing in parallel and developing all in the same time.

1. Spiritual Aspect

This is your understanding of the Infinite Intelligence, the Cosmic, the Universe and the Divine Light. When you are able to connect with your inner power, you can reach real peace of mind and find yourself in a lasting state of relaxation.

At that moment, you will become more in tune with yourself and more creative. You will also start feeling and hearing your intuition.

That state of higher spirituality will help you to get in harmony with the law of universe. As a consequence, you will achieve your goals and reach incredible success.

This very aspect will strengthen your faith and help you go through your journey to success, wealth and time freedom.

2. Health Aspect

Take a moment to evaluate how much time are you spending in the health compartment. This includes your eating habits, exercising and having a healthy life style.

In fact, having a healthy life style will give you the energy you need to become successful in business and to feel continuous motivation.

You will think better when your body is fit and healthy. Walking or integrating 10 minutes of exercise in your daily routine will improve your physiology and change it to help you thrive and keep motivated.

3. Personal Aspect

This aspect is related to how YOU see yourself. Do you respect yourself? do you value yourself?

These are important questions to help you work on your self-image and your self-esteem. Everything great you want to create starts with the way you see yourself and value it.

The personal aspect also includes your relationships within your family and your friendships. It has been said and repeated that your life is the average of the five people surrounding you. Thus, it is essential to surround yourself with like-minded people and friends who are encouraging you to reach success and to create a life that you are working towards.

4. Professional aspect

This aspect is related to your work and your profession. This aspect is at the center for professionals as it represents the drive of their careers and their financial wellbeing.

Nevertheless, it is essential to become an expert in a field that you really love and feel connected with.

Because when you are aligned with what you love and what you do, you can create amazing wins all while feeling fulfilled. And to become an expert in a field, one of the common assessments is the 10.000 hours spent studying and mastering that very field.

5. Money aspect

Are your finance the way you want them to be? Are you happy with the amount of money you are making at the end of the month and at the end of the year?

These questions are related to your capacity to attract money into your life and your paradigm when it comes to money. Often, we grow up believing how difficult it is to attract money and that we need to work very hard to get money. This money paradigm can block you from attracting abundance and from feeling that you deserve to be wealthy. This is why shifting this money blockage is the only way to step away from the energy of scarcity and get ready to receive abundance and improve your money situation.

Success and Fulfilment

Reaching success and creating wealth are the tangible results everyone is looking forward to. They can be the driving force when they came within a balanced life. Or they can become a daily struggle and the whole balance is weakened.

This is why, when you understand that keeping the balance among those five aspects, is the most important task to focus on, you can define your map to greatness on a solid foundation. Starting with the spiritual and health aspects, both physical and mental, you get ready to tackle all the other aspects. And notice that the professional aspect which is often considered wrongly the first comes after the relationship aspect.

This is why the Believe-Act-Lead method[1] I have created to help women become great leaders by creating wealth and making an impact, starts with a thorough and deep mindset shift. When you work on your mindset, everything else comes easily. In fact, with the right mindset, you expand the possibility to have, receive and get more.

Finally, when you switch to an abundance mindset, you are ready to embrace opportunities and to see them when they come around. Sometimes people hide behind their faith so that they can avoid making tough decisions.

Decisions are considered tough when they contradict your comfort zone and your way of going by in life, and when they entail taking risks.

To thrive, reach success and create wealth, it is essential to work on all these aspects simultaneously. Feeling fulfilled means that the five pillars are all integrated into your journey to a successful and balanced life.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Dr. Hynd Bouhia, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Hynd Bouhia has cumulated more than 20 years of professional experience in high-level and leadership positions, covering investments, financial structuring, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development strategies. Hynd Bouhia was nominated by Forbes among the 100 most influential women in the world in 2008 and among the most influential women in Business in the Arab World in 2015 and honored as a member of the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars in 2018.

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