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How To Empower Your Life Through Assessment

Written by: Reg Lenney, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Reg Lenney

Your body Is holistic–so is your life! In a world that whirls with demands and distractions, taking charge of your well-being becomes an art of empowerment. At Rijooviness, we invite you to step onto a deliberate transformative path, to Guard and Develop a Legacy that showcases the real you! — one where understanding your lifestyle choices & body unlocks the secrets to a balanced and fulfilled life. As the visionary of Rijooviness, Reg Lenney — The Multi-Award-Winning Lifestyle Architect will guide you through this journey.

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We want to ensure that your reading experience doesn't just inform, but empowers you with actionable insights.

Discovering holistic harmony

Picture your body as a symphony, each note resonating through the chambers of your life. Just as every instrument contributes to a harmonious melody, every facet of your life weaves into your well-being. Conventional medicine often zooms in on isolated aspects, but true wellness embraces the emotional, environmental, and spiritual realms. Adopting a holistic outlook, you step onto a path of equilibrium that merges conventional wisdom with a mindful approach.

Top tips to do now

Harnessing holistic power and empowering your vital force energy

  • Morning Awareness: Awareness is everything! As you wake to start your day, take a moment to observe your surroundings, how does your body feel and what are your emotions?

  • Note the impact of your immediate environment on your mood and energy levels.

Let’s use one of your natural powerful gifts; Your Imagination: imagine yourself laying in your bed, waking from a great night sleep. You become aware you are awake; you then start to become aware of your body and move it a bit. When you first open your eyes, you become aware of your environment and immediately that brings physical and emotional responses, either positive or negative; i.e.: how lucky am i to wake up in this super comfortable bed, in this safe and peaceful environment. Great! good start. Then you roll over and someone is sharing your space; again, you will have an immediate reaction; “OMG, how lucky am I, I get to wake up beside them today”, or it could be “OMG, I have to wake up with them today”… one of these reactions will excite, inspire and empower your vital force energy, the other will immediately lower your vital force energy and drain it. If you are living your days, or your life dreading where you are, who you are with and what you are spending your vital force energy on, all aspects of your life will be negatively affected, especially your lifestyle choices, health and energy levels, it is going to dramatically affect every moment of your day going forward and the life you are creating.

  • Connection Check: Reflect on your interactions with the ones you share your time and energy with. Notice how their presence affects your feelings—empowering or draining?

  • Day Preview: Evaluate your attitude toward the day ahead. Is it empowering and exciting, or do you feel drained at the prospect?

  • Home Sanctuary: It all starts in the home! Consider your return home. Does it provide a sense of peace and rejuvenation, or does it perpetuate stress?

  • Let’s use your imagination again: Your day is done; you are heading home: how does that make you feel? Are you excited to get home? Is this your sanctuary, your safe place of peace and harmony? Is this your space where all masks can come off, you can completely let go, unwind, recharge, reconnect and repair? If not, are you heading towards more draining issues that affect your vital force energy?

it's important to be aware of common symptoms, and lifestyle choices that dramatically impact your health, wealth, fulfillment and happiness.

These include:

Cognitive symptoms:

  • Memory problems.

  • Inability to concentrate.

  • Poor judgment.

  • Seeing only the negative.

  • Anxious or racing thoughts.

  • Constant worrying.

Emotional symptoms:

  • Depression or general unhappiness.

  • Anxiety and agitation.

  • Moodiness, irritability, or anger.

  • Feeling overwhelmed.

  • Loneliness and isolation.

  • Other mental or emotional health problems.

Physical symptoms:

  • Aches and pains.

  • Diarrhea or constipation.

  • Nausea, dizziness.

  • Chest pain, rapid heart rate.

  • Loss of sex drive.

  • Frequent illness.

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Eating more or less.

  • Sleeping too much or too little.

  • Withdrawing from others.

  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities.

  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax.

  • Nervous habits (nail biting, pacing).

Journal Journey Top Tip: Start an “Awareness Journal” today, this is a highly valuable private guide to and for YOU! Record your experiences, noting environments and emotions. Identify empowering and draining elements. When you are feeling low, document it, then you can refer back to your journal to understand choices you are making that negatively affect you, your body and mind.

Empowering Environments. Your surroundings, thoughts, and beliefs wield profound influence over your well-being. A holistic approach extends beyond physical health—it embraces mental and emotional facets too. Your mind and body form an interconnected tapestry, where beliefs shape your reality. To pave the way for true health, happiness, and success, you must become the conductor of this intricate orchestra.

Top tips to do now

Cultivating empowerment

  • Mindful Observation: Throughout the day, become attuned to your feelings in different environments. Recognize patterns of empowerment and drain. This is not a time to bring your emotions in, this is simply a time of reflection to develop your power of awareness.

  • Positive Reiteration: Practice positive self-talk. Reinforce empowering beliefs and challenge negative ones. Observe the impact on your emotions and energy levels. When becoming aware of negative challenges, simply, calmly and proactively look for subtle tweaks and adjustments you can implement now, or gently work toward as soon as possible.

  • The Environment Filter: Assess your surroundings. Are they conducive to your well-being? What gradual changes can you start incorporating to align your environment with your true personality and goals?

Awareness as the ultimate tool

Within awareness lies transformation. Acknowledging the impact of your choices and environments offers the gateway to profound change. Just as a movie can be edited, your life's narrative can be reshaped. Embrace self-discovery without judgment, and let awareness be your guiding light toward health, happiness, fulfillment and success.

Top tips to do now

Embracing awareness

  • Daily Reflection: Dedicate time to journaling. Document your daily experiences, environments, and feelings. Identify areas of empowerment and drain.

  • Empowerment Audit: Review your journal entries. Celebrate empowering moments and consider strategies to mitigate draining influences.

  • Edit Your Narrative: Envision your life as a movie. Identify roles, environments, and characters. Contemplate changes to enhance empowerment.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that your body's well-being mirrors the harmony of your life; the movie you are running in your mind. The assessment is your compass, and awareness is your lantern.

In our next article, we delve into the second vital key—Body & Therapy. Prepare to explore unparalleled restoration and rejuvenation that reshapes your existence.

If you are serious about taking your Health, Wealth, Fulfillment & Success to the next level in your personal or business life, as a gift to my valuable readers like you, I have created multiple guides that I will be sharing with you through the next 9 articles, one for each Vital Key. These guides have been developed over 30 years of living, working and traveling with world leaders and global influencers, sharing the top success secrets I have discovered to easily and effectively achieve the best version of You!

Accountability is the multiplier for success. When we set out to make improvements to ourselves and our lives, transformation is key. Information alone doesn’t transform. My Mentorship & Coaching programs are empowering, “Results Oriented” programs for individuals who have achieved high levels of success, and must maintain extra-ordinary levels of mental and physical performance in order to keep doing what they do, while consistently improving and enhancing their brand and value. They are designed to help you master your true value; YOU! Take control of your destiny, elevate your vital force energy, and dominate your life purpose. Guard and develop a Legacy that showcases the real YOU!

Executive Contributor Reg Lenney

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When chronic constraints are eliminated, unlocked potential thrives.

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Reg Lenney Brainz Magazine

Reg Lenney, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Reg Lenney, a luminary in transformational mastery, wellness architecture, and peak performance, has sculpted a legacy of excellence since 1986. The list of transformational experiences Reg’s clients achieve, together with the processes used, have consistently been rated the “Best of the best” by many of the biggest Brands and Celebrity Personalities around the world. Emerging from a dynamic journey, he wields profound insights to revolutionize lives. Over three decades, he's empowered countless individuals and brands to embrace their true potential. Reg's impact resonates globally. His commitment: Empower every individual to thrive.

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