As a Life Mastery Certified Coach®, Susan integrates spirituality with practicality, guiding women to discover their unique Soul Goal™ and chart a personal path to success and happiness. Unlock your inner wisdom, align your heart with your mind, and uncover actionable steps that resonate with your authentic self.

We, as women, have a natural inclination toward giving. We give our time, energy, love, and support. Often, we do this tirelessly, without a second thought. But when it comes to receiving, whether it is a compliment, an acknowledgment, or a gift, we often hesitate. We brush off kind words, deflect praise, and downplay our accomplishments. This reluctance to receive can make one wonder, why do we find it so challenging to accept the kindness and recognition offered to us? Is it because, deep down, we struggle with feelings of unworthiness?

The struggle with worthiness
The concept of worthiness is deeply embedded in our self-perception. The "W" in WISE Woman stands for Worthwhile. It signifies the importance of recognizing and valuing our own self-worth. However, many of us find it easier to accept our flaws and shortcomings than to believe in our innate worthiness. Why do we so readily believe the negative things about ourselves yet struggle to trust in our positive attributes?
A culture of giving
Culturally, women are often socialized to be nurturers and caregivers. From a young age, we are taught to put others’ needs before our own. While there is profound beauty in this generosity, it can also lead to an imbalance, making us uncomfortable with receiving. We might feel that accepting help or praise makes us appear weak or needy, or we might believe that we must always be the givers to maintain our value.
The impact of unworthiness
Feeling unworthy can have significant effects on our lives. It can impact our self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. When we do not believe we are worthy of good things, we might push them away, sabotaging opportunities for happiness and success. This self-sabotage can create a cycle of negative thinking that reinforces our feelings of unworthiness.
Embracing our worth
To break this cycle, we need to actively embrace our worthiness. This starts with a simple yet powerful practice, acknowledging and celebrating the things we like about ourselves. Take a moment right now to reflect on at least three things you appreciate about you. Maybe it is your compassion, creativity, or resilience. Perhaps it is your sense of humor, intelligence, or ability to connect with others. Whatever it is, hold onto these positive attributes and recognize that they are part of what makes you deserving of all the good things life has to offer.
Practical steps to receiving
Here are some practical steps to help you become more comfortable with receiving:
Acknowledge compliments: When someone compliments you, resist the urge to downplay it. Instead, simply say, “Thank you.” Let their words sink in and appreciate the acknowledgment.
Accept help: If someone offers to help you, let them. Understand that accepting help does not make you weak; it makes you human. It also allows others the opportunity to give, creating a balanced exchange.
Celebrate achievements: Take time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Give yourself credit for your hard work and recognize that you deserve the success you achieve.
Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you offer to others. Remind yourself that you are deserving of love and respect.
Create affirmations: Develop positive affirmations that reinforce your worthiness. Repeat them daily. For example, “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I deserve to receive kindness and support.”
The wise woman says
When we start to see ourselves as worthwhile, everything changes. We begin to attract positive experiences and people into our lives. Our relationships improve because we are no longer pushing away the good that others want to share with us. We become more confident, more joyful, and more at peace with ourselves.
As you go about your day, take a moment to reflect on the positive things about yourself. Write them down if it helps. Whenever you find yourself deflecting a compliment or an act of kindness, pause and remind yourself that you are deserving. Be willing to receive. Just as you give generously, allow yourself to receive generously. In doing so, you will not only enrich your own life but also create a more balanced and harmonious exchange with those around you.
Remember, being a WISE Woman means recognizing that you are Worthwhile. Embrace your worthiness and let yourself receive all the good that comes your way. You deserve it!

Susan F. Moody Intuitive Business, Life, and Success Coach
Susan F. Moody, Wise Woman, is dedicated to empowering women to tap into their own inner wisdom and discover the power of intentional living. Along her personal journey, Susan became a wisdom seeker looking for ways to connect with the divine for inspiration and guidance. She started working with the I Ching, angel cards, wisdom cards, runes and pendulum work over 20 years ago and now offers these spiritual insight tools as an option to her clients. She has also developed a tangible technique, the Soul Goal™ finder, to help clients answer the contemplative question “Why am I here?”