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How To Embrace The Game Of Life!

Written by: Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Everyone has a dream they are chasing, yet many fall short of even attempting to go for it? Take a moment to think back to your childhood. Were you not encouraged to dream big, and if you couldn't do something the first time, you simply persevered? Why is it that when you become an adult, aspirations are squashed, and you get pushed into fitting the 'safe' mold, and instead of wanting, life becomes a bunch of shoulds, generally to please others.

Over the years, I have followed many sports, from my own personal experience in bodybuilding to golf, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, athletics, martial arts, and motorsport racing. What I love most about these sports of individual competitors is seeing the pros remain switched on under pressure. The skill, dedication, and, more importantly, their mental strength can be applied to all aspects of everyday life.

For all these types of athletes, whilst they are challenged in a competition is an individual, the main competition themself. Every time they step out to compete, they must be confident in their ability and give it their best shot. Sometimes it may not go as planned, yet the athlete does not give up, they reassess, plan the next move and go again, using the lessons learned to grow, develop, and ultimately progress.

Doesn't this sound like life? You are the individual and the only person preventing you from getting what you want, are you? Sure, the plan you created may not go smoothly, but does this mean you throw in the towel? Absolutely not! You have to keep moving forward. What's the alternative if you don't? Life is all about evolving and growing, and if you are not growing, then you must be withering away.

Every sports person spends time practicing and rehearsing their sport. If you speak to any successful athlete, you will find that they also practice the art of visualization. With any goal or sport, if you visualize the desired outcome, at a subconscious level, your brain starts to create the neural pathways that will trigger your body's response, so by the time you come to perform the action, it feels natural and effortless. If you want something in your life that you don't already have, then picture having it, feel how you will feel when you have it, and be grateful that you have it. The power you have inside you to attract what you desire cannot be underestimated.

For example, before a golfer even picks up a golf club, they have visualized the shot. They feel the club strike on the ball and see it land where they choose. Once the club is chosen, the shot is rehearsed and then taken, with the ball landing exactly where it was imagined to. A basketball player relentless shoots the hoop, both physically and mentally prior to a game, and a Formula 1 racing driver can talk you through all the corners of any Grand Prix race track just by imagining they are driving it!

See it, feel it, and trust it. You have to see what you want, physically feel it, and then trust that it will come. Trust provides the faith in your ability whilst you practice, and then over time, this faith turns into confidence as they see it, feel it, trust it principle strengthens.

It is essential to build your confidence by physically practicing, using visualizing techniques, and using setbacks and failures as lessons to remove negativity. A small negative thought can penetrate your confidence bubble and start to break it down. As soon as this happens, instead of belief, all there is self-doubt which leads to negative self-talk. Do you remember the last time your plan did not quite go to plan? What was your reaction to yourself? Did you beat yourself up, put yourself down with derogatory terms, or think, "ok, that was not the best, and this is where I will do better?"

If you practice and visualize every day and follow the see it, feel it, trust it principle, this allows you to grow and strengthen your confidence bubble so that when negative comments are thrown around, the bubble does not burst.

Make it a daily habit to take a step forward and do one thing that gets you closer to your goals. Believe in yourself, trust your dreams. After all, if they ignite a fire and you are passionate about them, then who is anyone to tell you not to chase them.

Stick to your guns, be stubborn create an unwavering faith in yourself. This way, if anyone does try to knock you down, you have built the confidence not to listen or take notice. After all, you have seen your dream, felt your dream, and trust that it is yours.

CJ's Top Tips

  • Get a clear vision of your dreams and aspirations.

  • Create a vision board with pictures of your goals displayed clearly.

  • Practice daily visualization and feel excited.

  • Practice your chosen activity daily to perfect it.

  • Become a champion in every aspect of your life.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit my website. Read more from Claire!


Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Claire is an expert mindset, nutrition, and training coach for women, authors, TV presenters, expert speakers, and female empowerment mentors. Claire is the CEO of The Naked Warrior, which delivers 3 winning online coaching programs and Founder of The Naked Warrior Tribe online female empowerment community plus the author of two books — The Winning Formula: Discover the Secrets to Unleash Your Alpha Female and The Winning Physique: How to Get the Competitive Edge on Stage.

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